Virtual YouTuber Wiki

Bino is a female Norwegian wolf vtuber who streams primarily on Twitch. She speaks English and Norwegian, but streams in English.

Introduction Video[]


Highlight Video of Bino's 5.0 Model Debut.


Twitch VOD from 5.0 Model Debut.


Bino is both a vtuber and an artist. She started streaming in April of 2021, not having done a traditional vtuber debut. She is independently produced, and has illustrated all her own models.

Her streams have a big focus on chat interaction and talking while playing games, sometimes to the detriment of the game's death counter. They are known for their streams of Horror games and Fantasy games.


Bino has an avid interest in art, bones, wolfmen, bun boys, and MMOs. She graduated university with a degree in forensic anthropology, meaning she knows exactly how long it will take for you to decompose. This wacky wolf loves causing a ruckus.

Exhibit A:


Current-day Bino[]

Bino is a wolf vtuber with short white hair with a black braid in the bangs and mint green eyes with thick black liner and mild eyebags. Their outfit is inspired by Norwegian bunad.


Cover of Senzawa's UwU rap

Mascots and Fans[]

Bino's viewers and Twitch chat are referred to as 'Pupchamps'. There are multiple Pupchamp Live2D models which Bino occasionally uses on-stream.



  • First Stream/1.0 soft debut - 21st April
  • Community Discord opens - 30th April
  • Twitch Affiliate - 6th May
  • 2.0 Model Debut - 4th June
  • 1st Community Minecraft Server Launched - 15th June
  • First Binoffle (Bino/Poffle) Collab - 17th June
  • 1,000 Twitch follows - 18th July
  • 1K Celebration - 6th August
  • First Sponsor! Artesian Builds - 26th August
  • Birthday Subathon - 27th August
  • 2,000 Twitch Follows - 17th September
  • Binoffle Wedding - 22nd September
  • Pupchamp Model first appearance - 14th October
  • Group DnD Oneshot w/ Turniptuber, KomoriMojo, Poffle, Hasher_Brown and Doot___Doot - 29th October
  • Twitch Partner / Username Change - 14th November
  • 3.0 Model debut - 5th December
  • Last stream of 2021 - 17th December


  • First Twitch stream of 2022 - 13th January
  • 4,000 Twitch follows - 4th February
  • 4K Celebration - 11th February
  • Pupchamp Unit added to StreamRaiders - 26th February
  • 5,000 Twitch follows Celebration - 8th April
  • Pupchamp Sticker Merch Pre-Order - 14th April
  • Uncapped Subathon to celebrate 1 Year - 29th April to 2nd May
  • Merryweather Crab Game Collab - 14th May
  • 3D Model debut - 19th June
  • Pupchamp Redesign - 24th June
  • Pupchamp Keychain Merch - 29th June
  • ROGUE sponsorship - 18th July
  • Chibi Model debut - 8th August
  • 7,000 Twitch follows - 16th August
  • Birthday stream - 28th August
  • HELLO FRESH sponsor - 30th August
  • Bino gets to stay in the UK!! - 21st September
  • 2nd Community Minecraft Server - 25th October
  • 3K Twitter raffle - 11th November
  • Community Server Ender Dragon fight - 12th November
  • Christmas Card Pre-Orders - 13th November
  • Support-A-Streamer WoW event - 28th November to 12th December
  • 4.0 Comfy model reveal on twitter - 8th December
  • Customizable Mascot model released - 15th December
  • Last Stream of the Year - 18th December


  • 10,000 Twitch Follower Celebration - 14th April
  • 5.0 Model debut - 24th June
  • Group DnD Oneshot w/ Dandyfloss, VtPingu, Evildoerz - 20th July

History - Expanded[]


First Stream[]

On April 21st, 2021, Bino began streaming with their playthrough of Fallout New Vegas under the username 'Binowo'. This featured the first version of the Bino design.

Twitch Partner name change[]

Bino was accepted into the Twitch Partner Program on November 14th, and two days later on November 16th, they shortened their username from 'Binowo' to 'Bino'.

On December 5th, 2021, Bino debuted their 3.0 Bino design with a new model, and on August 8th, 2022, Bino debuted their chibi version of the 3.0 design.

On June 24th, 2023, Bino debuted their 5th and current Bino design.


"Weird wolf girl who does and says weird things."

"Dubious creature with dubious motives."

"If you took the cum of like 10 different guys into a big jar, and then you mixed it up, and then you squirted it up your pussy, it would be like a Gacha baby!"

"I cast limit break on your dick!"

"I keep a spreadsheet of every single chatter in this chat, and I update it every stream. And I add fun little facts about you. Yes. You thought you're parasocial? Nah."

"I am very normal about Hozier."


Favorite Games[]

  • Ark: Survival Evolved
  • Baldur's Gate 3
  • Cyberpunk 2077
  • Dead By Daylight
  • Divinity Original Sin: 2
  • Fable
  • Final Fantasy 14
  • League of Legends
  • World of Warcraft

Favorite Musicians[]

  • Fallout Boy
  • Hozier
  • Pink Floyd
  • The Gunship
  • The Wombats

Favorite Shows[]

  • Bridgerton

Fictional Crushes[]

  • Aatrox (League of Legends)
  • Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
  • Aatrox (League of Legends)
  • Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect)
  • Ghost (Call of Duty)
  • Hecarim (League of Legends)
  • Jhin (League of Legends)
  • Kayn (League of Legends)
  • Sett (League of Legends)
  • Thresh (League of Legends)
  • Venom (Spider-Man)
  • Yasuo (League of Legends)
  • Yone (League of Legends)
  • Zedd (League of Legends)


  1. complete history 2023
  2. add expanded history
  3. add references
  4. add quotes
  5. improve UI

External Links[]

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