Virtual YouTuber Wiki

Minakowolf is a Ukrainian/asian female Virtual YouTuber and Streamer, who has been streaming since July 24th 2022. She is known for her Lewdness, her cozy yet chaotic energy, and her cute pastel appearance. She is an independent streamer on Twitch

Introduction Video


🌸Welcome to my channel! 🌸

Mina's introduction video


Minakowolf is A strawberry Sakura Wolf that Grew up in a small village that mainly grew and sold strawberries to profit, however times got rough, and the Village wasn't doing too well. It's said Minako was a wolf born under the full moon beneath a blossoming Sakura tree, and according to the legend of her small village A wolf Born underneath a blossoming Sakura tree the night of a full moon, would be granted Magical powers that will bring beauty and joy to all around her. She was often Bullied by other kids growing up for her odd appearance, her pink and blue hair, Strawberries for ears, Sakura shaped freckles. All She wanted was to bring joy & to show others that being different isn't a bad thing, so she used her powers for good and Broadcasts on the internet to the ones whom she has named her Sakura blossoms and starts her mission to Bring Beauty and happiness to all watching.


Minakowolf's behavior is so lighthearted and fun, she always enjoys spending time with her chat.

In July 2022, she was very energetic and hyper, she was excited as she was just starting her journey.

Her chaotic nature was more pronounced in her early streaming years, ranting on about the most random subjects, often leaving her conversation partners speechless because she had no filter. Over time, she learned to control herself better, but she doesn't always succeed, especially when she's around like-minded friends.

She is easily recognized by the way she makes people smile, feel comfortable, or get emotional. She is friendly to everyone and has said "it's better to kill them with kindness even if they were rude to you, it costs nothing to be a nice person."

She is very hardworking, as she puts in effort every day to manage working 3 jobs, streaming and creating content. she has previously stated it's her dream to be able to Stream full time one day.


She has light blue Hair with pink hair gradient with blue eyes and strawberries for ears.


Minakowolf debuted in early July 2021 on REALITY. Her YouTube page was created Jul 29, 2022, she converted her twitch account used to watch streamers on to create content on (Original creation date unknown). From the outset, she streamed using REALITY (an Gatcha based app that makes it possible to create live streams using your virtual avatar while chatting with other users in real-time or carrying out any other activity online. ) Her streaming setup was Simple using her Android phone and a Pair of raycons to stream within the app.

Her earliest known Twitch stream occurred on July 24th 2022. Minakowolf's goal was not money or popularity, but to make friends and have fun talking to people.


In July 2022, she Made Twitch her Primary streaming platform and stopped using REALITY. She made her first ever 3D model in Vroid after lots of research. She started using her laptop to stream on along with her Raycons.



In January 2023, Minakowolf unveiled her First Live2D model by Azuuani.[1]

January 30th, 2023, would mark the first ever episode of Minako's Talk Show: Sakura Chats

Ft. WillowbearLol , who helped create the Talk show Intro screen.


February 8th 2023 Minakowolf joined a Vtuber SMP Minecraft server that has since been shut down to unknown reasons.

Also, In early February Minako started to Play some horror-based video games such as Fran Bow

(Edit: she played Sally face in December 2022 horror games were not a new thing)

Minakowolf Had her First ever Birthday stream February 24th, to celebrate she had a Subathon stream that went up to 40 hours long. (No VODS were found of it unfortunately)


March 2023 Minako started her Sims 4 NSB Challenge. However due to broken game features/mods she only got 7 episodes in before completely stopping.

It was also around this time she Revealed Her Second Live 2D model made by RaekaArts


Minakowolf had her first popular video on YouTube of her going on Omegle and getting banned from the site unfortunately.

Sakura Chats episode 2 went live interviewing BB and Frankie who are alien duo Vtuber streamers on the account Endofbbelief on twitch.

BB is often called "Cult Wiafu" by Minako as they had a In game wedding ceremony in the game Cult of the Lamb.


