Wiki YouTuber Virtual
Logo-Mihae Live

Mihae Live fue una agencia angloparlante de idols virtuales consistiendo en Youtuber Virtuales angloparlantes e hispanohablantes creados por Mihae Live Prod.



Mihae Live Prod. tuvo su comienzo en 2021, presentándose como una agencia de idols virtuales con temática de panadería conformada con seis miembros las cuales se irían revelando con el tiempo.[1]


El 28 de marzo, la cuenta oficial de Twitter de Mihae Live anuncio audiciones para reclutar a su 6to miembro de su primera generación[2]. En los próximos meses, Mihae Live fue presentando a sus seis talentos: Inuki Chokora, Nateyo Rakai, Yuyu Nezuyu, Mira Chizukake, Tsukohara Kao y Nekoma Koko.

El 11 de marzo, Mihae Live revelo a Inuki Chokora.[3]

El 30 de marzo, Mihae Live revelo a Nateyo Rakai.[4]

El 22 de abril, Mihae Live revelo a Yuyu Nezuyu.[5]

El 14 de mayo, Mihae Live revelo a Mira Chizukake.[6]

El 28 de mayo, Mihae Live revelo a Tsukohara Kao.[7]

El 19 de junio, Mihae Live revelo a Nekoma Koko, la ultima miembro de la primera generación.[8]

El 27 de septiembre se confirmo la disolución de la agrupación a través de la cuenta oficial de Mihae Live Prod.[9]


1ra Generación[]

Inuki Chokora Nateyo Rakai Yuyu Nezuyu Chizukake Mira Tsukohara Kao Nekoma Koko


Enlaces externos[]


  1. Del canal oficial de Mihae Live
  2. Mihae Live (2021, marzo 28) [AUDITION ANNOUNCEMENT] •Hello everyone! Mihae Live has a big announcement! •We're opening auditions for someone to become part of our team as 6th member of Mihae Live! •Please read and fill the form if interested! -… - #Vtuberの瞳が見たい #VTuberEN [Tweet] Recuperado de
  3. Mihae Live (2021, marzo 11) •Our first revealed member for Mihae Live's first generation! It's @inukichokora ! Lets give her a warm welcome! More about her can be found in   #Vtuber #ENVtuber #VtuberUprising #MihaeLive [Tweet] Recuperado
  4. Mihae Live (2021, marzo 30) •Our second member revealed of our 1st Gen is @NateyoRakai ! ! Let's welcome her with open arms and a big smile! Don't forget to stay on touch for our next member reveal ! More about her in: ! #Vtuberの瞳が見たい #Vtuber #MihaeLive #ENVtuber
  5. Mihae Live (2021, abril 22) •Our third member revealed of our 1st Gen is @yuyunezuyu ! ! Let's welcome her with our biggest smile ! Don't forget to stay on touch for our next member reveal ! More about her in: ! #Vtuberの瞳が見たい #Vtuber #MihaeLive #ENVtuber
  6. Mihae Live (2021, mayo 14) •Our fourth member to reveal of our 1st Gen is @chizukakemira ! ! Please give her a warm welcome and don't forget to stay in touch to know our last members! More about her in: ! #Vtuberの瞳が見たい #Vtuber #MihaeLive #ENVtuber #VTuberUprising
  7. Mihae Live (2021, mayo 28) •Our fifth member to reveal is @TsukoharaKao ! ! Please give her a warm welcome and don't forget to stay in touch to know our last member! More about her in: ! #Vtuberの瞳が見たい #Vtuber #MihaeLive #ENVtuber #VTuberUprising
  8. Mihae Live (2021, junio 19) •Our last but not least member to reveal is @nekomakoko ! ! Please give them a super warm welcome as they're our last member revealed and stay tuned for all debut dates! More about them in: ! #Vtuberの瞳が見たい #Vtuber #MihaeLive #ENVtuber #VTuberEN
  9. Mihae Live Production will be disbanding. Our members will continue as individual streamers and vtubers. Thank you for the support towards our agency. この度、Mihae Live Productionは解散することになりました。メンバーは個人のストリーマー、vtuberとして活動していきます。