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Keke (克克/Kè kè) was a male Chinese Virtual UP (bilibili content creator) affiliated with VirtuaReal, NIJISANJI's Chinese Virtual Liver branch, as part of its fifteenth generation (aka 157) alongside Uka, Hunger and Yog.


VirtuaReal Keke's Self-Introduction Thumbnail

Another world’s prince and his bird
Keke's introduction video.

VirtuaReal Keke debut stream thumbnail

【Livestream playback】Jiujiu can't speak, Keke will stream on behalf 2021 October 4 19:00
Keke's debut stream.


Come adventuring together with Keke!
~ Keke on

A little prince from a desert kingdom who has no interest whatsoever in kingship or power. He only wholeheartedly wants to be an adventurer who travels worlds, crossing over yellow sand as far as the eye could see, to find the dazzling world of pleasures from legend outside the desert. However, on the previous journey he walked a bit too far. Regarding this mishap, Keke’s conclusion has only one sentence: “Don’t randomly enter unfamiliar doors.”

After passing through the portal that Yog opened in the desert to warm his room in winter, Keke who originally thought it was a thrilling and stimulating otherworldly adventure beckoning to him actually met the most serious blow to an adventurer’s life. After all this world is excessively harmonious and safe in comparison. No matter where you go, everywhere looks like it has already being occupied by other people. Fortunately as he was feeling despair, Yog opened another door called the two-dimensional for him.

“Even though I don’t know what I’m looking at, I’m greatly stunned. Instinct tells me this will be way more fun than travelling!”[4]


来自沙漠王国的小王子,对王位和权力没有任何兴趣,一心只想当一个游历世界的冒险家,穿越一望无际的黄沙,去看看传说中沙漠外面的花花世界。不过上一次的旅行却让他走的有点太远了。对于这次意外,克克的总结只有一句话:“不要随便走进陌生的门里。” 从尤格为了冬天给房间取暖而开在沙漠里的传送门穿越过来之后,本以为惊险刺激的异世界冒险在向他招手的克克却遇到了冒险家生涯最严重的打击,毕竟这个世界相比之下过于和谐而安全,不管去到哪里,满眼都是已经被别人占领过的样子,幸好在他感到失望的时候,尤格又为他打开了一扇名为二次元的大门。 “虽然我看不懂,但我大受震撼,直觉告诉我这可比旅游好玩多了!”[4]




On 24 September 2021, the VirtuaReal bilibili and Twitter accounts teased the upcoming Livers with an image of their silhouettes.

On 25 September 2021, VirtuaReal officially announced their fifteenth generation of Virtual Livers, including Keke, accompanied by a teaser of their designs and profiles.[4] Keke made his first dynamic post and released his first video, a cover of "Ten years of the Human World" (十年人间), on the same day.


On 4 October 2021, the fifteenth wave made their debuts in a stream relay from 19:00 CST to 23:00 CST, Keke being the second.[5]

Later on 19 October 2021, highlights of their debut streams were compiled into a video presented by Kyouka from Overidea on bilibili's official virtual streamer channel.[6]


On 19 October, Keke made his first Weibo post.

On 27 October, Keke's Halloween voice pack was announced.[7]

On 22 December, Keke's X'mas 2021 voice pack was announced.[8]


On 12 March, Keke's White day merchandise and voice pack were announced.[9][10]

On 5 August, Keke's talent profile was added to the NIJISANJI official website along with the rest of 157 as well as 167, despite it being 10 months since his debut.



On 23 October, Keke announced his graduation on the same day.[11]


This section is incomplete. You can help improve this article by expanding it.
  • On 12 November 2021,[TZ] Keke participated in VirtuaReal's 2021 Autumn Singing Relay.[12][13]
  • On 10 April 2022,[TZ] Keke participated in VirtuaReal's Sudden Stay-At-Home Singing Event.[14][15]


  • Keke's fan medal tag is "苟修兢".


  • Color: #FF0329 (the last four digits match the month and day of Keke's birthday)[1][2]
  • Species: Human[3]
  • Place of origin: Country of sand[3]
  • Special skill: Has a clear and bright laugh[3]
  • Though he is sixteen years old in this world, he is of age in his home country.[1][2]

Likes and dislikes[]

  • Likes:
    • All happy things[3], games, listening to and singing songs, cooking for himself[16]
    • Games: FPS e.g. Apex, CSGO, Battlefield Series, MOBA e.g. DOTA2, LOL etc. He absolutely cannot play horror games. No courage.[17]
  • Dislikes: Going hungry[3]


  • Keke's bird is called Jiujiu.[1][18]
  • His hairstyle is the result of being blown by desert wind.[1][18]

External links[]



Bilibili hashtags[]

Further reading[]

