Virtual YouTuber Wiki

Ivanka (Иванка) is a female Russian/Japanese Virtual YouTuber and streamer. She lives in an invented country called Virtual Yamanshi and likes Russian culture very much.


Ivanka is very calm and funny. She likes to play games and make videos about Virtual Yamanashi. Her favorite drink is vodka and she likes to joke about this.


She has short dark hair with light purple eyes and a dark red beret with a military style uniform.


Ivanka lives in Virtual Yamanashi - country, which has features of Japan and used to be a one of the republics of the USSR. In this regard, it has a mix of Russian and Japanese culture. Ivanka likes her country very much and likes to tell about it on her channel.


  • She is a good friend with Anna-Chan and Rezo Sempai.
  • Sometimes she hosts alcoholic streams with vodka.
  • She speaks in Russian with characteristic accent, which sounds very authentic for some subscribers.
  • In collab with Anna-Chan, she shows that she has a lot of personalities.
  • She also familiar with Ursula Williams, Denise and Nelly.

External Links[]

Ivanka Channel - YouTube Channel.

出羽イヴァンカ@バチャヤマ - Twitter.

イヴァンカ@バーチャルヤマナシVTuber - Marshmallow.

イヴァンカ / Ivanka - Fanbox.

ivanka_channel - Donationalerts.
