Virtual YouTuber Wiki
Virtual YouTuber Wiki
Virtual YouTuber Wiki


Akemiya Kiki (朱宮 キキ) was a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber, who retired after not reaching a targeted number of subscribers.

Introduction Video[]


00 朱宮キキ、最大の危機(自己紹介)

Kiki's introduction.



She has long dark hair in low twintails and red streaks with light yellow eyes.


In late October 2018, a Twitter post stated that she would cease her activities if she did not reach 10,000 YouTube subscribers. At that point she had around 1000 subscribers, and her producers were not undertaking collaborations, advertising or other powerful methods to attempt to quickly gain subscribers. Other VTubers such as Asano Ruri attempted to help. On 7 November 2018, a post and video stated that her project was ending, but that the YouTube and Twitter accounts would be left as-is. She extensively thanked her viewers and fans for their support, and asked them to support other performers and people who are working towards their dreams.


  • Akemiya means "vermilion red" (朱) (ake) and "temple, shrine, palace" (宮) (miya).
  • Kiki (2) is written in katakana (キキ), which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji (葵希, 葵祈, 葵季, 葵紀 or 葵記), it could possibly mean:
    • 葵希 - "hollyhock, althea" (葵) (ki) and "hope" (希) (ki).
    • 葵祈 - "hollyhock, althea" (葵) (ki) and "pray/prayer, wish" (祈) (ki).
    • 葵季 - "hollyhock, althea" (葵) (ki) and "season" (季) (ki).
    • 葵紀 - "hollyhock, althea" (葵) (ki) and "chronicle" (紀) (ki).
    • 葵記 - "hollyhock, althea" (葵) (ki) and "record, chronicle" (記) (ki).

External Links[]


Twitter hashtags[]
