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Azami (アザミ) is a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber. She is a singer-songwriter who also plays the guitar and piano. She was affiliated with the independent music circle TOMATO GUMMY.

She often does music composition and mixing for other singing VTubers such as BOOGEY VOXX and Ryushen.

Introduction Video[]



Azami's debut video.


Azami is normally timid and soft-spoken, in stark contrast to when she sings and reveals a very bold and distinct voice.


She has short, reddish purple hair with matching eyes and a white hoodie with her signature on it.



She created her YouTube and Twitter accounts on 6 March 2019. She debuted on 8 March on YouTube with an original song titled "Last Scene."


She secretly participated in the 2nd Altema Music Festival, held on 14 June. Her viewers who watched the festival got a surprise debut of her second original song "Good-Bye-Maker," which went on to qualify into the festival's final selections.


On 12 May, she released her first album, Emotion-Syndrome.

On 3 October, she held her first solo live concert, Rock 'n' Roll wa Hitoshirezu, where she debuted a song with the same name. Later on, she would release a music video of "Rock 'n' Roll wa Hitoshirezu" using footage from the concert.

Azami took part in ADVENTUNE 2, a collaboration album released on 31 October involving 10 independent VTuber artists where each song is based on different villainous characters. Azami contributed a song themed after hackers, "Fixer in Gray".

During the 3rd Virtual Kouhaku on 26 December hosted by Utai Makea and Tenkai Tsukasa, Azami showed the new music video for "Instant Night Drama", her duet song with esora uma.


On 4 May, she released her second album, Medical Rock 'n' Roll.

On 11 July, Azami unveiled her first Live2D model.

On 25 September, she held her second live concert, Ikanaide, Melody Maker.

Azami participated in ADVENTUNE 3, a collaboration album released on 31 October. Following the album's motif of "weapons," her's song is an umbrella-themed piece titled "Navy" (ネイビィ).


Main page: Azami/Discography
Emotion-Syndrome 1st album 12 May 2020    
  1. "prologue" (プロローグ)
  2. "Merry-Go-Round Apart" (メリー・ゴー・ラウンド・アパート)
  3. "Surrender" (サレンダー)
  4. "Sayonara Install" (さよならインストール)
    feat. Tama-chan from Mokumenoki
  5. "Good-Bye-Maker" (グッド・バイ・メイカー)
  6. "EPISODE.01 - Geigousuru Noise" (EPISODE.01 ~迎合するノイズ~)
    feat. Chun-Taro
  7. "Hologram" (ホログラム)
    feat. Azami Band
  8. "Kiss Me, Mary" (キスミー・メアリー) (self cover)
  9. "Midnight Traveler" (ミッドナイトトラベラー)
  10. "Last Scene" (ラストシーン)
External links
Digital Release • YouTube
Medical Rock 'n' Roll 2nd album 4 May 2021    
  1. "prologue II"
  2. "Bizinhakumei" (ビジンハクメイ)
  3. "Yarazu no Ame" (遣ラズノ雨)
  4. "Scandal, Kaihen." (スキャンダル、改変。)
  5. "Monochrome Delta" (モノクロデルタ)
  6. "EPISODE.02 - Moumokunokyu-Sai" (EPISODE.02 ~盲目の救済~)
    feat. Yuhi Hisame
  7. "Hurouyu-Genkanzentai" (不老有限完全体)
  8. "Namida no Arumachi" (涙のある街)
  9. "Sweet Code" (スイートコード)
    feat. IURA TOI
  10. "Dear Pudding" (ディア・プディング)
  11. "Rock 'n' Roll wa Hitoshirezu" (ロックンロールは人知れず)
  12. "Give me gimmick idol" (CD exclusive)
    feat. Kokutsubushi Sisters
External links
Digital Release • YouTube


  • She claimed to be a recluse during her first stream and needs to drink to ease up talking to people.
  • Most of her livestreams are midnight guerilla unlisted streams where she gets drunk and sings for 4+ hours.
  • Her getting smashed on-stream often leads to various funny moments such as her forgetting to turn off the running water in her bathroom, which could be heard throughout the stream.
  • The name Azami means thistle

External Links[]



