Azuma Lim (アズマ リム) is a female Japanese Virtual Youtuber. She is known for her motorcycle related content.
Introduction Video
【バーチャルYouTuber】アズマ リム緊張の初投稿!((自己紹介))
Azuma Lim
Lim is a very excited, active girl. Some of her videos have her rolling on the floor or jumping off of invisible objects. She greets her fans "otsu otsu ooo..."
She has long, light purple hair with pinkish eyes and a white jacket with cat ear shaped hood.
Her Twitter account was created on October 2017 while her YouTube channel was created on 27 February 2018. She debuted on YouTube on 1 March 2018.[2]
On 13 June, she received shoes, as a model update, as she was previously bare foot.[3]
On 29 August, she debuter her second 3D costume.[4]
On 17 November during a stream she denounced the intentions of her company, to change her personality.[5] During a chain of tweets that day, she explained, that her company CyberV wanted to change her personality and to do things she didn't want including their desire to merge her into another group, she wasn't happy about it but the company didn't care, she didn't agree to see her fans as just numbers and money.[6][7][8]
On 18 November she published an apology video due to the concern caused to her fans.[9][10]
On 9 December, she stated on her Twitter account, that comunication with her managment was non existant and that she has not received payment for her work since May, she mentioned that continuing her activities under these conditions would be difficult,[11] on another tweet she apologized for her lack of strenght.[12]
In her final tweet from this day she wrote that, there are people spreading statements different from facts and that she wished to stop such things.[13]
After this tweet however, she was locked out of her social media accounts.
On 10 December, Cyber V her previous company, released an statement saying that Azuma Lim was in the process of being transfered to a new company: Chisey, and that Cyber V paid to her while they were still legally responsable to do so. They also stated it was wrong for them to release information about last year's incident claiming that it was resolved, without her approval, finally they said that the new company had taken control over Lim's social media as 9 December.[14]
On 18 December, Chisey the new right holders over Azuma Lim, stated that they were still in negociations with the involved parties.[15]
After almost 7 months of being on hiatus on 6 July, she announced on her Twitter account the return to her activities as a VTuber.[16]
On 7 July, she returned to her activities as a VTuber with a short stream, she explained that she could not use her social media accounts and that she had a legal dispute to recover them, that she valued her fans and just wanted to explain them what happened, and that she didn't want other people in the VTuber industry to go through what she did, she stated that she would continue her activities as an independent virtual youtuber.[17]
On 9 September, she announced on her Twitter account that, she gained full control and ownership over the "Azuma Lim" brand and that all issues regarding pending payments have also been resolved.[18]
On 7 October, she revealed that her model received a shading update.[19]
Motorcycle Girl | 8 July 2023 | |
External links | ||
Digital Release • YouTube |
- She refers to viewers as "senpai"
- She often drinks water during her videos, this is represented in fanart and fan nicknames for her.
- Shares the same illustrator with Todo Kohaku of NIJISANJI.
- She made a few collaboration videos with Tokino Sora.
External Links
- Azuma Lim Channel - YouTube channel
- @azuma_lim - Twitter account
- azumalim - Instagram account
- @azuma_lim - Linktr account
- アズマリム - Peing
