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Lorou (로로) was a male Korean Virtual YouTuber part of NIJISANJI's Korean branch, NIJISANJI KR. He was originally from the agency 541 E&C before transferring to NIJISANJI KR.

A former stray cat who specializes in composition and DJing. He started his VTuber career so suddenly, but it might be his calling.[1]

Introduction Video[]


1. 「로로」 541 E&C에 합류!

Lorou's introduction



An anthropomorphic yellow cat with bangs and two red and blue hairclips crossed with dark purple eyes.



Before Lorou became a Virtual YouTuber, he was working in 541 E&C by mastering the audio in drama CDs, creating BGM for the Virtual YouTubers in the agency and anything related to production or audio processing.[2]
Lorou's YouTube channel was created on 24 July, 2019. His Twitter account was created in July 2019. His first video was uploaded onto his channel on 28 October, 2019.


On 25 January, Lorou, along with Gaon, Kaen, Han Chiho, Hakuren and Moarin, transferred from 541 E&C to NIJISANJI KR.
On 10 July, it was announced that Lorou, along with Kaen, Hakuren and Yu Ruri, would graduate from NIJISANJI KR on 17 July.[3]


  • He has created BGM for fellow 541 E&C-to-NIJISANJI KR VTubers Gaon, Kaen, Han Chiho, Hakuren, as well as former 541 E&C members Lucia, ENA and Alice Mana.
  • His favorite DJs are Ujico/Snail's House, Camellia and Tokyo Machine.

External Links[]

1st Wave Min Suha (🌊)
Retired Yu Ruri (🎀🧸)Wiffy (📶)Shin Yuya (🌛🌱)
541 E&C Gaon (👔)
Retired Moarin (💕)Kaen (🦴🔔)Lorou (🎵)Hakuren (☁️)Han Chiho (🌑🦋)
2nd Wave So Nagi (🌧)
Retired Lee Siu (🐾)Chae Ara (🌹💛)
3rd Wave Akira Ray (😸)Lee Roha (🚀)
Retired Nun Bora (❄️💜)
4th Wave Yang Nari (📌)Ryu Hari (👁‍🗨)Oh Jiyu (⚜️)
Retired Shin Kiru (🌫)
5th Wave Seffyna (💗🌕)Ban Hada (🏴‍☠️)
Retired Song Mia (🍡)
6th Wave Ha Yun (🎮🦭)Na Sera (🌸🌙)
Retired Ko Yami (🐈‍⬛🔪)Lee On (🍰)
As of 15 April 2022, NIJISANJI KR officially merged with the main NIJISANJI branch. Only active Livers during the merger are considered NIJISANJI Livers.


  1. Lorou's corporate profile on the NIJISANJI website (archived)
  2. Lorou, [LOROU 【NIJISANJI KR】] (2019, October 28) #1. 로로 541 E&C에 합류! [Video File] Retrieved from
  3. NIJISANJI KR (2020, July 10) 팬 여러분들께 안타까운 공지사항을 알려드립니다. 7월 17일(금)부로 소속 4명의 라이버 카엔 @KaenVtuber 로로 @LOROU_vtuber 백연 @VtuberHakuRen 유루리 @RuriYu2434 가 졸업하게 되었습니다. 데뷔 후 많은 응원해주셔서 감사합니다. 라이버 분과 팬 여러분들에게 다시 한번 감사드립니다. [Tweet] Retrieved from