Mirai Akari (ミライアカリ, 未来明 lit. Future Light) was a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber who debuted on 27 October 2017.
Introduction Video
【自己紹介】ねぇ…聞いて欲しいの…【MiraiAkariProject 001】
Mirai Akari's introduction.
Personality and Character concept
Originally, Mirai Akari was intended to be a time traveler who was sent from the future to the year 2017 under unknown circumstances. Once she arrived into the present, Akari lost her memories of her previous life as a side effect, and now while she struggles to find her mission, she tries to have a connection with humans via her YouTube channel. This concept now is barely brought into her recent videos and now she does more conventional videos such as game walkthroughs, livestreams or about trendy/humorous subjects.
Akari is a very extroverted and energetic person, who does big gestures during speaking and having an expressive face. She is also known for her double-entendre and dirty jokes, which almost all the time gets her in trouble.
Mirai Akari has blond hair tied in a side ponytail with a silvery-prism colored butterfly-shaped blue ribbon. She has blue eyes and a slender yet voluptuous body. Her Bust/Waist/Hip measurements are 90/55/86 centimeters (35/22/34 in)
Her channel was originally Eilene's
On 25 October 2017, a short introductory video featuring Akari was uploaded.[1]
She officially debuted 27 October 2017, with a video where she introduced herself.[2]
On 28 June, Eilene announced on her Twitter account Yomemi's graduation from ENTUM and her wish to continue working independently, and thus Eilene's involvement on Akari's plot and activities also finished.[3]
On 27 October, during her 1st Anniversary event, Akari debuted her second 3D costume. Ditching her more raunchy and alluring original model (that including her already tiny mini-skirt, corset, revealing cleavage and her infamous leather thong), in favor of a more conventional one, akin to the idol genre (which covered her breasts and has a less moving, fluffy skirt with more conservative bloomers). The new outfit retains her suspenders and a version of her signature butterfly-shaped hairclip.[4]
In March, Eilene's videos that were created in the channel prior to the debut of Mirai Akari were deleted.
On 31 December, Akari announced on her Twitter account that she would continue as an independent VTuber after ENTUM's closure.[5]
On 29 September, GOOM STUDIO's Twitter account announced Akari would join the company. Akari also released her original song "Fly to NEW WORLD."[6]
On 3 October, Akari debuted her third 3D costume.[7]
On 21 October, Akari debuted her 2D model based on her third 3D costume.[8]
On 14 January, it was announced that Akari's alter ego Kokoro Yami would debut as an artist releasing her original song "Cry to NEW WORLD," a parallel song to Akari's "Fly to NEWWORLD." Yami also debuted a new unique design. To commemorate her debut Yami signed autographs during a stream however she still used a recolor of Akari's model.[9]
On 13 April, the EP "Mirai Akari VS Kokoro Yami" was released.
On 3 August, it was announced that Akari's alter ego Kokoro Yami would debut her first solo EP "YAMIONE."
On 24 March, Akari announced that she would retire.[10]
On 31 March, Akari retired with a final stream. She also published her last tweet thanking her fans for their support.[11][12]
Mirai Akari VS Kokoro Yami | 13 April 2022 | |
Disc 1
Disc 2
External links | ||
Digital Release |
Likes and Hobbies
- Her hobby is egosearching, so she calls herself "princess of egosearching" (エゴサーの姫 / egosa no hime)
- Her favorite food are hamburgers and her favorite drink is Dr. Pepper.
- Her nickname Danchou comes from Orga Itsuka (a character of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans).
- The sound that is produced after her signature greeting (ハロー、ミライアカリだよっ!/ Hello! Mirai Akari da yo!) is called by her as the "Pirorin" (ピロリン). And it's a running gag on her livestreams that the Pirorin sounds with a delay after she delivers her greeting or asking her audience on live events to mimic the sound.
- The Pirorin was eventually anthropomorphized and it is now the avatar of Mirai Akari's videos producer, appropriately called pirorinman.exe (ピロリンマン.exe).
- Her channel was formerly Eilene's main channel. Eilene moved to Moemi's channel since Mirai Akari's debut.
- She and Kaguya Luna did a collaboration video which was posted on Luna's channel. Since then, she did more collaborations with several VTubers, including Siro, her colleagues on ENTUM, Kashiko Mari, among others.
- Akari was one of the first VTubers to interact with her fans on the platform VRChat and also to talk with other VTubers via Superchat.
- Her (current) production company is ZIZAI Inc. (at the time known as DUO Inc.), and she was represented by its in-house talent agency ENTUM.
- Due to her voice range, she also perform as Kokoro Yami (ココロヤミ, a low energy version of her) and Teacher Akari (アカリ先生) (a more mature version of her wearing glasses)
- Akari's cover of Crusher-P's "ECHO" is one of her most viewed videos (with more than one million views). She performed the song live at the Nico Cho Party on November 2018.
