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Amagase Muyu (天ヶ瀬むゆ) is a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber affiliated with NIJISANJI, debuting as part of the unit "Ranunculus" (ラナンキュラス) alongside Umise Yotsuha and Ponto Nei. Previously, she was enrolled as a student in VIRTUAL TALENT ACADEMY (VTA) as part of its first generation.

Introduction Video[]


【初配信】・・・おや!? 天ヶ瀬 むゆ の ようす が・・・!【にじさんじ】

Amagase Muyu's introduction.

Half-human, half-youkai (generic name for Japanese monsters).
She can turn sleeping persons' bad dreams to good dreams.
Usually, she is careful not to be found out that she is half-youkai, but she started video streaming since she wants to see many kinds of dreams.
She has trouble falling asleep.[3]


In general, Muyu is a sensitive and thoughtful girl. She has a sweet and playful disposition, especially towards her viewers, but often gets shy when expressing genuine affection. As a result of being babied by her debut-mates (given that she is Ranunculus' youngest), she likes to present herself as being older and more mature than she actually is. However, she has a tendency to engage in sekizui (脊髄, reflexive) or nōshi (脳死, brain dead) styles of commentary, which means she usually ends up with the boke role in collabs.

Despite not being a succubus, she tends to unintentionally make people fall for her, as she has been described as having a naturally charming and "naughty" personality and a warped sense of personal space;[6][7][8] Kenmochi Toya even introduced her as someone with a "lewd character" for a NIJISANJI tournament.[9] For example, she once nonchalantly answered a on-stream call from Ishigami Nozomi while naked in the bath, and has casually revealed yabai things about herself, including that she dislikes wearing clothes and that her butt is quite large in proportion to the rest of her body.[10][11][12] While she is somewhat puzzled by her reputation, she is not entirely surprised by it, as in her own words, she has always been a "sexy onee-san" though she perhaps puts a bit too much emphasis on the onee-san part.[13]


Muyu has long, reddish-pink hair tied in twintails with blue, purple and gold eyes. She wears a pair of large red and white hairbows with hearts on them and two straight black hairpins and a black, cat head shaped accessory. She has a fang/snaggletooth in the upper left corner of her mouth that is visible when she opens it.

In her default appearance, she wears a dark purple jacket with a pink and cyan collar, orange lining, purple stripes down the sleeves, and her "Nyalaxy" logo printed on the back, accented by cyan-pink gradient ribbons. The jacket is held together by strings laced underneath her bust. Under the jacket, she wears a red striped dress shirt with a lace collar and pink bow tie, and a pleated red skirt. She has a black gas mask with gold ports around her neck. She wears brown loafers with ankle-length red socks held up by band-aids.

Muyu's second outfit, which matches those of the other Ranunculus members, is an idol-style uniform consisting of a white blazer with black tartan and burgundy accents, a cropped white dress shirt, burgundy vest and cravat revealing her midriff, a frilly short burgundy skirt with black trim, a single maroon thigh-high stocking with black and gold trim, and white boots with burgundy laces. Her accessories include a hairband, belt, and brooch, all with ranunculus motifs; a red armband; and white gloves. The outfit also came with a new hairstyle, featuring her hair being let down rather than in twintails.

As a VTA student, Muyu had brown hair tied into a pair of cat ear-shaped buns and twintails. She had the same two straight black hairpins and black cat head shaped accessory that she does in her NIJISANJI appearance. Her eyes were purple-gold. Her fang/snaggletooth was more prominent, being visible even with her mouth closed.

She wore the standard VTA first generation female uniform, consisting of a black hooded varsity jacket with white stripes, a black cardigan, a white dress shirt, a black necktie with blue, lime green, and purple stripes, a pleated black skirt with diagonal pinstripes along the bottom hem, calf-length black socks, and black loafers.



On 18 June 2021, ANYCOLOR announced the launch of VIRTUAL TALENT ACADEMY (VTA), a vocational school and talent development project to help prospective Virtual YouTubers develop skills related to streaming and content creation. Applications for VTA's first generation auditions were accepted from 18 June to 5 July 2021.[14]

On 1 November 2021, VTA opened official YouTube and Twitter accounts and revealed the names and appearances of its first generation students, including Amagase Muyu.[15][16]

On 5 November 2021, Muyu held her first stream  on the VTA channel. Her first Tweet was made on 8 November 2021.[17]

While the students all took part in dance, vocal, acting, and other practical lessons together, they were divided into classes for lectures and classroom-based studying in smaller groups. Muyu was placed in class 1, alongside Ponto Nei, Fura Kanato, and Watarai Hibari; the division was based on their streaming schedules, with class 1 streaming on Fridays and class 2 streaming on Thursdays.[18]

On 16 March 2022, ANYCOLOR announced that Muyu would be graduating from VTA to debut directly into NIJISANJI as part of the unit "Ranunculus", the first wave of Livers formed from VTA graduates.[19] In preparation for her debut, Muyu received a full redesign, and all YouTube videos previously created during her time in VTA were hidden.

Muyu's YouTube channel was created on 2 March 2022, and her Twitter account was also created in the same month. Her first Tweet was made on 16 March 2022.


Ranunculus made their debut on 20 March 2022. Muyu was the second of the group to hold her first stream. Afterwards, all three members appeared on a special debut program on the NIJISANJI Official channel.