On July 24th Minakowolf celebrated her 1 year Anniversary as a vtuber and had a very long 12 days streaming, she had to stop as she was losing her Voice and wasn't feeling well. During this stream we saw Her new 3.0 3D model with new features and changes, her hair colors had reversed to now be a Blue to pink fade gradient unlike her 2.0 model with pink to blue fade gradient, she no longer had regular wolf ears like all her previous models but were now replaced with strawberry ears. Her eyes also were now a dark deep blue unlike the previous pink, her eyelashes are still pink but look more natural and have brownish undertones, her Sakura freckles were still there, her outfit had also been updated, we saw multiple versions of this model with 2 hairstyles, and 3 New outfits with a few variations. We got Minako's Base outfit, Her Bikini outfits (Sailor red, Sailor Blue, Sailor green, Strawberry bikini Pink, Strawberry Bikini Blue), and her Sakura Bear Hoodie outfit.

It was also during this subathon her Live 2D chibi model made by: StreamReady

was revealed with 2 outfit variations (Dress and Dinosaur onesie) as well.

As different hair toggles (Short, long, bubble pigtails) and Animal toggles (Cat/Devil/Wolf/Fox)

This model also had a plushie hold toggle.

Some other big things that happened during this stream were:

New Emotes made my Nenchiiart

New PNG form for the Game Goose Goose Duck made by Kew_dee

Sakura cafe opened on stream for fun art prompts with a new background.

The Beach room Background was revealed.

The Nature room Background was also shown.

New starting soon screen.

Minakowolf also released new Merchandise on her merch shop

We also had an introduction to Cotton Coming to life with VTS Pog AI Program so cotton could reply to chat messages or answer questions.


Minakowolf revealed another new Live 2D model, this one made by: Needilive2d

Minakowolf made a big life change after a apparent breakup and moved out making over 300$ in donations before moving and taking a break from streaming due to the move.


Minakowolf Has returned!

Minako moved into her new place.

Minako had a 5 day long welcome back Spookathon October 21st-October 25th.

Minako revealed her Halloween stream overlays + her Pumpkin Wolf form for Halloween.

Minako revealed her first ever song release single.

"Strawberry Dreamin" October 22nd, 2023, at 6pm

Live on stream as well as revealing her plans for 2 full albums being made, and gave BEHIND the scenes look at the album details

Minakowolf's Dakimakura Pillow was released publicly

Minakowolf has a new top viral YouTube video of an edited down Reaction video.


Fall overlays/alerts revealed.

Discord server had a massive update with new channels.

Minakowolf hosted a Large Collab Playing among us With a friend Voice acting and trying to fool her friends as Corpse Husband

Episode 3 of Sakura chats went live with Kew_dee

Minakowolf revealed the album artwork that Kew_dee had made live during the talk show.

Minako revealed new Winter merch and a big merch sale on items for Christmas shopping.

Minako made a tweet possibly hinting at when the first album "Sakura Jams" as the name was revealed on stream.


Winter Model revealed.

New Alerts revealed.

New bedroom background revealed.

New redeems revealed.

Minakowolf Revealed she was opening A Modded Winter themed Minecraft Java SMP Server "Winter solstice"

Minako Totally does not have an obsession with Lethal Company As we see her play it a bunch through December.

Minakowolf talked about her experiences with Scammers within the Vtuber community and how she lost thousands due to scammers on December 7th, 2023, to bring awareness to how others may be Scamming vtubers trying to get started as the rise of vtubers increases. Vtuber scammers Lets talk about it She also adressed several issues in this stream with things people had to say about some of her past poor choices and apologized for her mistakes.


Minakowolf Hosted a 7 Day long subathon from Dec 16th to December 22nd.

Day 1- Minakowolf Had her community make Christmas Ordainments to decorate her Christmas Tree with for her winterthon, She Showed the Tier list for rewards, Showing off the Minecraft SMP Server and all the cool additions to the server, Talking about the Website being built for the Winter solstice SMP, Having a 4+ hour reaction and lore theories about the Poppy Playtime chapter 3 release with friends, cooking on stream, and ending the night with some terraria with her friends During the First day she got several Throne gifts Gifted to her from Viewers

Day 2- Once minako woke up she greeted everyone and Played Chaos;Child on stream getting deeper into the murder mysteries in the game. She also recieved 2 of the items that were gifted to her on day 1 and opened them Live on stream. (PC Controller & Kitchen Cooking set) This is the day a bunch of presents were opened on stream as rewards New Emotes were revealed, the winter solstice SMP was opened publicly and not sub only anymore, Sneak Peeks of Minakowolf's First album Were played as little snippets of 2 different songs on her album were played on stream, and the minecraft Vtuber Model was revealed! She played Some minecraft with MysticPlays20 (the server Co-Owner and Modpack creator) and became herobrine in game!? After hanging out for a bit longer she headed to sleep.