VirtuaReal logo (V T E)
1st Generation Eine (🗝🎩)
Retired Ruki
2nd Generation Nana7mi (🦈)Kouichi
Retired Ichigo (🍓)
3rd Generation Retired Muri (🌙)Hanon (🕊️🍊)
4th Generation Waku (🐉)
Retired Nyatsuki (💦)Plus (🍭)
5th Generation Miki (🐋)
Retired Hoshimi (⛱)Mahiru (👿)
6th Generation Aza (🐱)YagiTabibito (🧩)
Retired Roi (💎✨)
7th Generation Saya (💫)Yukie
Retired Seiya (👓🌟)
8th Generation Retired ShikiSamaelMimoiPaxKaru (👒)
9th Generation Chiharu (🐻🔎)
Retired ChaosKiyora (🧸)
10th Generation Yua (🐧🛸)Shaun (🦷)
Retired Sirius (🐺)Reve (🔮)
11th Generation Chiyuu
Retired Tanoshiba (🐕)Mari (🦇)Imi (🦋)
12th Generation Mayumi (🥝)
Retired Tsukumo (☁️)Remi (⚓)Kendou (🦴)
13th Generation Tocci (💖👽)Joi (🍊)Kiti (🐱🧧)
Retired Qilou
14th Generation Rhea (⏳)
Retired YomiyaHakuja (💠)Koxia (💫)Miyu
15th Generation Yog (💤)Hunger
Retired KekeUka
16th Generation SybilGirimi (🐾)Kiyuu (💕)
Retired Karisa
17th Generation Leo (🦁)Era (🦊)Sui
18th Generation Eve (🍎)Opal (🍅🦖)Shiori (🦦)
19th Generation Hatsuse (🦇)Ameki (☔)Michiya (⚔️)Awu
20th Generation Ayumi (😈)Mizuki (💓🐰)Richi (🧧)Mikoto (🍚🎭)UrushihaHajime
Retired Garu (💙)Kurau (🎸)
21st Generation Pako (🛠️)NagisaHihi (☀️)Yukisyo (🥥)
22nd Generation Kima (🔥)Inochi
23rd Generation HareiSusu (🔔)Momoka
Solo debutant Melody
VirtuaReal Star
Lingyuan yousaSakura HarukaNanakoZuya NaxihanserUreme
VirtuaReal Link
Joined 2019/08/08 Andou Inari (🦊)
Joined 2019/08/12 Retired Mitsusa (🌙)KINGSK
SVHS Retired KarinMuseEliSeven
Joined 2020/12/28 Hiatus Mama Mara
Retired Sumire Hina (🥟)Suzuka (🍩)
Joined 2020/07/27 Retired Prime Star
Joined 2020/09/19 Retired Karon (🥐)
Joined 2020/09/25 Retired Isabella (🐰🍬)
Dengyue PlanV Azusa (👅)Miyazono RinKero
SusamNoi (🍡🍻🎺)Nox (⭐🌙)
Hiatus MoriSyo
Retired RurunaJinxy
Four Meatballs QueenieBekkiLianYoyi


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 ENG SUB Keke’s debut stream highlights【VirtuaReal / NIJISANJI】
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 克克_Keke. (2021/10/04). 突【直播回放】啾啾不能说话,克克代播 2021年10月4日19点场 [Stream playback]. bilibili.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 克克 [Webpage]. (2022). VirtuaReal.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 VirtuaReal. (2021, September 25). VirtuaReal 新成员公布!长期开启招募中~ [Article]. bilibili.
  5. VirtuaReal. (2021, October 2). VirtuaReal新成员首播预告 [Dynamic post]. bilibili.
  6. 虚拟区高级运营_Official. (2021, October 15). 【直播虚拟酱41】尤格公开处刑粉丝小作文 hunger煽情直播”绷不住了“ [Video]. bilibili.
  7. VirtuaReal. (2021, October 27). VirtuaReal2021万圣音声预告 [Video]. bilibili.
  8. VirtuaReal. (2021, December 22). VirtuaReal2021圣诞音声预告 [Video]. bilibili.
  9. VirtuaReal. (2022, March 12). 白情邀约已发送🍫 [Post]. bilibili.
  10. VirtuaReal. (2022, March 12). VirtuaReal2022白情音声预告 (at 00:32) [Video]. bilibili.
  12. VirtuaReal. (2021, November 8). VirtuaReal2021秋季接力歌回来啦!本次接力歌回共有21位成员参与哦~11.12-11.14期间,每晚19:30-23:00,记得准时来D哦! [Post]. bilibili.
  13. 克克_Keke. (2021, November 12). 【直播回放】秋季接力歌回 2021年11月12日21点场 [Video]. bilibili.
  14. VirtuaReal. (2022, April 10). 今日的直播预告 19:30 @VirtuaReal 突如其来的宅家歌回 其他突击请关注旗下成员个人动态。 [Post]. bilibili.
  15. VirtuaReal. (2022, April 12). 突如其来的宅家歌会 (at 1:47:35) [Video]. bilibili.
  16. 克克_Keke. (2021/10/04). 突【直播回放】啾啾不能说话,克克代播 2021年10月4日19点场 [Stream playback]. bilibili.
  17. 克克_Keke. (2021/10/04). 突【直播回放】啾啾不能说话,克克代播 2021年10月4日19点场 [Stream playback]. bilibili.
  18. 18.0 18.1 克克_Keke. (2021, October 4). 突【直播回放】啾啾不能说话,克克代播 2021年10月4日19点场 [Livestream playback]. bilibili.
  19. 19.0 19.1 克克_Keke. (2022, February 8). 下午好哦!已经很久没有发置顶了,今天不就来了嘛!这两天一直睡的很久,还在冬眠了属于是。周六的联动可能没有也可能有,具体到时候看动态! [Post]. bilibili.