- ↑ U35 [@umiko35]. (2018, March 2). この度バーチャルYouTuberの「アズマリム」ちゃんのキャラデザインを担当させていただきました。最初の動画もYouTubeにアップされたみたいです。https://youtu.be/l_bLd_lShFw アズリムちゃんの今後の活躍をぜひ見守ってあげてくださいませ!よろしくお願いします!#アズリム #バーチャルYouTuber #Vtuberumiko35 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Azuma, L. [Azuma Lim Channel -アズマ リム-]. (2018, March 1). 【バーチャルYouTuber】アズマ リム緊張の初投稿!((自己紹介)) [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Azuma, L. [Azuma Lim Channel -アズマ リム-]. (2018, June 13). 【6/13LIVE】アズリムからの重大発表・・?! [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Azuma, L. [Azuma Lim Channel -アズマ リム-]. (2018, August 29). 【8/29LIVE】ついに!!夏服お披露目生放送! [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Azuma, L. [Azuma Lim Channel -アズマ リム-]. (2018, November 17). 【11/7 LIVE】久々!センパイたちとガチバトル [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Azuma, L. [@azuma_lim]. (2018, November 17). センパイ。急にびっくりさせちゃうと思うんですけどごめんなさい。アズリムは今、ママと一生懸命、センパイたちに喜んでもらえることをしたいって考えたり、一緒に楽しいことをしたいって気持ちでがんばってきました。でも最近、こんさる?とか会社?の人がきて、どこかの学園に入れようとしたり、 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Azuma, L. [@azuma_lim]. (2018, November 17). 転生して性格を変えたことにしようとされていたり、アズリムが望まないことを無理矢理押し付けられることになりました。アズリムもよく分からなくて混乱してるけど、「あなたの気持ちなんてどうでもいい」と言われたり、センパイたちのことを数字やお金としかみていなくて、何も同意できることがなくて [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Azuma, L. [@azuma_lim]. (2018, November 17). すごく苦しいです。この先、アズリムがアズリムらしくいるにはどうしたらいいのかな。本当はこういうこと言いたくなくてずっと悩んでたんだ。けどごめんねセンパイ。。センパイ、助けて。。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Azuma, L. [Azuma Lim Channel -アズマ リム-] (2018, November 18) 11月8日のツイート内容について [Video File] Retrieved from https://youtu.be/-MMMDy5Pxqg
- ↑ azuma_lim (2018, November 18) この度はアズリムの発言がきっかけでたくさんのセンパイ方にご心配とご迷惑をお掛けして本当にごめんなさい。 長い間お待たせしてしまったのですが、ちゃんとアズリムからも説明をさせて頂きたいと思って動画をつくったので、見て頂けるとうれしいです。 https://youtu.be/-MMMDy5Pxqg [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/azuma_lim/status/1061930996772171777
- ↑ azuma_lim (2019, December 7) 運営スタッフ、及び責任者様と、 ・連絡が度々取れなくなっており、現在も連絡が取れていない事 ・活動に際してお約束いただいた事項を履行していただけていない事 ・5月以降一切の報酬お支払いが確認できていない事 上記の理由により、活動を続ける事が困難となりました。[Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/azuma_lim/status/1203240121627111425
- ↑ azuma_lim (2019, December 7) 応援してくださる方々の存在が何より嬉しかったです。今こちらに書いた事は、起きた事のほんの一部です。これまでは、どんな事があっても、応援してくださる方が1人でもいる限り前向きに頑張りたいと思ってやってきました。 力不足となり、申し訳ありませんでした。[Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/azuma_lim/status/1203248092998328331
- ↑ azuma_lim (2019, December 9) 関係者を名乗り事実とは異なる発言を繰り返される方がいらっしゃいますが、そうした事も本当にやめていただきたかったです。[Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/azuma_lim/status/1203254729108672513
- ↑ CyberV_official (2019, December 10) 一部のSNS等で、「アズマ リム」の運営について虚偽の情報や混乱を生じさせる情報が流布され、お問い合わせをいただいている件について、以下の通り事実関係についてご説明申し上げます。 https://cyber-v.co.jp/news/469 [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/CyberV_official/status/1204359931656163329
- ↑ as_chisai (2019, December 18) VTuber「アズマ リム」の投稿及び株式会社CyberV様の発表につきまして、弊社として現時点で発表できる範囲で発表いたします。現在も関係各所との協議を重ねている途中段階にあり、本発表が遅くなりましたこと、発表できることが限られてしまいますことをお詫びいたします。[Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/as_chisei/status/1207066455973302272
- ↑ azuma_lim (2020, July 6) センパイ!お元気ですか? 弁護士さんのお力をお借りして、諸問題が解決できました。 アズリム、個人Vtuberデビューします! 詳しくは、こちらの画像と本日(7月7日!)22時からのYouTube配信をみてくれると嬉しいです。 #アズリム [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/azuma_lim/status/1280158559129309186
- ↑ Azuma, L. [Azuma Lim Channel -アズマ リム-]. (2020, July 7). せかい1大切なセンパイたちへ【重大発表も!】 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Azuma, L. [@azuma_lim]. (2020, September 18). おつおつおー!٩(°̀ᴗ°́)و センパイたちに大切&嬉しいご報告です! #アズリム [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Azuma, L. [Azuma Lim Channel -アズマ リム-]. (2020, October 7). 【新見た目】おや!?アズリムの見た目が…!? [Video]. YouTube.