Day 3- Minakowolf started stream and welcoming everyone, then headed off into the kitchen to attempt to cook Soufflé Pancakes... which didn't cook very well... She than played Suika for a few hours before hopping into Detroit become Human and finishing the game and going back through and playing other routes, she didn't take the first time. She played Thief simulator for a few hours before hopping into Deceive inc. with Mysticplays20 for a few hours before swapping to Friends VS friends with a few others including Mystic and then heading to bed shortly after

Day 4- Mina woke up and talked with chat a bit before than hopping onto her Bedrock server with Zyfergames while he showed her all the things he had found, and then they went on a burried treasure hunt! Minako also recieved a few other Throne gifts that she had received Including her Fitbit vera 4 watches, and some cute pawprint Joystick covers for her Nintendo Switch. She played Kukuro with her community for a few hours and then played Goose goose duck with her friends before heading off to bed she played a few rounds of Just act natural with some of her friends.

Day 5- Minako woke up greeted chat and played more chaos;child with Zyfergames helping voice some of the Character lines, Mid-way through one of Mina's friends Chia came in chat and shared some huge news with Mina getting her all excited, after getting to a good stopping point in the game mina had a package with another throne gift, she had received from chat which was a microphone! She set it up and was very happy with it, Chia joined in VC with Zyfer and mina where they talked about playing games together they after much debate ended playing Raft together and catching up on all the things that had been going on since they last spoke, Mystic had joined them in raft a few hours in and then after many hours playing raft mina had gone to bed for the night.

Day 6- Mina woke up and started up stream heading off into the Winter SMP and building a house away from spawn as her house in spawn had too much lag due to the dungeon below and all of the Mobs and npc's in the server. She played War frame for a few hours checking out all of the new Christmas events and things going on before continuing her quest with the son in Demios where she had a reaction to a flash from the game and took a break to calm down and take some medication for her epilepsy. she returned and swapped over to Streamer Life simulator having lots of fun getting further into the game, buying a pet cat, and even getting a new house! She than played some Modded Lethal Company with her Mystic and it was very chaotic. Vtube studio had a new update and Mina had a ton of fun playing with the New Distortion effects and adding them to the channel points as redeems. she shortly after headed to bed.

DAY 7 END- Mina started stream and was excited to purchase GTA 5 as steam had a sale ongoing, she bought the game and played for a bit before joining highlife (a GTA 5 RP online server) she had fun playing for hours, before playing lethal with her friends again and sadly having an epilepsy attack and needing a break for a while. Even though Minakowolf was still in pain she pushed through and then celebrated as she revealed her First full Album release Sakura Jams after listening to the album she went to bed but a few hours later came back and announced she will be ended subathon a day early as she was heading to the hospital. She has made a post on twitter stating she was okay and would be taking some time off to focus on her health, and wished everyone a merry Christmas thanking everyone for everything during her winterthon



Minako Came Back from her week long Break on 12/31/23 and streamed all Night until the New year 1/1/24 watching the ball drop and having fun with chat She streamed later on 1/1/24 and was streaming Some GTA5 RP in Highlife before joining together with her Chat and making a List of goals she hopes to achieve in 2024 and to Hold herself accountable for working towards them Mina said every 2 months she will revisit the List and see if she's achieved any of the goals she's made or working towards them actively.


Minako celebrated Reaching 1k on twitch and on YouTube with her community being very thankful for the support they have given.

Mina's Birthday subathon started early with an influx of bits and gifted subscriptions being sent during a stream, choosing to start the subathon Early with the massive support from her comunity having reached a new all-time high in sub count being over 100 gifted subs given out during the 17 day subathon stream

Highlights video can be found on her YouTube video that was delayed from her YouTube editor moving.

Minakowolf had an all-time high viewer rate with over 100 people from massive raids and support being sent her way .

Mina Said that all the funds would help with future stream upgrades which is when we see the new revealed Staring soon screen, the Limited edition merch drop for her birthday celebration (no longer available), as well as some of the behind the scenes info about a Seccond album that unfortunately seemed to have some issues resulting in the album never being released.

