Ayamy (あやみ) is a female Japanese-based Korean[5] Virtual YouTuber, character designer and illustrator.
Introduction Video[]
Ayamy's introduction.
Ayamy has brown hair decorated with a pink lace with a white hiragana of the letter "A"「あ」and two cat shaped hairpins, her eyes are blue. She wears a white hoodie, with a white t-shirt underneath that reads "Ayamy desu"「あやみデス」. In her standard outfit Ayamy doesn't wear any shoes.
Her Twitter account was created in November 2010, where she first teased her intentions in becoming a VTuber on 27 August 2020 teasing her debut date as 10 October.[6] Her YouTube channel was created on 24 August 2020, but Ayamy didn't debut until 17 October 2020.[7]
On 1 November, she reached 6,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.[8]
On 10 November, she reached 7,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.[9]
On 23 November, she reached 8,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.[10]
On 11 December, she reached 9,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.[11]
On 1 January, Ayamy celebrated reaching 10,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.[12]
On 16 January, Ayamy designated the third 2D costume for Hanamori Healthy during a stream.[13]
On 13 March, Ayamy announced on her Twitter account that she would get two new 2D costumes.[14] She debuted both of them next day on 14 March, the first one is named by herself "Neko Maid" where she wears kimono-inspired clothes with a white apron and brown cat ears and tail. The second costume is gothic inspired using a black dress with purple decorations.[15][16]
On 13 May, she celebrated reaching 30,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel with a singing stream.[17]
On 1 June, Ayamy announced during a stream that she would get her fourth 2D costume.[18]
On 10 June during her birthday stream she debuted her fouth 2D costume. In this costume Ayamy got a new hair style, small twintails, decoraded with the two cat head shaped hairpins that are present in all of her outfits, she also wears a dark purple beret decorated with cat ears and ribbons, her dress is white and the skirt of the dress is purple, Ayami complements her dress with a purple corset, her white socks go above her knees and her shoes are black. She can also wear glasses and a dark purple sweather that matches her beret, decorated with ribbons, a cat pawn and the hiragana of the letter "A" 「あ」 present in her original outfit. Ayamy can combine the small twintails hairstyle with her original outfit.[19]
On 22 June, she reached 40,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.[20]
On 2 July, Ayamy announced on her Twitter account that her YouTube channel was terminated without warming.[21] About 13 hours later, she confirmed that her channel was restored thanking everyone for their support.[22][23]
On 5 September, Ayamy announced on her YouTube community post that she would taking a break due to work and taking care of her cat, Pooh.[24]
On 18 September, Ayamy announced on her YouTube community post that she would receive her fifth 2D costume.[25] On the same day, Ayamy returned her activites with a talking stream.[26]
On 16 October, Ayamy debuted her fifth 2D costume.[27]
On 17 November, she announced the celebration of her YouTube channel reaching 50,000 subscribers.[28]
On 5 April, Ayamy celebrated reaching 60,000 subscribers.[29]
On 11 May, Ayamy announced that she would get her 3D model.[30]
On 21 May, she announced that she would get her sixth 2D costume on 9 June.[31]
On 9 June, Ayamy debuted her sixth 2D costume. In this costume Ayamy got a new short hairstyle. Ayamy wears a white and blue schoolgirl uniform with a red bow and cat shaped pockets. Her skirt is blue, she uses black socks and red shoes. Ayamy can move her right hand up and has the option to wear cat ears and tail. She can remove her school uniform to reveal a traditional Japanese school blue swimsuit underneat that has her name "Ayamy" written in hiragana「あやみ」.[32]
On 10 June, Ayammy debuted her 3D model with a new outfit. Ayamy retains her original hairstyle. Her outfit is reminicent of her original 2D costume, as she also wears a hoodie, however the hoodie is designed without the front aside from the neck and on the back it only covers half way down, so she uses a black top instead with the right side of it having a purple plaid design and a line in the same color near the lower edge. Her skirt shares the same pattern and is longer on the back, she wears a white belt and a second belt falling to the right side. Ayamy wears a leg belt in each thigh and a black fish net on her left leg. Ayamy has black shoes.[33]
On 9 December, Ayamy reached 100,000 subscribers on YouTube.[34]
- Her fanbase doesn't have an official name, althought she usually calls her fans as her "boyfriends."