Ranunculus' first original song, "DONBURA KONBURA SPEAKERS", was released shortly after the program. This song was written and produced by MONACA's Hirokawa Keiichi.


On 20 March, on the day of her first stream, Muyu reached 50,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.[20]

On 2 April, her channel was approved for monetization.[21]

On 20 April, Muyu held her first stream on her TwitCasting account.[22]

On 18 May, Muyu opened a personal TikTok account.[23]

On 18 June, she announced that she would be going on a brief hiatus from streaming.[24] During her return stream on 7 July, she explained that she took a break because she felt overwhelmed between having to stream and her other work and obligations, having overestimated her limits.[25]

On 23 July, Muyu reached 100,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel,[26] which she celebrated on 1 August by releasing her first music cover, of HoneyWorks' "Fansa" (ファンサ).

On 14 September, Ponto Nei announced during a zatsudan stream that Ranunculus would receive their second 2D outfits, revealing them via a stream relay on 16 September to commemorate their half-anniversary since debut.[27] On 16 September, Muyu was the second to debut her second outfit.[28] At the end of the relay, the three members together announced the release of Ranunculus' first voice drama, "To Bloom in the Spring", as well as their half-anniversary line of goods.[29]

At NijiFes 2022, which was held from 1 October to 2 October, she took part in the Senpai ni Kiita Ranunculus no Daiichi Inshō wo Atero!!!!! stage on Day 2 alongside the other members of Ranunculus.

On 3 November, her channel became open for memberships.[30]


On 31 January, Muyu took a brief break from streaming due to being hospitalized for gastroenteritis. She returned on 3 February for an appearance on the NIJINoon NIJISANJI 5th Anniversary Special, and resumed streaming on 4 February.[31][32]

On 16 March, Ranunculus released their first group cover for their first debut anniversary, of "GETCHA!" by Giga & KIRA.

On 31 March, NIJISANJI announced the 3D debut of Ranunculus as a group, with all of them happening in April for each member over the course of the following 3 weeks.[33] Muyu was the third to have her 3D model debut on 21 April.[34] Her 3D debut stream peaked at over 40,000 concurrent viewers.[35]

On 19 June, Muyu was announced to be part of the regular cast of the original show NIJISANJI Ninki VTuber Daishūketsu! THE Asobi Ō Ketteisen, which featured a group of NIJISANJI Livers completing challenges in the real world using their 3D models, competing for a prize of 1 million yen. It began airing on DMM TV on 23 June.[36]

On 24 June, NIJISANJI announced that Ranunculus would be holding their first 3D live concert on 30 June.[37] It was streamed for free on Umise Yotsuha's channel. At the concert, they debuted their second original song, "Kamisama Record" (カミサマレコード), which was released on digital platforms at midnight the next day, followed by the music video on 7 July. Like "DONBURA KONBURA SPEAKERS", the song was written and produced by MONACA's Hirokawa Keiichi.

From 8 July onwards, she has been on a hiatus from streaming for as of yet undisclosed reasons. However, she has continued to make guest appearances on other Livers' streams, and has participated in song cover collaborations and official NIJISANJI-related schedules.

From 4 November to 11 November, coinciding with the second anniversary of their VTA debuts, the 8 former members of VTA's first generation who ultimately debuted with NIJISANJI held the Ano 8-Nin Nayutan Medley (あの8人でナユタンメドレー), a cover relay in which each member sang a different NayutalieN song. Muyu released a cover of "Cosmology of NyanNyan" (猫猫的宇宙論) on 10 November as part of this relay. The relay concluded with a cover of "Alien Alien" (エイリアンエイリアン) by the full group on 12 November.


Main page: Amagase Muyu/Discography
DONBURA KONBURA SPEAKERS as Ranunculus 20 March 2022    
2434 Ranunculus 220320 DONBURA KONBURA SPEAKERS Cover
External links
Digital Release • Music Video • YouTube
Kamisama Record (カミサマレコード) as Ranunculus 01 July 2023    
  1. "Kamisama Record" (カミサマレコード)
Ranunculus - Kamisama Record
External links
Digital Release • Music Video • YouTube



  • On 24 June, the fifth NIJISANJI and Sweets Paradise collaboration café involving Noctyx and Ranunculus was announced, running from 1 July to 7 August.[38] Participating locations served food and drink items themed after the individual members, and customers could receive other goods such as place mats and coasters with eligible purchases.
  • On 4 September, it was announced that Muyu would be added as a character in WIXOSS as part of the NIJISANJI DIVA expansion, with the collaboration pack going on sale on 24 December.[39]




  • Muyu's fans are officially referred to as "Famuyu" (ふぁむゆ). She also playfully calls people who "like her too much" "Muyu no Onna" (むゆの女, Muyu's Girls), even if they happen to be men. She tends to refer to her fans more often by the latter.[41]
  • Her channel membership comes in two tiers: "Yume no Naka" (夢のなか, Inside a Dream) as the first tier and "Muyu no Naka" (夢癒のなか, Inside Muyu) as the second.
  • Her fanmark is 💭 (thought balloon).