Minako announced she was in a new relationship with the Vtuber Rxndown whom she had met through vtuber Smittenlilbuni's season 1 of the Bunnicraft SMP


Minakowolf joined Bunnicraft SMP Season 2

With a group of new members within the smp Making new friends.

Minakowolf's Moderator Zyfergames had his 1 year anniversary as Minakos moderator on the 10th as well as his birthday on the 30th where she played games with him to celebrate.

Minako released new Vtubing/Streaming assets on her Ko-fi shop

Minakowolf announced she's been working on special behind the scenes things she hopes to reveal in the next month.

Minas friend Goldheartgaming took her on her first IRL walkies trip around a mall learning history about a train station as a test run for future trips they hope to plan.

Minakowolf announced she would be hosting a big charity event with a big group of her vtuber friends playing lethal company hide and seek with mods that made the game much more chaotic and fun, the person who survived the most rounds would be the one to chose what charity they wanted to raise money for

The winner being Br3H7 choosing to raise money for St. Judes foundation.

The event raised 140$ for St.Judes


Minakowolf announced she had been working on music covers for the past few months having a bunch ready to be released

Minakowolf announced she was now an ambassador for the make a wish foundation

Minakowolf took part in the Wishmakers Live! Event hosted by the make a wish foundation to celebrate world wishmaker month to help children and teens with terminal illnesses have their wishes come true and for the event she went on her Seccond ever IRL walkies stream with her friend Goldheartgaming where he took her around butterfly gardens, due to miscommunication on time zones, it was a short stream but Minako made up for that by playing Supermarket simulator which was her current game obsession, but to make things more interesting she tried the Early acess to the Crowd control mod for the game where Minas community has a blast.

All the coins bought with bits were being contributed to the make a wish foundation goal which Minakos community had a bunch of fun with.

Aussiedoggy spending 70aud on bits to covert into coins to torture Minako in game by Spawning in over 100+ boxes of bread in the game this resulted into many funny clips being made, as well as fanart/memes also being made

It was also during this stream the Cursed Minako/unhinged jaw Minako meme came into existence as Minako revealed a new channel point redeem with a tik Tok wavy scanner filter where chat could make Minakos model look funny on stream.

The template made by Sindrew666 is still out there somewhere on the internet.

Minako released limited edition merch for the charity event that was available until May 20th with 10% of all merch sales going to the make a wish foundation during the event.

The Wishmakers Live! Event for the make a wish foundation raised over 30,000$

Beating 2 goals for the event! Congratulations on going above and beyond for kids in need!

Minakowolf released a bunch of covers on YouTube: ERROR, Say so (English cover), Lost ones Weeping , Say so (German cover), BlingBangBangBorn, Moo &Papermoon

Minakowolf recorded the entire process of her learning how to play wait and bleed on acoustic guitar, as well as live covers of Unholy, Running with the wolves and one other song (unsure of the song name?)

Many being songs Mina said were songs she personally loved so much others being requested from fans


Minakowolf released more cover songs in May: shiro's Woodpecker lullaby, Out for Love (Hasbin Hotel),I wanna be your slave, Wait and bleed,Unholy Live Cover , Poison (Hasbin Hotel) & Edge of Dawn

Many of her cover songs started getting many views

Minakowolf has a new all time most viewed video with 5k+ views from her out for love cover from the show hasbin hotel.

Due to popular request Mina started a tutorial series for fellow streamers on how to Seperate music in OBS and twitch VODS, how to set up Mix it up bot and how to use it for auto clip commands, vtubing redeems & daily redeems

Making a Tutorial playlist

Minakowolf Challenged streamer Hewy Hewy in a supermarket simulator challenge giving him 2 weeks to get to lvl 40, if he failed he would owe Mina 5 gifted, but if he succeed Mina would owe him 5 subs

(Spoiler alert he lost by a long shot and he did gift Mina the 5 subs)

Minakowolf announced she would be performing live in the WNT Vtuber awards her friend Nyakubs was hosting

The event went super well and Mina performed a cover of the song Stay with me in Japanese during the event.

Misinformation was spread around about Minako Being another music artist who no longer makes music, as her voice heavily resembled the German music artist who had left the music scene 4 years ago, the fanbase for this artist was big and false information was spread quickly resulting in many beliving they were the same person, some fans taking things too far and sending supposive threats to Minako making her scared. She turned off all comments on her cover songs due to the influx of the fans of this other community attacking her wanting information.