- When Ayamy starts the stream, fans say greeting by saying "konyami" (こんやみ).
- When Ayamy ends the stream, fans say farewell by saying "otsuyami" (おつやみ).
- "Thank you my boyfriend, chu~"
- Ayamy is the character designer of Yozora Mel, Hanamori Healthy, Kogure Piyoko, Taya Rex, Yaso Toiki, Shabel Tonya and Louise Priere. Both Mel and Healthy made appearances on Ayamy's debut stream. Ayamy also collaborated with Healthy the following day after her debut.[35][36]
- She has two cats named "Kuma" and "Pooh," Ayamy represents them on her model as two hairpins that are present in every costume.
- Ayamy sometimes jokes that she is 100 years old.[37]
- She is good at cooking, although sometimes she makes weird food combinations.
- She is a big fan of Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World and her favorite characters are Rem and Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti.
- She often draw fanarts of Rem.
- She is pretty fluent in English, she even can make a conversation with her overseas fans.
- She loves pineapples.
- In her Twitter tag (@ayamy_garubinu), the "garubinu" is likely from a Korean word (가루비누) meaning powdered detergent/soap.
External Links[]
- ayamy あやみちゃんねる - YouTube channel
- @ayami_garubinu - Twitter account
- @ayami_garubinu - Marshmallow account
- ayamy - Pixiv Fanbox page
- あやみ - Pixiv account
- あやみ - BOOTH page
Twitter hashtags[]
Further readings[]
- あやみ(イラストレーター) - Pixiv Encyclopedia
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2020, October 9). 🐱10月17日デビュー決定🐱 あやみちゃんねる... ...マシュマロ https://marshmallow-qa.com/ayamy_garubinu デビューの時答えますので、たくさん送ってくださいね♪ [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Nonon. [@nonon_yuno]. (2021, October 16). ★お仕事告知★【あやみ様】@ayamy_garubinu の #Live2D をお手伝いさせて頂きました。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Halfsode [@halfsode]. (2022, June 10). あやみ(@ayamy_garubinu)さんの3Dモデルとお部屋モデルを担当しました~~~!! [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2020, October 17). あやみ初配信です♪ [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2016, December 25). あやみ🐾2日目東ス77ab on Twitter: "@MicheleManoni I am Korean! And I love Rem! And I will draw REM more and more(о´∀`о)merry christmas🎄" [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2020, August 27). こんな事になりました🙏 よろしくお願いいたします!! [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2020, October 17). あやみ初配信です♪ [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2020, November 1). 皆んなのお陰でちゃんねる登録6000人超えましたー🐾 ありがとうございます🍙 まだまだちゃんねるに来なかった方は是非遊びに来てくださいね💓 あやみちゃんねる... [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2020, November 10). お陰様でYouTube登録7000人超えましたー💓ありがとうございます‼️ まだ遊びに来なかった方は是非来てくださいね🐾 🐱ayamy あやみちゃんねる [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2020, November 23). ‼️youtube登録者8000超えました‼️ ありがとうございますー🐾😊🎉 お祝いで4時半からゲリラ配信しますね! 勝手に自分だけ楽しむ…ごめんね!! 🐱あやみちゃんねる🐱... [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garibinu]. (2020, December 11). #なまあやみ 日本語下手な猫村出身Vtuberあやみのちゃんねるが9000人超えましたー🐾ありがとうございます🍙 これからも色々一緒に共感していきたいです。よろしくお願いいたしますね❣️ あやみちゃんねる 🐱 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garibinu]. (2021, January 1). 🐱22時から🐱 【あやみちゃんねる登録者1万人】 2021年の1日からお祝い出来て本当に嬉しい❣️ 色々話しましょう〜🐾 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2021, January 16). 【Live painting Vtuberお絵描き配信】娘花守へるしの新衣装を一緒に作りましょー♪ [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garibinu]. (2021, March 13). ✨✨新衣装お披露目✨✨ 3月14日21時から‼️ 新衣装お披露目&ホワイトデーPARTYをしますー❣️ 100歳の新衣装にメロメロになっちゃうかも知れない🤔😄!! 