  • Greetings:
    • "NIJISANJI shozoku virtual Liver - minna wo yume de iyashimasu, Amagase Muyu desu." (にじさんじ所属バーチャルライバー みんなを夢で癒やします、天ヶ瀬むゆです。As a virtual Liver from NIJISANJI - healing everyone with dreams, it's Amagase Muyu.) - Opening
    • "Acchi muite~ kocchi muite~, Muyuchi mite!" (あっちむいて~こっちむいて~、むゆち見て!, Look over there~ look over here~ look at Muyuchi!) - Rejected opening[44]
    • "Otsumuyu~" (おつむゆ~) - Ending
  • "Muyu say, chat is only girl. Boys watching Muyu stream become girl."[41]
  • "Jinsei tte, 'yes' nanka na tte omotta no ne. Yappa migi swipe jan. Kore are yo, matching appli no yatsu" (人生って、Yesなんかなって思ったのね。やっぱ右スワイプじゃん。これあれよ、マッチングアプリのやつ, I think that life is all about saying "yes", isn't it? Life is like swiping right. Like in a dating app.)[45]
  • "Hug wa aisatsu yan ka!" (ハグは挨拶やんか!, Hugs are greetings, aren't they?)[46]
  • "Kore kara mo, issho ni yume wo mi ni ikou!" (これからも、一緒に夢を見に行こう!, From now on, let's keep on dreaming together!)[34]
  • "Uu, iinaretenaishi... nodo kara tsukkaete denai yo... 'kirai' toka kantan ni ieru no ni, nande 'suki' toka wa nodo ni tsukkaete nakanaka dete konaindakedo ne. Hontō kansha shiteru shi... okage dashi... minna no koto ga, suki tte koto. (うぅ、言い慣れてないし…喉からつっかえて出ないよ…『嫌い』とか簡単に言えるのに、なんで『好き』とかは喉につっかえてなかなか出てこないんだけどね。本当感謝してるし…おかげだし…みんなのことが、好きってこと。 Uu, I'm not used to saying it... it's stuck in my throat and won't come out. Even though it's so easy for me to say "hate", why is it that things like "like" get stuck in my throat and won't come out. I'm truly grateful, after all... and it's all thanks to you, after all... I, love all of you.)[47]



Character and Lore[]

  • She is a half-human, half-yōkai hybrid capable of feeding on peoples' dreams, though she chooses to only eat bad dreams. She is neither a baku nor a succubus. However, her yōkai father disappeared when she was young before he could clearly tell her about her heritage, so she is not entirely sure what exactly she is.[51]
  • She does not need to eat dreams for nourishment, however she becomes depressed if she is unable to eat them, and in that sense it is something necessary for her to do. She has compared it to the feelings of someone who loves going out being forced to stay inside, or someone who can't do something they love.[52]
  • While her sleep quality is not particularly good, in line with what her profile states, her other "powers" as a hybrid include being able to sleep a lot on her days off and being able to sleep anywhere.[52][53]
  • Muyu herself used to be unable to dream - her "dream" was to become able to dream through her activities as a Liver,[54] which she was finally able to achieve after her 3D model debut.
  • Out of fear of making her classmates uncomfortable, she hid her hybrid nature as a VTA student and pretended to be a normal human. However, when becoming a full-fledged Liver she had to disclose it on her résumé, so she "came out" as a half-yōkai at that point. She went through school normally while hiding her true nature as well.[54][55]
  • It is implied that she ate the nightmare Seraph Dazzlegarden had on 1 April 2023,[56] which may be the in-lore reason why he appears to have no memory of it. It was apparently such a big meal that it gave her heartburn.[57]
  • Due to her yōkai heritage, she became quite nervous and reluctant to congratulate Koyanagi Rou on debuting, as according to the latter's lore, he slays yōkai.[58] Her fears turned out to be founded as Rou reacted by drawing his sword,[59] with Muyu being shocked that he would decide to cut her down so quickly.[60]

Minna wo Yume de, Iyashimasu[]

(More... if I don't, eat more... not enough... not enough... emotions...... need more.........)
- Amagase Muyu, 20 April 2023[61]
  • On 21 April 2023, Muyu began her 3D model reveal stream, titled after her catchphrase, "minna wo yume de, iyashimasu" (みんなを夢で、癒やします, healing everyone with dreams). While it started off light-hearted and cute as expected, Muyu's speech began to glitch and distort, while the highlights faded from her eyes. She then collapsed, and was quickly escorted off-stage by her debut-mates.
――When she came to, she found herself in the middle of a "dream world".
As she wandered through this mysterious world, she came across a stuffed animal, one that she had cherished as a child.――

(Amagase Muyu, questioned if the "feelings" she was experiencing were real.)

(I'm wondering if the "fun" and "happiness" that I'm feeling right now are fake.)
(After all, I'm a half-human, half-yōkai who eats peoples' dreams. Even if I think I "feel" like other people do, they're just someone else's emotions that I got by eating their dreams.)
(The real Muyu... I can't "feel" anything at all. Not quite a human, not quite a yōkai, just an empty......)
(I'm afraid... I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid! I don't care who it is, I need someone's emotions, it doesn't matter whose!)

(Amagase Muyu, started eating peoples' dreams because she was unsettled.)

  • At that point, the reason why Muyu now only eats nightmares was revealed: when she was young she ate the dreams of the people around her, both good and bad, out of an obsessive desire to feel the same positive emotions that she saw them expressing, like "gratitude", "happiness", "love", and "fun". She then saw the effect her indiscriminate devouring of dreams had - the people around her no longer expressed anything at all. From then on, she chose to only eat bad dreams.
  • She was reassured that her curiosity about emotions wasn't what caused her isolation, as "children discovered new emotions all the time". Rather, she had subconsciously chosen to be alone because of her powers and her inhuman nature, to avoid being ostracized and to avoid hurting others.