Minakowolf made a statement about the situation saying she was not related to this artist on a reddit thread that blew up with conspiracy theories about the artists disappearance. The official comic artist who worked with this music artist also made a statement saying that things have gone to far and that Mina was not Anna and to please leave the vtuber alone.

Mina made an announcement saying she was going on a temporary hiatus after everything got so out of hand and that it affected her mental health in a negative way and also affected her brand as a vtuber in a negative light and wanted the fanbase of the artist to leave her alone

She is still on hiatus

May 28th Minakowolf returns to streaming making boba on stream and playing it takes two with her boyfriend rxndown.

May 29th-30th Minakowolf Got ddosed live on stream and was publicly doxxed by someone in another community she was in she was in announcing a long break from streaming and reached out to the her local police in fear of getting Swatted or worse (They did nothing according to Minako)


May 31st Minakowolf was doxxed again and has had enough it seemed, she called out her stalker of 3 years publicly tagging both twitch support and the Vtuber blacklist as neither had seemingly done much to help her even after multiple reports. She put all evidence she was given permission to from other victims including her own out again on Twitter.

(This is not her first time addressing her stalker February of last year she had also called him out the main tweet seemingly gone but not deleted more than likely her stalker trying to cover his tracks as she had already shown he had publicly told people to go kill her or wishing she would die which have since been deleted but the evidence is all there)


June 3rd Minako made a tweet saying she was playing with friends offline with no announcements made and her stalker had hacked Into their game making her excuse herself and apologize for the situation as she felt responsible.

June 4th Minakowolf came back to streaming talking about everything and why she was scared for her safety because of her stalker, her local police she said would not do anything and twitch by the sounds of it isn't wanting to do anything about it even after the many reports made on her stalker and evidence that was provided. She stated she reached out to some vtuber news groups about it to see if they would cover it but many had declined for unstated reasonings (more likely fear as this is an issue with doxxing) she was also called out for using someone else's photo saying it was her she explained it was because she was trying to get her stalker on the wrong tracks since he already seemingly was trying to find Minakos private information Minakowolf and her manager handled it privately and Minako made a post saying why she did it and apologized to everyone who was mislead and explined on her stream, which minakos loyal fans understand why she did what she did minakowolf said she will not do a face reveal for she likes her privacy and she already felt unsafe given all the other things already going on threatening her safety.

She also got doxxed by her stalker again on this day though her manager said it was taken care of quickly.

June 6th Minako announced she would be stepping away from Twitter due to her mental health getting worse and would be handing her Twitter account over to her manager. Minakos manager made a tweet on her twitter page saying that they made a report of everything to the police about Minako's stalker as they have threatened her and many others including minors and that all personal information (assuming stalkers real name and adress?) would not be revealed and anyone pressing the issue further would be banned permanently from the community.

Nothing else has been heard from Minakos manager or her since.

Unknown if Minako will return for her anniversary given everything else that has been going on lately I can only assume she is scared to and I can't blame her.

Minako has returned to streaming after her long break but it was short-lived as she was doxxed live on stream yet again in a friends stream of whom she had raided out to immediate action was taken and she disappeared for a while again.

She's come back again saying she feels like there's no winning in the situation she leaves they get what they want she doesn't leave They do it again she states as this is her full-time job This is the way she's making a living and she doesn't know what else to do because she can't work any other job at the moment due to her illnesses and not being able to drive legally due to these illnesses so she's been cornered and she's scared things have been fine for a while and it happened again this time in VR chat while on a friendly meetup with a fan a random VR chat user had shown up using a TTS to read out her personal details she ended stream immediately and went back to Hiding.

While she was not streaming she was still active in her friends communities sadly she had gotten doxed there as well she no longer felt safe having friends she felt the need to apologize for any time any of her friends would get bot followed Because this person was following every movement she was making and any streamed she was watching or active in.

