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Kwite is an American YouTuber who does commentary videos, similar to Pyrocynical and WildSpartanz. They debuted their VTuber model on February 2021.


Kwite is known for their sarcastic and indifferent demeanor. They often make jokes and witty remarks on stream, as well as banter with their chat.


They are noted to be quite small in stature, as they have no legs. They have thick eyebrows, and wear a surgical mask, a pair of sunglasses, and a green hoodie.

Their new 3D model can move their arms and make hand motions, and painted with green nail polish.


Kwite is presumed to be located within a "Box" that whenever they speaks ill of it, gets angry. It also is said that they do not have legs and the legs that are seen in any videos with them in them are prosthetics. It is said that the box changes form whenever they get into an argument, fight, etc. He claims to be a sentient hoodie, the last of his kind, as reasoning for them to remain anonymous. He has a video with the title "Face Reveal" that canonically proves Kwite has no face 'under the mask'. They say that the mask is a part of them and there is nothing else to see.



They created their YouTube channel on December 2nd, 2012.


They debuted their VTuber model on 8 February 2021 on Twitch.


On 22 February, Orion,[2] a former friend of Kwite, posted a Twitlonger about his experiences with Kwite, alleging that they emotionally abused him, called him slurs, used his dead name, and gaslit him into silence.[3]

On 11 March, Kwite released a video telling their side of the story, where they pick apart everything they were being accused of in a precise comprehensive way that goes into deep personal detail, describing the relationship they had with Orion and how Orion forced them into uncomfortable situations, saying his own fair share of racial comments, and other remarks that were supposed to be taken as jokes. Kwite even manages to gather many pieces of evidence they were able to gather over the years that this ordeal has been going on in order to prove their innocence, which can be viewed here.

At the end of their response video, they said they were going on a hiatus and don't know if they are going to come back. They returned on 30 September.

They debuted a new 3D model on stream.


  • They are half-Filipino.[4][5]
  • They are bisexual[6]

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