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Kamishiro Natsume (紙代なつめ) is a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber. She used to be a member of the Virtual YouTuber group melty+ until they disbanded. She's now an independent Virtual YouTuber.

Introduction Video[]



Natsume's introduction.


She's a half-demon fox samurai. She's says she doesn't have any magical powers since he focuses on her muscular strength instead.

She frequently drinks alcohol during her streams. When she suddenly started drinking during her debut stream, many viewers were surprised.


She has long, light purple hair with animal ears and pink eyes and a kitsune mask.

Streaming Activity[]

Her stream greeting is こんなつ / Konnatsu and ends with おつなつ / Otsunatsu. Her streaming activity mostly are gaming stream, chit-chatting (KamiRadio) and ASMR. She loves to play competitive game such as trading card game and MOBA. She mostly plays Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links and League of Legends and Pokemon Unite with her viewers.

During ASMR, she mostly acts as yandere girlfriend. Her ASMR stream main points are her voice acting, ear blowing, ear cleaning and oil massage on her 3Dio Binaural Mic.During ASMR stream, fans responds to her as if they were being charmed.



Her channel was created on 7 October 2019. Her Twitter account was created in the same month. She debuted on YouTube on 7 November.[1]


She reached 10.000 subscribers on YouTube on 10 March, 2020. She celebrated this with a stream.[2]

On 21 May 2020, she debuted with a 3D model during a stream.[3]

On 14 July 2020, she received a new 2D costume as 30.000 subscribers celebration.[4]

The group she belonged to, melty+, disbanded on 18 July 2020 and she became an independent Virtual YouTuber.


On June 2021, she took a 2 week hiatus from streaming. After her return, she resumed her streaming activity and she starts streaming LoL exclusively on Twitch, alongside her usual Youtube activity.

On July 2021, she starts a new streaming activity called 紙ラジっ / KamiRaji ! (KamiRadio!) It operates just like usual chit-chat stream, but with different unique theme for every stream.

On 4 November, she announced her collaboration with ZEENY, an assistant application from Nain Inc. She will provide voice acting for the app.


  • Her fans are called "Kamishiro-yashiki" (紙代邸).


External Links[]

Twitter Hashtags[]


  1. 【初配信】はじめまして!紙代なつめと申します。【めるぷら】【新人Vtuber】 [Video File] Retrieved from
  2. 【記念枠】祝!1万人突破!!これからも伸び代なつめをよろしくです!!!【Vtuber】【めるぷら】 [Video File] Retrieved from
  4. 【新衣装お披露目】これが妖狐の新衣装だーーー!!!!【Vtuber/紙代なつめ】】 [Video File] Retrieved from