(I was just unsettled, wondering if I was different from everyone else. All I wanted was to know what human emotions were like! It's not like I wanted to be alone!)

――But, she wasn't alone anymore.――

(Amagase Muyu, realized it. And then, remembered. The "feelings" that Amagase Muyu had, were hers and hers alone.)

(The Amagase Muyu in front of you right now, is really Amagase Muyu. The half-human, half-yōkai, dream-eating, living, breathing, Amagase Muyu.)

(I am not quite a human, not quite a yōkai - just "Amagase Muyu".)

(The feelings I'm feeling right now are mine alone. I feel like today, I met my true self.)

"おはよう 久しぶりに夢を見た気がするよ💭"
(Good morning! I feel like I dreamt for the first time in a long time. 💭)
- Amagase Muyu, 22 April 2023[62]


  • Her surname Amagase is written as 天ヶ瀬, with 天 (ama) meaning heaven or heavenly, ヶ (ga) being a possessive indicator, and 瀬 (se) meaning rapids or current.
  • Her given name Muyu is written in hiragana (むゆ), usually reserved for feminine names. As a VTA student, Muyu's given name was written in kanji as 夢癒, with 夢 (mu) meaning dream, and 癒 (yu) meaning to heal. Her name spelled this way is her "real name", but she decided to use hiragana when debuting with NIJISANJI as she felt it would be easier for people to read.[2]
    • She still makes occasional references to the original spelling of her name, for example in her catchphrase "minna wo yume de iyashimasu!" (みんなをやします!) and the second tier of her channel membership, Muyu no Naka (夢癒のなか), which happens to grant access to VODs of her VTA-era streams.
    • In-universe, she surmises that her yōkai father gave her her name in order to guide her with regard to what she should do with her powers.[51]


  • Hobbies: Dance
  • Likes:[2][52]
    • Games: VALORANT
    • Food: White rice, butter chicken curry, Japanese food in general, amanattō
    • Pokémon: Musharna
    • Perfume: Still by Jennifer Lopez
    • Other: Small, cramped spaces (as she has mild agoraphobia)
  • Dislikes:[2][52]
    • Food: Coriander, mustard, wasabi, tōgarashi, unagi, anything with a very strong flavor
    • Other: Computers, jumpscare-type horror, pollen season, sunlight (it causes irritation)


  • While she has not revealed her age publicly (beyond the fact that she is old enough to drink) because she does not "want to be treated either as a baby or an auntie" (and because hybrids count age slightly differently than humans), she is known to be the youngest member of Ranunculus. As a result, she often ends up getting treated like a baby by her debut-mates anyway despite her protests.[63]
    • Of note, this does mean that she is younger than Ponto Nei, who was 20 years old at the time of her debut in 2022, and older than Kaburaki Roco (known to be the youngest member of Ano 8-Nin), who was 18 years old at the time of her debut in 2023.
  • She is one of the taller female livers in NIJISANJI's main branch (behind only Shirayuki Tomoe, Dola, Oh Jiyu, Elu, Hayase Sou, and Luis Cammy); she is insecure about her height and has a bit of a complex about how tall she is.[52] While she admits that there are times that she wants to be "small and cute" and is quite self-conscious about the fact that she is taller than a good number of the men she passes by on the street, she does like the fact that fashion tends to look quite good on her.[64]
  • Much like the rest of Ranunculus, she is rather technologically inept, and is known for frequent typos, accidentally muting, accidentally closing the stream, etc. One of her particularly infamous pon incidents was when she accidentally made what was supposed to be a channel members' only VOD visible to everyone for a few hours.[65]
  • Her gas mask serves no practical function; it was just something she found lying around at the ANYCOLOR office that she thought looked cool.[52]
  • She owns two cats, both Scottish Folds.[52]
  • Her favorite subject in school was Japanese.[52]
  • She is an excellent cook, particularly when it comes to sweets and desserts.[66] As a VTA student, she would often post pictures of the food she made on their Twitter account.
  • Her mother, who she refers to as Hahagase (母ヶ瀬), is aware that Muyu is a VTuber and in fact watches streams and clips of NIJISANJI Livers. However, while she does watch her daughter's streams, according to Muyu her mother's favorite is probably Seraph, much to Muyu's chagrin.[67]
  • She took the Pottermore Hogwarts House test and was sorted into Hufflepuff; during her playthrough of Hogarts Legacy, she was sorted into Gryffindor.[68]
    • Interestingly, the four girls of Ano 8-Nin were each sorted into the houses roughly corresponding to their image colors for their respective Hogwarts Legacy playthroughs: Umise Yotsuha into Hufflepuff,[69] Muyu into Gryffindor,[68] Nei into Ravenclaw,[70] and Roco into Slytherin.[71]
  • She had no streaming experience prior to applying to VTA. She decided to make entering NIJISANJI her goal as opposed to applying to other companies because she was envious of how its Livers had fun together regardless of gender or species. Up until that point, Muyu had always pretended to be human; she wanted a place where she could simply be herself.[72]
  • Her NIJISANJI oshi is Ishigami Nozomi,[73] who hilariously is a human who pretends to be believes that she is a half-human, half-demon hybrid. This leads to unintentional comedy whenever Muyu, who genuinely believes that Nozomi is a fellow hybrid, asks the latter about her nonexistent experiences as one.[10][74]

