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hyperkoro (Japanese: ハイパーコロ, also known as Koro) is an English-speaking VTuber streaming on Twitch and making videos on YouTube, self described as "a Supernatural being made out of pure universal light". Other than streaming activities, hyperkoro is also a VArtist and Live2D rigger.

Introduction Video[]



Koro's introduction.


Koro's palette as a whole is very bright, usually being creamy or pink-ish colors. They have fluffy hair, with pigtails, hairclips and a very big question-shaped ahoge, and wings instead of ears. They always have a bandaid on their face, usually their nose is slightly bleeding, and their eyes are different colors, one of them being dark and depressed, and the other one being white with rainbow elements.

Moving to their body, they have a star-shaped scar on the neck that continues to go under their shirt. The shirt itself has darker reddish colors, star-shaped buttons all the way to the bottom, and wrist ruffles. The arms are visibly bruised, and their left arm has bandages all over it, leading to their nails having black nail polish. The legs have dark shorts and leg warmer-like socks with sandals.


  • Koro calls their fanbase their 'Lights', with them being mentioned in lore as the first thing that accompanied them when they landed on Earth.
  • Lights depicted as small moth-like fluffy creatures, with sleepy hats and their patterned wings looking like a blanket they are curled up in. When customized, they can have pretty much any kind of hat or pattern on their wings.
    Hyperkoro's Fan-design reference

    An official reference sheet of the fan-design.


Once there was nothing, then there was everything, and everything was light. A light that wandered through the emptiness, wondering, 'Is there anything else in this place? What is anything else?'. Just hoping for eternity, expanding through the nowhere and lighting up that 'nowhere'. With time, thoughts filled up its mind. 'I do not want to be everything. I want to be something.' it thought, as it burst into a bang, separated into an uncountable amount of pieces, creating everything that is known to exist now. Only a part kept the feelings that caused it all.

The atmosphere spoke of a time when the cosmic energies of creation converged in a celestial dance, giving birth to this entity that stayed with the feelings that the core of light had for now and forever.  

After floating in space for lots and lots of years, IT finally woke up from its eternal sleep.

Time flew by, as the vessel became conscious of itself. It found out about Planet Terra, the planet it was in an orbit of, a round world so full with things anyone could ever imagine of, either existing there or being about to exist. Terra was full with living creatures, all doing something at all times. Slowly, the vessel descended to the surface of Terra with the power of an orbit and atmosphere. It looked like a comet hitting earth but made no noise. People who noticed were either shocked or amazed by that sight, but no one came to check what it was.

It found itself in a forest full of trees, where it met with living beings for the first time. An eclipse of moths[1] got really interested in the vessel, since it gave away a slight but nice light from the skin and hair, where the moths found their comfortable place.

Learning from the moths and paying attention to the small details of their habits, it was slowly able to move and consume things growing around the place where it landed. With lots of adventures and moving around it came across more living beings, but this time they were similar to the vessel. Humanoid forms, communicating in their own language, were such a miracle to the vessel, that it wanted to be like them. It hid in bushes and behind buildings to look at them and copy now not the moth but the human habits. Different walking, poses, gestures, and a whole new world of interaction, although it wasn’t direct. It was just watching others interact with each other while the vessel hid away from society.

One day, a human actually found the vessel. An innocent child being not scared like the other adults noticing the vessel, but actually being interested in it. That was when the vessel learned how to speak, and was able to blend in with the family of the girl.

Together they worked out a plan, the girl gave the vessel some clothes and the vessel now had a name.

- What do you want to be called?

‘Koro’ it said immediately, as that word was replaying in its head ever since it became conscious. A word that somehow became so close is now what defines it. From now on, the vessel isn’t ‘it’ anymore. Now they are Koro, they are in line with the humans.

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Further Readings[]

  1. Later known as the fanbase, the "Lights"