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Virtual YouTuber Wiki
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Isabella (伊莎贝拉 Yīshābèilā) was a female Chinese Virtual UP (bilibili content creator) affiliated with VirtuaReal Link, co-produced between VirtuaReal and the mobile game Burst Witch. She was considered an unofficial member of VirtuaReal's tenth generation (aka 1076) along with Karon.

Unlike the other members of VirtuaReal Link, Isabella was not originally independent or affiliated with a different group, instead joining through an audition for her model.


Don't try to tempt me with candy, I'm not a child
~ Isabella on



She has long, wavy flowing white hair with blue hair ribbons and a bunny hairclip with light blue eyes and wears a gothic Lolita styled dress.



On 2 June, VirtuaReal opened auditions for the VUP avatar "Isabella", jointly created by VirtuaReal and the mobile game Burst Witch. The audition period lasted until 15 June.[6]

On 25 September 2020, Isabella was announced as a member of VirtuaReal Link.[7]

On 26 September 2020,[TZ] Isabella released her first video: a short piano cover of "Dēto" (Date) from Your Name.

On 30 September 2020, the tenth wave made their debuts on bilibili along with Karon and Isabella from 19:00 to 24:00 CST in a stream relay.[8] On 1 October 2020,[TZ] Isabella was the last of the new VirtuaReal (Link) members to debut on stream.[9][10]


On 8 February, it was announced that she would graduate from VirtuaReal on 14 February. Gifts will be accepted until 24 February.[11]


  • "1076" - Isabella, Sirius, Reve, Shaun, Yua and Karon. VirtuaReal's tenth generation, along with Karon and Isabella of VirtuaReal Link.
  • "Hexagram" - Isabella, Yagi (formerly), Tabibito, Samael, Chaos and Tanoshiba
    • A six person musical unit within VirtuaReal, Isabella was the leading member.
    • Debuted as a unit with their original song "Secret".
  • "Re:La/BeibeiRuirui"「贝贝芙芙」- Isabella and Reve[12][13]
  • "VRG" - Isabella, Hunger, Hakuja, Reve and Jinxy[14]
  • "Shangfen Qifen Zu"「上分气氛组」("Point-increasing Mood Group") - Isabella, Hakuja and Suzume[15]


  • Color: #4A5792[note 1]
  • Special skills (as in her VR profile): Piano, dancing, FPS games[5]
  • Likes: Games, kitties, doggies[5]
  • Dislikes: Scary things, bugs[5]


  1. Isabella [伊莎贝拉Official]. (2020, September 28). 【伊莎贝拉】向您发出茶话会邀请函 (at 00:31) [Video]. bilibili.
  2. Isabella [伊莎贝拉Official]. (2020, September 30). 【伊莎贝拉】初配信-夜莺茶会 (at 0:29:32) [Video]. bilibili.
  3. Rosa Canina [罗莎卡妮娜]. (2021, February 16). 【伊莎贝拉Official】字幕付-贝子哥带你认识Hexagram成员不为人知的一面 [Video]. bilibili.
  4. 友夏Uka. (2021, December 18). 【直播回放】【生日回】友夏的生日就是夏日! 2021年12月18日18点场 (at 1:08:21–1:12:27) [Video]. bilibili.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 伊莎贝拉 - VirtuaReal. (n.d.).
  6. VirtuaReal. (2020, June 2). VirtuaReal与《爆裂魔女》联合推出全新虚拟主播!中之人公开招募进行中! [Article]. bilibili.
  7. VirtuaReal. (2020, September 30). 今日的直播预告②(请展开全文) [Dynamic]. bilibili.
  8. VirtuaReal. (2020, September 26). 新成员首播预告 [Post]. bilibili.
  9. Isabella [伊莎贝拉Official]. (2020, October 1). 【伊莎贝拉】初配信-夜莺茶会 [Video]. bilibili.
  11. 伊莎贝拉Official et al. (2021, June 5). 贝贝芙芙|时光代理人OP全曲|Dive back in time|原创PV [Video]. bilibili.
  12. 瑞芙Reve et al. (2021, November 6). 【Re:La】失眠飞行 |“我想和你” [Video]. bilibili.
  13. 库伽Hakuja. (2022, January 2). 💠新鲜出炉的VRG五排车队即将首秀!我们的口号是:绝对不寄! [Dynamic]. bilibili.
  14. 库伽Hakuja. (2022, February 24). 【直播回放】上分气氛组!! 2022年2月23日15点场 [Livestream playback]. bilibili.

External links[]


Bilibili hashtags[]

Further reading[]

VirtuaReal logo (V T E)
1st Generation Eine (🗝🎩)
Retired Ruki
2nd Generation Nana7mi (🦈)Kouichi
Retired Ichigo (🍓)
3rd Generation Retired Muri (🌙)Hanon (🕊️🍊)
4th Generation Waku (🐉)
Retired Nyatsuki (💦)Plus (🍭)
5th Generation Miki (🐋)
Retired Hoshimi (⛱)Mahiru (👿)
6th Generation Aza (🐱)YagiTabibito (🧩)
Retired Roi (💎✨)
7th Generation Saya (💫)Yukie
Retired Seiya (👓🌟)
8th Generation Retired ShikiSamaelMimoiPaxKaru (👒)
9th Generation Chiharu (🐻🔎)
Retired ChaosKiyora (🧸)
10th Generation Yua (🐧🛸)Shaun (🦷)
Retired Sirius (🐺)Reve (🔮)
11th Generation Chiyuu
Retired Tanoshiba (🐕)Mari (🦇)Imi (🦋)
12th Generation Mayumi (🥝)
Retired Tsukumo (☁️)Remi (⚓)Kendou (🦴)
13th Generation Tocci (💖👽)Joi (🍊)Kiti (🐱🧧)
Retired Qilou
14th Generation Rhea (⏳)
Retired YomiyaHakuja (💠)Koxia (💫)Miyu
15th Generation Yog (💤)Hunger
Retired KekeUka
16th Generation SybilGirimi (🐾)Kiyuu (💕)
Retired Karisa
17th Generation Leo (🦁)Era (🦊)Sui
18th Generation Eve (🍎)Opal (🍅🦖)Shiori (🦦)
19th Generation Hatsuse (🦇)Ameki (☔)Michiya (⚔️)Awu
20th Generation Ayumi (😈)Mizuki (💓🐰)Richi (🧧)Mikoto (🍚🎭)UrushihaHajime
Retired Garu (💙)Kurau (🎸)
21st Generation Pako (🛠️)NagisaHihi (☀️)Yukisyo (🥥)
22nd Generation Kima (🔥)Inochi
23rd Generation HareiSusu (🔔)Momoka
VirtuaReal Star
Lingyuan yousaSakura HarukaNanakoZuya NaxihanserUreme
VirtuaReal Link
Joined 2019/08/08 Andou Inari (🦊)
Joined 2019/08/12 Retired Mitsusa (🌙)KINGSK
SVHS Retired KarinMuseEliSeven
Joined 2020/12/28 Hiatus Mama Mara
Retired Sumire Hina (🥟)Suzuka (🍩)
Joined 2020/07/27 Retired Prime Star
Joined 2020/09/19 Retired Karon (🥐)
Joined 2020/09/25 Retired Isabella (🐰🍬)
Dengyue PlanV Azusa (👅)Miyazono RinKero
SusamNoi (🍡🍻🎺)Nox (⭐🌙)
Hiatus MoriSyo
Retired RurunaJinxy


  1. Isabella did not share her color code during her debut stream, but this is the hex code of the colored font on

