Haru was a female English/German-speaking Virtual YouTuber who started streaming on the 9th of October 2020. She introduced herself as a Demon at first but then did a rebranding to Elf completly wiping all of the previous mentions of her older self. The reasons for that were later posted in a blogpost on her defunct website.
Haru's personality can be described as trying to be wholesome and pure but swearing like a sailor. She usually doesn't even realize that what she said was in fact rather lewd.
- Before Haru started vtubing, she was reviewing anime and games.
- Haru originally streamed on YouTube but due to an accident in her last ever YouTube Stream, where a naked Shimakaze got posted in the game's chat, she was banned from streaming
- She later started streaming only on Twitch where she started as a non-vtuber but got her affiliate status only 3 months after starting to go full Vtuber
- The Fanbase of Haru was her Flowergarden and her individual followers were either "Little Flowers" or "Roses" depending if the person was a follower or subscriber
- On Haru's first stream she played a Minecraft Modpack with her Co-Host
- She once had to end a stream early because changing your username whilst streaming causes your stream to stop and OBS to be unable to reconnect for around an hour
- Haru has started quite a few games but has only finished a few, since she goes by the rule of "if I'm not enjoying the game, my viewers probably aren't as well"
- She is a princess in the country she originates from. The name of the planet is unknown, but the country is called "Elyria"
- Funilly enough "Elyria" is also the name of a town in Ohio.
- In her last ever Stream she announced to beat Portal 2 in one sitting after accidentally having speedran the first game
- She never understood why people wouldn't forgive her past mistakes as she has been steadily working on them
External Links[]
- Her last and final post as well as her goodbye (in German)