External Links[]


Twitter Hashtags[]

Further Reading[]

Nijisanji logo (V T E)
First Generation Tsukino Mito (🐰)Elu (🗼)Higuchi Kaede (🍁)Shizuka Rin (💜)Shibuya Hajime (🌱)Moira (😇)
Retired Yuki Chihiro (🎀💙)Suzuya Aki (🐈)
Second Generation Mononobe Alice (♥️♠️♦️♣️)Fushimi Gaku (✌)Ienaga Mugi (🌷)Morinaka Kazaki (🐻)Ushimi Ichigo (🍓)Yuhi Riri (🌇)Kenmochi Toya (⚔️)Gilzaren III (🏰🌕)Fumino Tamaki (🐟)
Retired Suzuka Utako (🎶)
Gamers(1) Kanae (🔫)Akabane Youko (💀)Sasaki Saku (🎋)Honma Himawari (🌻)Makaino Ririmu (🍼)Kuzuha (🎲)Shiina Yuika (👻)
Retired Yamiyono Moruru (🍜)Setsuna (❄️)
SEEDs(1) Dola (🔥)Hanabatake Chaika (🌵)Ryushen (🐼)Sister Claire (🔔)Suzuki Masaru (☪)Todoroki Kyoko (🐐)Uzuki Kou (🌙)Yashiro Kizuku (🖥)Kanda Shoichi (🔪)Amemori Sayo (☔️)Takamiya Rion (🦅)Asuka Hina (🐤)Maimoto Keisuke (👨‍🌾)Debidebi Debiru (🚪👿)Rindou Mikoto (🍶⚜️)Joe Rikiichi (🤡🎈)Machita Chima (🐹)Sakura Ritsuki (🌸🌙)Belmond Banderas (🥃)Yaguruma Rine (🌽)Yumeoi Kakeru (🎤)Kuroi Shiba (🐕🐾)
Retired Hassaku Yuzu (🍊)Nakao Azuma (☀️)Naruto KoganeUmiyashano Kami (⛩)Tsukimi Shizuku (🎑💊)Achikita Chinami (🍬)Izumo Kasumi (🦑)Azuchi Momo (🍑)
VOIZ Harusaki Air (🍭)
Retired Naruse Naru (🎙)Kaminari PoaroKurohane Kuroto
2019 Wave Yuzuki Roa (🌖)Onomachi Haruka (♨️)Kataribe Tsumugu (📘🧂)Seto Miyako (📷💚)Inui Toko (🍹)Ange Katrina (⚖)Lize Helesta (👑)Saegusa Akina (🌶)Aizono Manami (🦀💕)Yukishiro Mahiro (🌐✨)Ex Albio (🛡)Levi Elipha (🔲)Hayama Marin (🍃🗻)Nui Sociere (🎃)Hakase Fuyuki (⚗)Kagami Hayato (🏢)Yorumi Rena (🎩🐤)Ars Almal (📕)Amamiya Kokoro (🎐)Eli Conifer (🌲)Ratna Petit (🐻💎)Hayase Sou (🏃‍♀️💨)Sukoya Kana (💉💘)Shellin Burgundy (🧐)Fumi (🔖)Hoshikawa Sara (🌟)Yamagami Karuta (🎴)Matsukai Mao (💥)Emma★August (★)Luis Cammy (❤️🦋)Fuwa Minato (🥂✨)Shirayuki Tomoe (👠⛓️)Gwelu Os Gar (😎)Mashiro Meme (🧷)Naraka (✖🍳)Kurusu Natsume (🐏🎵)
Retired Aiba Uiha (🍮💎)Mayuzumi Kai (💻💙)Warabeda Meiji (🐺🍎)Kudou Chitose (🧠)Shindo Raito (terminated)Otogibara Era (🏰🕛)Suzuhara Lulu (🎨)Gundo Mirei (🐽)
2020 Wave Furen E Lustario (🎠)Ibrahim (💧)Nagao Kei (☯️)Genzuki Tojiro (🎻🛵)Kaida Haru (🌞)Sorahoshi Kirame (🌌)Suo Sango (💞🦩)Todo Kohaku (🍯)Kitakoji Hisui (✳)Nishizono Chigusa (🐬🌱)
Retired Kingyozaka Meiro (🩰)Melissa Kinrenka (🐝)Asahina Akane (🦖🎖)
2021 Wave Lauren Iroas (🗝💸)Leos Vincent (🥼🌱🐱)Oliver Evans (🍵)Lain Paterson (❤️‍🔥)
Retired Axia Krone (🐈‍⬛)
2022 Wave Umise Yotsuha (🍀)Amagase Muyu (💭)Ponto Nei (🫐)Hyakumantenbara Salome (💯🦂)Fura Kanato (🍝🍷)Watarai Hibari (♦️☕️)Shikinagi Akira (📄🖋)Seraph Dazzlegarden (🦉)
2023 Wave Igarashi Rika (⚾️🧡)Koshimizu Toru (🫧)Ishigami Nozomi (❤️‍🩹)Sophia Valentine (🐰🗞️)Kuramochi Meruto (🧸🌙)Kaburaki Roco (🍕🎢)Shishido Akari (🐱💫)Akagi Wen (🍱🦖)Usami Rito (🌩️)Hibachi Mana (🐝🤣)Saiki Ittetsu (🤝)Murakumo Kagetsu (🥷🔫)Hoshirube Sho (🐙🌟)Koyanagi Rou (👻🔪)Inami Rai (💡)Tachitsute Toto (🪓🎀)Shioriha Ruri (🚓🐾)Milan Kestrel (🦋⏳)
2024 Wave Kitami Yusei (📿🍔)Kaisei (🔑🐍)Sakaki Ness (🫖🌿)Tamanoi Nana (🛼)Shiga Riko (📒)Kisara (🪞) Kozue Mone (🪷)Lunlun (🥨🍚)Nanase Suzuna (🥗)Saotome Berry (🍰🧁)Kirara Tamako (🐣📛)Sakayori Soma (🍇)Nagisa Trout (🐟🍴)
NIJISANJI ID(2) Hana Macchia (☕)Rai Galilei (🚨)Layla Alstroemeria (🕰️🌺)Etna Crimson (🌋🍔)Nagisa Arcinia (🐥🍭)Derem Kado (🎁)
Retired Miyu Ottavia (🦦)ZEA Cornelia (🔶)Taka Radjiman (🍖)Siska Leontyne (🔦🦁)Amicia Michella (🐧)Azura Cecillia (👽)Nara Haramaung (🐯)Reza Avanluna (🌒🎸☁)Hyona Elatiora (🐾🏵)Xia Ekavira (⚗️ 🎼)Mika Melatika (👻📌)Riksa Dhirendra (💥)Bonnivier Pranaja (🎣)
NIJISANJI KR(2) Min Suha (🌊)Gaon (👔)So Nagi (🌧)Akira Ray (😸)Lee Roha (🔰)Yang Nari (📌)Ryu Hari (👁‍🗨)Oh Jiyu (⚜️)Seffyna (💗🌕)Ban Hada (🏴‍☠️)Ha Yun (🎮 🦭🍔)Na Sera (🌸🌙)
Retired Chae Ara (🌹💛)Han Chiho (🌑🦋)Song Mia (🍡)
NETWORK(3) Tenkai Tsukasa (🎲)Fairys-chan (🐦)
Intl. branches VirtuaRealNIJISANJI ID (merged branch)NIJISANJI IN (dissolved branch)NIJISANJI KR (merged branch)NIJISANJI EN
(1) Programs merged with main NIJISANJI group.