Minakowolf has fired her manager. Her past manager made jokes about doxxing A friend of hers more than once because he has their information and they live in the same state turns out that streamers girlfriend got doxxed And they got scared and shut down stream. The streamer's girlfriend reached out to Minako alledgedly saying that this was not the first time they had threatened it and it was a continuous thing They "joked" around about. Her manager was pushing boundaries a little too far with her friend to the point where he got banned permanently from their stream. The manager helped put a FBI report in about her stalker with all the proof of everything they have done So perhaps she didn't want to think that he would do such a thing if he would help her. According to Mina other friends of hers had the manager drop into their chat to say hello immediately after following a bot follow raid.... This became too suspicious and too much for Mina she fired him and banned him from her streams for everyone's safety and she logged off again being silent for a while. According to Mina she was not streaming but her friend was and helping them through a level of a game that she played a year ago and already completed trying to teach them how to get past the level when her ex manager showed up into that chat of another streamer and had begged Mina to unban him so they could talk she refused and banned him as she was a moderator In her friends stream. He did not give up though and continued going down the line with everyone they were playing with sending that same exact message, Mina saying to just ban them and apologizing for his behaviors immediately after getting banned from every single chat all of them simultaneously got bot followed. This was no longer coincidence. Later that day her friend would get doxxed Live on stream and made an announcement that he would be disappearing as he does not want to put the other people he lives with at risk understandably. Mina's struggling It seems talking with people because she's afraid to get them involved she claimed she is afraid to have any friends or connections and has purposely been denying any collab requests that came her way in fear of getting them involved.


Mina comes back saying she wishes to move on from all the bullshit and all the drama and just wants to live her life as a anime girl who plays video games on the internet. Things are normal again for a while until it gets close to her 2-year anniversary The bot views start back up as she cannot be bot followed since she put up safety precautions but she cannot prevent the views of botting she tells everyone not to mention it and to ignore it It's not real it doesn't matter and just have a good time during the stream.

Things are normal until she invites a couple friends to collab with her playing chained together everything's great they're having fun and everyone accept Mina and one other person have left so it's just mina and one person playing the game Trying to finish the game to completion Right before they complete the game her friend goes AFK and she opens up their chat to entertain them Little does she know someone is in her friend's chat trying to get her friend to doxx her by reading out the twitch username with her personal details that they created she says to her chat while muted on theirs to please give her a second and she's actively being doxed and she's taking care of it right now. She banned them But according to her two new accounts popped up One with her mother's name this made her scared she had visibly been terrified as she had shared a story that her mother's tires were slashed the other day thankfully she had noticed in time and was able to pull over If not she probably would be dead at this very moment. That is absolutely horrifying and I could not imagine how Mina was feeling at this very moment. She ended her stream after that clearly distraught and she said she would be leaving in her discord server she said it is now nine times she was publicly doxed on twitches platform Not counting the times it happened off their platform It is getting ridiculous she said she's been begging them for help for months on the issue and they refuse to do anything There are no humans on their support message team to help her with this issue and it will continue happening because they have done nothing. She said it's gone too far and to the point where she's currently in debt because they donated a bunch of money on a tipping platform (streamlabs) that she does not have listed anywhere on her social or about sections for tips/donations and has made it very clear on every single one she has that there are no refunds. She had shared a picture with her chat saying that it all got recognized as the same twitch user who is clearly a fake account but when she goes into her bank statements they are all from a different person's name and the amount is pretty big that was donated. She said she got a charge back fee and since it was from different PayPal accounts she had to pay a chargeback fee multiple times which had caused her to go into debt. This person is not trying to ruin her career anymore It's much more than that They are trying to ruin her life her family's life but her life in danger put her family's life in danger Even her friends. This is a huge issue that Twitch needs to address You would think that if someone is reaching out to you about such a serious issue you would take them seriously.

Mina made a YouTube video hour long not edited video about everything that's been going on and why Twitch does not care about her safety she said in the video that there are two people there suspecting of the doxxing But they don't have 100% evidence only speculations with some backing but no proof she also says not to harass these people and to leave them alone Even if it ended up they did it she does not promote that kind of behavior even if it was done to her, that just shows how genuine of a person she is.

She made the video saying in hopes that it will spread around with enough attention maybe twitch will finally take action and help her and the many others who are affected And also maybe people will realize this could happen to anybody even if they're a small streamer it could happen to them at any moment and it's unfortunate that twitch's team refuses to do anything about it to help. she also stated if anyone cares to help her at all or help spread the message to share that video to all their friends and to even send it to Twitch multiple times and they will be forced to listen at that point.