遊びに来てくださいー🐾 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2021, March 14). 【新衣装お披露目】2万人記念&New Clothes PARTY💘 【WhiteDay】 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2021, March 14). 【新衣装お披露目】2万人記念&New Clothes PARTY💘 【WhiteDay】 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garibinu]. (2021, May 13). 今夜23時から 🎀登録者3万人記念🎀 歌いながら雑談したいと思いますー🎤 ぜひ遊びに来てお祝いしてください🐾 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2021, June 1). 【誕生日イベント】誕生日記念ガチャを一緒に回してみませんか?!gacha project introduction【重大告知あり/ Important News】 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2021, June 10). 【#ayamyHBD100】新衣装お披露目X誕生日カウントダウン✨birthday Countdown & Outfit Reveal🎂🐾 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2021, June 22). 【6月21日〜6月27日のスケジュール】 あやみちゃんねる4万人ありがとうございます!!!!!!!!! YouTube🍙https://youtube.com/channel/UCr9p1ZjLKgfaoqNorY7PiWQ… 今週の土曜日はなび先生とお絵描きコラボ予定ありますー🦋🐾 是非遊びに来てください❣️ [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2021, July 2). あれ… 何のお知らせもないまま 私のyoutubeチャンネル消えちゃった😇… [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2021, July 2). ご心配させてしましすみませんでした!!!!!!沢山の応援のおかげさまで早くもチャンネルの復活出来ました😭😭何かの間違いがあったらしいですね…!これからも頑張って活動しますので、どうかよろしくお願いいたします🙏🐾🥲🔥 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2021, July 2). Everyone! I'm sorry for making you worry!!!!!! I'm sure you'll all be happy to know that I've been able to get my channel back up thanks to all the support I've received! I'm going to keep working hard, so please give me your support!🙏🐾🥲🔥 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2021, September 5). Konyamyー♡ Everyone, it's your GF!I have important news🙏🏻 I would like to take a break my stream from September 6th to the 17th! I personally need time for Pooh and my work...! Please understand ❣️ I'd appreciate it if you could wait🥰See you again🐾 [YouTube Community Post]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2021, September 18). I will introducing a new outfit commemorating the first anniversary of our debut, so please support us a lot🥰❣️🎂 [YouTube Community Post]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2021, September 18). 【復活】Long time no see!!!!! ただいまー🐾 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2021 October 16). 【1周年記念/ 重大告知あり/ Important News】新衣装お披露目 X マシュマロ✨ Outfit Reveal & Marshmallow🐾 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2021, November 17). 🎊チャンネル登録者5万人🎊 🐱20日土曜日の夜23時から〜 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2022, April 5). 久しぶりの雑談配信ですけど!少し歌も歌ってチャンネル6万人お祝いしたいです [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2022, May 11). 🎊🎊あやみ3D化🎊🎊 6月10日!私の誕生日から3Dあやみのお披露目します!!!!!!!!! [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2022, May 21). 【重大告知】🎉6月9日(木)23時〜🎉あやみの新衣装お披露目しますー🐾皆さまの衣装予想を募集したいと思いますのでどうかよろしくお願いします🐱 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2022, June 9). 【#あやみ誕生日2022】新衣装お披露目X誕生日カウントダウン✨ birthday Countdown & Outfit Reveal🎂🐾 【#happyayamy2022 】 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2022, June 10). 【#あやみ3D】初3D公開🎂 重大告知あり! 豪華ゲストも!! 3D Reveal AYAMY🎉 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garubinu]. (2022, December 9). あやみのYouTube登録者100000人になりました!!!!!!!!! [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2020, October 17). あやみ初配信です♪ [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [ayamy あやみちゃんねる]. (2020, October 17). あやみ初配信です♪ [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Ayamy [@ayamy_garibinu]. (2021, February 18). 🐱22時から🐱 太った100歳の寂しい戦い… 応援してください🤣🤣 [Tweet]. Twitter.