(2) Indonesia and Korea branches merged with main NIJISANJI branch.
(3) Program terminated; members are active but are no longer affiliated with NIJISANJI.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, April 11). 【リングフィットアドベンチャー】腹筋割れてるし、まだ。【 天ヶ瀬 むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, March 20). 【初配信】・・・おや!? 天ヶ瀬 むゆ の ようす が・・・!【にじさんじ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  3. Amagase Muyu's page on the NIJISANJI official store [Webpage]. (n.d.).
  4. 4.0 4.1 Amagase Muyu's Corporate Profile [Webpage]. (n.d.).
  5. Amagase Muyu's page on the NIJISANJI official store (zh) [Webpage]. (n.d.).
  6. Rindou, M. [竜胆 尊 / Rindou Mikoto]. (2023, January 27). 【 つぐのひ 】左に進むだけの恐怖体験…?!【 竜胆尊┆にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  7. Yamagami, K. [山神 カルタ / Karuta Yamagami]. (2023, January 31). 【雑談】修行早く終わったからしゃべろ!【にじさんじ/山神カルタ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  8. Aizono, M. [愛園 愛美/Aizono Manami]. (2023, April 14). 【パワーウォッシュシミレーター】今年の汚れ今年のうちに【にじさんじ/愛園愛美】 [Video]. YouTube.
  9. Kenmochi, T. [剣持刀也]. (2023, March 2). おえもりにじさんじ杯 説明&抽選会 [Video]. YouTube.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Ishigami, N. [石神のぞみ / Ishigami Nozomi【にじさんじ】]. (2023, May 13). 【10万人記念】陰キャでも目標のためなら逆凸で仲間を集められるはず!【石神のぞみ/にじさんじ所属】 [Video]. YouTube.
  11. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, April 13). 【ランチタイム雑談】性格免許証を作る!【 天ヶ瀬 むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  12. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, April 24). 🍙雑談⌇ めろんなのかまっちゃなのかつつじもあり得る【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  13. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, May 22). 🍙雑談⌇ 棒アイスとねこちゃんはもともと液体だったのだ【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  14. ANYCOLOR Inc. (2021, June 18). にじさんじ発タレント育成プロジェクト「バーチャル・タレント・アカデミー」開講決定!本日6月18日(金)より第1期候補生募集開始! [Article]. PR Times.
  15. バーチャル・タレント・アカデミー [@VTA_ANYCOLOR]. (2021, November 1). 【🏫バーチャル・タレント・アカデミー本格始動!】 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  16. バーチャル・タレント・アカデミー [@VTA_ANYCOLOR]. (2021, November 1). 【🏫アカデミー生によるYouTube配信開始!】 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  17. バーチャル・タレント・アカデミー [@VTA_ANYCOLOR]. (2021, November 8). [天ヶ瀬夢癒]今日も一日おつかれさまです 初配信は見ていただけましたか?緊張したけど、暖かい応援に助けられました!ありがとう良かったらアーカイブでも見て下さいね 次は全力肯定委員会!ネタから激重感情長文までなんでも受け止めるよ〜!気軽に送ってね [Tweet]. Twitter.
  18. Os Gar, G. [Gwelu Os Gar 【nijisanji】]. (2022, March 30). 【にじさんじ】直撃VTAインタビュー【グウェル・オス・ガール/フミ/天ヶ瀬むゆ/海妹四葉/先斗寧】 [Video]. YouTube.
  19. ANYCOLOR Inc. (16 March 2022). From Virtual Liver group "NIJISANJI", three new members are debuting as "Ranunculus"! [Article]. PR Times.
  20. NIJISANJI YouTube Subscribers Counter Bot [@2434subscriber]. (2022, March 20). Amagase Muyu 50,000 subscribers milestone [Twitter Bot]. Twitter.
  21. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, April 2). 【祝☆収益化】みんなのおかげ!ありがとう!!!【 天ヶ瀬 むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  22. 天ヶ瀬むゆ💭 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2022, April 20). はじまるよ〜ん!!! モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 - / はじめてのきゃす [Tweet]. Twitter.
  23. 天ヶ瀬むゆ💭 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2022, May 18). 今日の夜にはじめてのTikTok投稿します💭フォローしてまっててくれると嬉しい🙏🏻✨ [Tweet]. Twitter.
  24. 天ヶ瀬むゆ💭 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2022, June 18). おはようございます!ここ最近忙しく、マネージャーさんとも相談して暫く個人の配信をお休みさせていただければと思います! Twitterなどの更新も少し控えめになりそうです。いつも応援いただいている方々ごめんなさい! お仕事や出演は引き続き頑張りますので、その時には応援よろしくお願いします! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  25. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, July 7). 【おひさ】いっしょにはなそ~【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  26. NIJISANJI YouTube Subscribers Counter Bot [@2434subscriber]. (2022, July 23). Amagase Muyu 100,000 subscribers milestone [Twitter Bot]. Twitter.