- As a result of her time travel amnesia, most of Mirai Akari's background is lost, and thus she cannot recall her birth date and she never did a especial event for her unknown birthday. This problem was solved on 21 November 2018, when Kizuna Ai and Kaguya Luna (as part of their double collaboration series), gave her this date to finally celebrate it.[14] Since then Akari adopted it as her official birthday date[15] and she did a special livestream one year later.[16][17]
- In the same video, apart from establishing her birthday date, Luna claimed that Akari in the future borrowed one million pesos from her and she is also in possession of Kizuna Ai's Pyoko-pyoko hammer.[18]
- Akari responded to those claims and thanked Ai and Luna in a video on 19 December 2018. She also claimed to just turn 16 years old.[19]
- The real age of Mirai Akari is unknown. Kaguya Luna theorized that Akari's real age is around 28 years (because of her lewd comments and behavior).[18] On the NHK Virtual nodo Jiman, after being asked by the host of the event, Sen Odagiri, Akari stated that she is around 18-years-old.
- She debuted as a DJ at Re:Animation 13 on 12 January 2019 and again on 8 December 2019 at the Re:animation 14, this time featuring music of Yoruno Neon as part her DJ live set.[20][21][22]
- Her art was illustrated by KEI, who also created Hatsune Miku's V2 voicebank art.
External Links
- Mirai Akari Project - YouTube channel
- Mirai Akari's Official Website
- ミライアカリ - Nicovideo User Page
- @miraiakari_prj - Twitter account
- @miraiakari_official - Instagram account
- Mirai Akari's Official Q&A - Marshmallow account
- @pirorinman_map - Pirorinman.exe's Twitter account, Mirai Akari's Video Producer.
Twitter hashtags
- アカリギャラリー - Fan art
Further readings
- ミライアカリ - Nicovideo Encyclopedia
- ミライアカリ - Pixiv Encyclopedia
- ミライアカリ - Japanese Wikipedia
- 未来明 - Moegirl Encyclopedia
- 미라이 아카리 - Namu Wiki
- ↑ Mirai, A. [Mirai Akari Project]. (2017, October 25). 【新企画】Mirai Akari Project 始動 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [Mirai Akari Project]. (2017, October 27). 【自己紹介】ねぇ…聞いて欲しいの…【MiraiAkariProject#001】 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Eileine [@BitYoutube]. (2018, June 28). 【お知らせ】この度はバーチャルカノジョ「ヨメミ」がENTUMを卒業する事になりましたのでご報告いたします。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [@MiraiAkari_prj]. (2018, October 27). ただいまぁあ(*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡ みんな無事に おウチ帰れたぁ?🙄 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [@MiraiAkari_prj]. (2019, December 31). ENTUMは活動終了しますが、ミライアカリはフリーとしてこれからも変わらず活動します🙄 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ GOOM STUDIO [@goomstudio]. (2020, September 29). VTuberミライアカリのGOOM STUDIO所属が発表されました。これからの活動にご期待ください。何卒よろしくお願いいたします👀 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [Mirai Akari Project]. (2020, October 3). 【新衣装】Newミライアカリ 発表会!!! [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [Mirai Akari Project]. (2021, October 21). 【新人デビュー!?】はじめまして!○○○○○○です! [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [Mirai Akari Project]. (2022, January 14). 【ユニバース】緊急サイン会【ダークネス】 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [@MiraiAkari_prj]. (2023, March 24). 【大切なお知らせ】改めまして、ミライアカリは、2023年3月31日をもってVTuberの活動を引退します [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [Mirai Akari Project]. (2023, March 31). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-uypbYaGL4 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [@MiraiAkari_prj]. (2023, March 31). ミライアカリの最後の配信ありがとうございました! 配信中胸がいっぱいで、呼吸が苦しくてちゃんとお話しができずごめんね。 一旦お別れになっちゃうけど、これからもずーーっと、アカリはキミの隣りにいるからね。愛してるよりも、愛してるよ🦋💗 未来でアカリを探してね!#ミライアカリ生放送 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/eozgt0/1st_vtuber_music_awards/
- ↑ Kaguya, L. [Kaguya Luna Official]. (2018, November 21). 【祝ってみた】誕生日勝手に決めたったワwwwwwwwwww [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [@MiraiAkari_prj]. (2018, November 21). 今日があと4時間なのに誕生日になりました。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [@MiraiAkari_prj]. (2019, November 19). Twitterで初めて風船飛んで 感動してる😭😭💓 ミライアカリ生誕祭2019~ホワイトムーンラブサンシャイン~ [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [Mirai Akari Project]. (2019, November 29). ミライアカリ生誕祭2019〜ホワイトムーンラブサンシャイン〜 [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Kaguya, L. [Kaguya Luna Official]. (2018, November 21). 【祝ってみた】誕生日勝手に決めたったワwwwwwwwwww [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Mirai, A. [Mirai Akari Project]. (2018, December 19). 焼肉食べてたら勝手に誕生日決まったwww [Video]. YouTube.
- ↑ Re:animation [@reanimationjp]. (2019, December 8). 見えた#reani_dj [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ @deth_r_cota. (2019, December 9). DJミライアカリちゃんマジ凄かった。この盛り上がりよう見て!!終始こんな感じで繋ぎも上手いし、ブチ上げる気マンマンの選曲だしちょー盛り上がった。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
- ↑ @deth_r_cota. (2019, December 27). ブース中を縦横無尽に駆け回るミライアカリちゃん、かわいい!!! [Tweet]. Twitter.