The video link is here if you wish to watch it and help support her And spreading the message that Twitch needs to start taking more action:


Minako said there's an ongoing police investigation trying to get the doxxer shut down for good and will stay silent on the matter for awhile.

She did say however she will continue posting content on her YouTube and TikTok page of edited VODS of her past live streams on Twitch.

She spoke about possible new content but wanted to catch up editing old content before creating new videos.


Minakowolf held a 3 day Subathon to raise money for a new unreleased song on Twitch, Her community reached 3 goals out of 25

September 27th Minako announced that she will be Going on an Indefinite Hiatus from all activity under the name "Minakowolf"

and had a "see you later" stream on Twitch being very vauge on info of why she was leaving...

She said all money that was made for the new song will instead go to Her model artist Ren Lunaris whom was working on her 5.0 Live 2D Model

as to what this means for that said model is still unknown... will it be finished? Will Minako ever come back... We still are unsure.

She stated that all of her social media and music would remain up it's just that she will no longer be active as "Minakowolf"

Minako made a tweet saying her account would remain inactive and she would be on 'Indefinate Hiatus'

Many have been confused by this sudden decision some speculating she got picked up by a Vtuber company

Note: (This has not been confirmed Nor would it be allowed to be Confirmed even if true)

But many have wished her the best on her future endearers in the future whatever that may be.

Good Luck Minakowolf Wherever the future leads you!


Sakura Chats Episode 1 Willowbearlol 2023/01/30
Sakura Chats Episode 2 Endofbbelief 2023/04/03
Sakura Chats Episode 3 Kew_dee 2023/11/08


Strawberry Dreamin

Strawberry Dreamin

Sakura jams

Sakura Jams

Endless nightmares

Endless Nightmares



Minako 1.0 model Minako 2.0 model pony tail Minako strawberry cat maid
3.0 kuromi outfit Minakowolf 4.0 3d Model Refrence


Minakowolf 1.0 Model Live 2D Mina gun Minakowolf 3.0 Live 2d model refrence
Minakowolf's First ever live 2d model

(Art + rig by Azuyani)

Minakowolf's 2nd Live 2D model

(art + rig by RaekaArts)

Minakowolf's 3.0 Live 2d model

(Art & rig by NeediLive2D)

Minakowolf 4.0 Live 2D MODEL
Minakowolf's 4.0 Live 2D Model

(Art + Rig by kvxart)


Cotton closedCotton open Mina Goose Goose Duck TalkingMina Duck Duck Goose Closed Mina Ghost face 2Mina Ghost face 1
Cotton TTS Chat Pet mouth open/closed Made by: Willowbearlol Duck duck goose PNG made by: Kew_Dee Mina Ghost Face PNG made by: Kew_Dee
Png art Winter wolf Minakowolf Bithday Chibi
Free PNG made by Soren Png + Merch design made by Vampirgothgf Birthday PNG Made by ChiaVR


Minakowolf 2.0 winter Goth girlfriend modelGoth girlfriend model outfit 2
Minakowolf 2.0 pj 2Minako 2.0 model pjMina 2.0 pj glasses closeup Cyber catCyber wolf
Minako bunny Braid Minako bunny long hair Loveheart 3.0 outfitMinakowolf 3.0 fairytail outfit
Minako strawberry cat maidModel cat Minakowolf 3.0 locked up heart3.0 Tactical Lover outfitReach for the stars 3.0 model
Strawberry BikiniSailor Bikini RedSakura bear


Model halloween'Minako halloween fullMinako halloween chibi0x0px Halloween mcdonaldsHalloween 2Minako Live 2D Yandere Nurse 2.0 modelFall pumpkin Spice wolf 2.0 ModelPumpkin Spice Wolf model 2.0
Pumpkin wolf Halloween 4Halloween 5
Candy cane wolf longCandy cane pj longCandy cane reindeerCandy cane unwrapCandy cane naughty Santa Minakowolf 4.0 live 2D Christmas Model Xmas 2023 3Minakowolf 4.0 live 2D Christmas Model Xmas 2023 2Minakowolf 4.0 live 2D Christmas Model Xmas 2023Minecraft Live 2D ModeLMinakowolf 4.0 live 2D Christmas ModelMinakowolf 4.0 live 2D Christmas Model 2