  27. 先斗寧🫐 [@ponto_nei]. (2022, September 14). 【お知らせ】9月16日20時より #らなきゅら新衣装リレー 先斗の新衣装お披露目枠はこちらから!▽《20:00~20:30▷》リレーの最後、21時半からはらなきゅら集合します!16日は活動を始めて半年の日!みんなでお祝いしたいので当日は空けててね!お楽しみに [Tweet]. Twitter.
  28. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, September 16). 【 #らなきゅら新衣装リレー 】初新衣装!君と僕の記念日。【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  29. にじさんじ公式🌈🕒 [@nijisanji_app]. (2022, September 16). 【Ranunculusハーフアニバーサリーグッズ&ボイスドラマ販売開始】 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  30. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, November 3). 🚢祝船出 ¦ メンバー解禁day&説明会 [Video]. YouTube.
  31. 天ヶ瀬むゆ💭 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2023, January 31). おはようございます~!本日火曜のお昼雑談ですが、お休みさせてください🙇🏻元気なのですが、胃腸炎(多分食あたり)になってしまい…2.3日ほどお休みせざるを得ない状態です。バグとかコラボとかすけべ認定とかそれ以外にも沢山お話したいことああったので絶対治して振替するね…😭 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  32. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, February 4). 配信します❕【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  33. にじさんじ公式🌈🕒 [@nijisanji_app]. (2023, March 31). 【#Ranunculus3Dお披露目 配信決定】 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  34. 34.0 34.1 Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, April 21). 【 3Dお披露目 】みんなを夢で、癒やします【 #天ヶ瀬むゆ3D 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  35. 2434 Stream Rankings Bot [@2434rankings]. (2023, April 21). Amagase Muyu 3D debut statistics [Twitter Bot]. Twitter.
  36. 36.0 36.1 ANYCOLOR Inc. (2023, June 19). 2023年6月23日(金)より、DMM TVオリジナル番組 「にじさんじ人気VTuber大集結!THE遊び王決定戦」配信決定! [Article]. PR Times.
  37. にじさんじ公式🌈🕒 [@nijisanji_app]. (2023, June 24). 【#らなきゅら3Dライブ 開催決定】 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  38. 「にじさんじ」とのコラボカフェ第5弾開催決定!!. (2022, June 24). Sweets Paradise.
  39. WIXOSS【公式】 [@wixoss_TCG]. (2022, September 4). コラボパック「にじさんじ DIVA」 12/24(土)発売決定 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  40. 土屋李央のGamingBASE [@Tsuchiya_Gaming]. (2022, August 19). まもなく放送開始!『土屋李央のGaming BASE #15』 まずは第1部をお届けします! ゲストに『天ヶ瀬むゆ』さんが登場!! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  41. 41.0 41.1 Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, September 29). 半人半妖が君と話すだけ【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  42. NIJISANJI Official [にじさんじ]. (2022, March 20). #Ranunculus デビュー記念! 初配信振り返り&いきなり告知SP [Video]. YouTube.
  43. 先斗寧🫐 [@ponto_nei]. (2022, April 1). 【VTA1期生1組のひみつ】それぞれの名前から1文字ずつ取り、組み合わせてなんやかんやで辿り着いたユニット名「かむぽたーじゅ」を少し気に入っている人がいたが先斗寧にだせぇと却下されたらしい。 しかし本当は気に入っていたらしい。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  44. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, March 28). 【 APEX 】ピ と ペ【 天ヶ瀬 むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  45. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, September 11). 【 #あまがせいたんさい2022 】誕生日を一緒に迎えたい【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  46. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, April 17). 🍙雑談⌇ 新しい世界とは案外近くにあるのだ【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  47. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, April 24). 3Dお披露目が終わって、 【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  48. Based on Itsukara's .link page
  49. Shikinagi, A. [四季凪アキラ / Shikinagi Akira]. (2022, October 28). 【検証】深夜に「本当に急に」にじさんじの新人が凸待ちしたら、何人くらい来るの?【四季凪アキラ/にじさんじ/VOLTACTION】 [Video]. YouTube.
  50. Tsukino, M. [月ノ美兎]. (2023, July 19). MBTI診断で相性最悪の人と話してみよう!! [Video]. YouTube.
