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Jururu is a female Korean Virtual YouTuber and streamer, who first streamed in March 2018 as an independent streamer on Twitch. As an Woowakgood viewer, she would stream snipe, or apply to participate in his streaming contents, which brought her decent popularity among his fandom. She would later go on to apply and qualify for numerous contents over the years, the most recent one being the ISEGYE IDOL audition. After getting in, she officially debuted in December 2021 with the release of ISEGYE IDOL single album RE:WIND.

She has been streaming on SOOP since 12 February 2024, due to the Twitch's termination of its Korean service.

She mainly streams Just Chatting, VRChat, Singing, and plays all sorts of games.

Introduction Video[]


주르르 공식 인터뷰

Jururu's Official Interview.


주르르 이세돌 무삭제판 (1~3차오디션)

Jururu Audition Rounds 1-3 Unedited Version.


She has long, dark purple-ish brown hair with a lighter streak in her bangs and violet-pink eyes with a glowing earring and black bow on the back of her head.



Similar to Jingburger,Jururu started out by streaming on Twitch on 14 March 2018. During this time, she would become a huge Woowakgood fan, and start participating in his stream contents. Due to the amount of exposure you get for coming to his stream, many participants would gain popularity, and leave to start their own streaming career, never coming on his stream again. Jururu was an outlier, as she was already a streamer, and continued to participate in his streams over and over again. She particularly gained fame while participating in his PUBG streams. While she was able to participate in his gaming contents, big chances would be created for Jururu starting from 2020.


On January 2020, Woowakgood started The Wakademy, where he wanted to discover talented individuals and give them a platform to start a YouTube career. He created a sub-channel called Wakademy, and videos of the participants (students) would be posted. Jururu applied, and was accepted. While she was able to gain more popularity, Wakademy would soon lose interest from viewers due to viewers being more interested in watching Woowakgood in the videos rather than the students. However, an even bigger opportunity would arrive to Jururu.

On June 2020, Woowakgood posted on his Fan Cafe that he was looking for Gomems, which were permanent members that would play games with him on stream. If Wakademy participants were sent off to a stray island to survive, this opportunity was like being sent to the gold mines; by being able to come on one of Korea's biggest streamer's stream to play games with him in front of thousands of viewers, the experience was extremely valuable. Woowakgood was looking for people he trusted, and had the skills to make the stream entertaining, Hundreds of his viewers applied for the Gomem spot. On 8 June 2020, Woowakgood announced the 10 individuals who were his first official Gomems, one of them being Jururu. Jururu was the only female member out of the 10 Gomems. Now, people call them Gomem 0, or Permanent Member Season 0.

Gomem 0 gained huge popularity, as Woowakgood's gaming videos with Gomem 0 gained millions of views. Viewers were attached to each Gomem's personality and characteristics, which made the stream very entertaining. However, Gomem 0 would only last 5 months and would disband in November. There were lots of problems during the five months- one member left early due to personal struggles, and another member was involved in a big scandal due to his inexcusable attitude and messages. Another big reason was that Gomems were allowed to stream on their own channel, or even collab together without Woowakgood- showing that the Gomem system was very lenient. This ended up consuming a lot of their character, and the viewers quickly got bored of their personalities due to too much exposure on their own streams.

On 14 September, she became a Twitch follower.

On 11 November, Woowakgood announced the end of Gomem 0, and Jururu became an independent streamer again. This however, did not stop Jururu from trying out in other opportunities.


On May 2021, surprising all of his viewers, Woowakgood announced that he was starting a new Gomem system called Waktaverse Gomem. Understanding what made Gomem 0 fall apart, Woowakgood put out limitations- the Gomems were not allowed to stream on Twitch, and can apply with a persona. This meant that participants needed to hide their identities, and put on a fake character to make the stream entertaining. Jururu applied to Waktaverse Gomem with the alias 'Gilhaenimsong', impersonating a late 2000's play girl. She passed the Gomem audition, and became an official Gomem for Waktaverse Season 1. During this time, Woowakgood would post another audition- this time, targeted towards his famale viewers...

On June 2021, Woowakgood announced the ISEGYE IDOL audition, and Jururu would soon apply for the audition. She was able to pass three of his previous big auditions, which proved that she was: extremely skilled in auditions, and that she was indeed popular/likeable with his viewers.

On 13 July, her application was accepted, and her name was listed to participate in the audition process on the third day of the First Round.[1]

On 17 July, she made her first appearance on Woowakgood's stream during the First Round of auditioning done in VRChat. The judges immediately laughed due to the familar face. This scene was even more ironic due to Roentgenium, one of the judges, being a Gomem 0 member like Jururu. She first showed off her dancing skills, and sang a couple of songs. Woowakgood would give her a pass, while GreatMoonAroma gave her a fail. The last decision was left to Roentgenium, who would give her the fail, shocking the viewers. Just when Jururu realized she was eliminated in the First Round and talked in a shaky voice, Roentgenium would surprise her by giving her a Super Pass. Mad at Roentgenium trolling her, she changed from her shaky voice to screaming at the judges.

On 18 July, she made the list of names that passed the First Round.[2]

On 31 July, she made the list of names that passed the Second Round.[3]

On 7 August, she made the list of names that passed the Third Round.[4]

On 26 August, she made the list of names that passed the Final Round.[5] She is now an official ISEGYE IDOL member.

On 17 December, ISEGYE IDOL released their first single album RE:WIND on Melon Chart, which marked the day all six members, including Jururu, debuted.

She also decided to officialy quit her Gomem persona 'Gilhaenimsong', as she wanted to focus more on her ISEGYE IDOL career and her streams.


On 5 March, she reached 100k followers on Twitch.

On 19 March, she reached 100k subscribers on YouTube.

On 15 May, she performed her first Solo Concert live on Twitch called "Ju. T'aime." [6]

On 28 October, she reached 200k followers on Twitch.

On 16 December, she reached 200k subscribers on YouTube.


On 12 February, she ran her first stream on SOOP and stopped streaming Twitch.


  • She is the only member who has a decent driving experience.
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Ine Jingburger Lilpa Jururu Gosegu Viichan