  51. 51.0 51.1 Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, May 23). 【🍙雑談 】塵も積もれば山も登れる鯉登り【 天ヶ瀬 むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 52.5 52.6 52.7 Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, March 21). 【ほぼ雑談】新人通過儀礼、マシュマロノック【にじさんじ/天ヶ瀬 むゆ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  53. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, April 4). 【雑談】特番の思い出とか振り返り【 天ヶ瀬 むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  54. 54.0 54.1 Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, May 21). 【 夜廻 】土曜深夜のおさんぽ【 天ヶ瀬 むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  55. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, April 5). 【つぐのひ】横移動だけだから怖くないってきいた【 天ヶ瀬 むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  56. 天ヶ瀬夢癒💤 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2023, April 1). 御馳走様でした。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  57. 天ヶ瀬むゆ💭 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2023, April 1). ちょっと食べすぎて胸焼けしてるので配信なしで 来週マイクラお散歩しよう [Tweet]. Twitter.
  58. 天ヶ瀬むゆ💭 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2023, April 25). やべぇ妖切るやついるんだけどどうしようめでたいとか言ってる場合じゃねぇ💦💦💦 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  59. 小柳ロウ👻🔪Rou Koyanagi [@Rou_2434]. (2023, April 26). あ、抜刀。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  60. 天ヶ瀬むゆ💭 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2023, April 27). とりあえずで切られるのまじか。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  61. 天ヶ瀬むゆ💭 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2023, April 20). もっと…たべなきゃ、もっと…かんじょうが…たりない……もっと…………… [Tweet]. Twitter.
  62. 天ヶ瀬むゆ💭 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2023, April 22). おはよう 久しぶりに夢を見た気がするよ💭 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  63. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, June 5). 🍙雑談⌇夏バテを乗り切ろうもぐつきキャンペーン六月号【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  64. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, March 30). 【お悩み相談室】悩みを食べれば、軽くなるかな【天ヶ瀬 むゆ / にじさんじ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  65. 天ヶ瀬むゆ💭 [@Muyu_Amagase]. (2023, February 27). 数時間程全体公開しており、ご心配をおかけしました見れた方はラッキー!でも、内緒にしておいてくださいね。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  66. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, May 25). 【 朝活 】RFA ⋮ マジで起きれなかったら御免【 天ヶ瀬 むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  67. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2022, December 16). #ポケモンSV⌇いざゆかん、半妖パルデアの大穴へ【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  68. 68.0 68.1 Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, February 19). ホグワーツ・レガシー ¦ 半妖怪のライバー、憧れのハリポタ世界へ ¦ 天ヶ瀬むゆ/にじさんじ [Video]. YouTube.
  69. Umise, Y. [海妹四葉 / Umise Yotsuha 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, February 19). 【ホグワーツレガシー】#1 手紙、10年遅れてやっと届きましたけどいったいどういうことかしら【海妹四葉/にじさんじ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  70. Ponto, N. [先斗寧 / Ponto Nei 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, February 11). 【ホグワーツ・レガシー】完全ミリしら勢、ドキドキ入学編 #1【先斗寧/にじさんじ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  71. Kaburaki, R. [鏑木ろこ / Kaburaki Roco【にじさんじ】]. (2023, February 10). 【ホグワーツ・レガシー】#01 魔法魔術学校に入学だ!!!!!!【鏑木ろこ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  72. Yukishiro, M. [雪城眞尋/Yukishiro Mahiro【にじさんじ所属】]. (2023, March 10). 【朝活 #153/にじ3D】リアタイゲスト!天ヶ瀬むゆと朝の対談コラボ!【雪城眞尋/にじさんじ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  73. Amagase, M. [天ヶ瀬 むゆ / Amagase Muyu 【にじさんじ】]. (2023, January 21). #にじさんじ共通テスト2023⌇ 名前記入で絶対に出遅れる半妖です【 天ヶ瀬むゆ / にじさんじ 】 [Video]. YouTube.
  74. Ishigami, N. [石神のぞみ / Ishigami Nozomi【にじさんじ】]. (2023, April 27). 【スプラ3】にじさんじナワバトラーバトルリーグ!井の中の蛙大海を知る編【石神のぞみ/にじさんじ所属】 [Video]. YouTube.