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Mochi Hiyoko (もちひよこ) is a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber who debuted on 5 January 2018 and the founder member of MochiPro.
Introduction Video
Hiyoko's introduction.
Mochi Hiyoko is a self-proclaimed "little girl in the second cycle of rebirth". She prefers to be called "Mochihiyo-chan" in a friendly way, but sometimes she is called “Mochihiyo-sensei” with respect because of her more mature behaviors than she looks. She herself is very fond of little girls; when she watched Yuki Chihiro's first video on Twitter, she had lost her mind at her cuteness.[2]
In 2018, Hiyoko often uploaded short videos using physics engines, but she has mainly been live streaming and creating music videos lately. She plays a variety of games and especially prefers puzzle games like "Baba Is You".
Hiyoko is also a skilled 3D modeler. She has created 3D models for Kaminari Ai and Boyacky (Yatterman Channel), and Yuki Chihiro (Nijisanji), and, needless to say, herself. In July 2019, she established an independent VTuber group MochiPro, and she has been creating 3D models of every member's body and costume.
She has a pastel yellow dress and sunhat with a blue neck ribbon. Her hair is lavender in twintails and blunt bangs with light blue eyes. She has dark blue mary janes with frilly socks.
Hiyoko opened her YouTube channel on 2 January 2018, and she debuted with her first video on 5 January 2018.[3] The video was also uploaded to nicovideo on the same day.[4]
On 1 April, she announced that she would be an adult woman instead of a little girl (as an April Fool's Day joke).[5] This adult woman model has appeared in several livestreams since then.
On 9 April, she announced that she joins the VTuber agency ENTUM. She was one of the founding members along with Mirai Akari, Nekomiya Hinata, Yomemi, and Todoki Uka.
On 8 November, she collaborated with Hoshizaki Tia, Saeki Yahiro, and Ponpoko[6], and two days later on 10 November, the unit was named Te-Te-Train (てぇてぇトレイン).[7]
On 17 November, she announced that she had created 3D models of Kaminari Ai and Boyacky of the Yatterman Channel.[8]
On 5 January, she revealed her idol costume on the 1st anniversary livestream.[9] During the livestream, her first music video of "愛言葉Ⅲ" was uploaded.[10]
On 9 January, the animated television series, Virtual-san wa Miteiru, was broadcast on TV in which she appeared.
On 9 May, she anounced that she created a 3D model of Tomochin, who appears in the TV drama "Digital Tattoo".[11] The drama is on TV on 18 May.
On 26 July, she announced that she established an independent VTuber group, MochiPro.[12] Next day, on 27 July, she explained the group in her livestream, and the founding members, Kamino Tane and Ouma Yuu, then uploaded their first videos.
On 27 August, Yuki Chihiro revealed her 3D model and announced that the model had been created by Mochi Hiyoko.[13] Hiyoko appeared in the revealing stream as a guest, and she talked about the model making on her own livestream that night.[14]
On 16 December, it was announced that ENTUM, the VTuber agency that Mochi Hiyoko belonged to, would be ending its support at the end of the year.[15]
On 21 February, she announced that two new members, Coconoe Conono and Amemachi Watage, would debut from MochiPro.[16] They did their debut streams on the next day.
On 6 July, Mochi Hiyoko and Ponpoko's original song "雨に唄えば" was announced.[17] The song was uploaded to YouTube on 30 July[18], and it was also included in the compilation album "VirtuaREAL.02", which was released on August 15.
On 27 July, she announced a collaboration with one-piece brand "Favorite" to create original loungewear.[19]
On 31 August, she announced that her small figure created with 3D printer would be released.[20] It was on sale for a limited time from 1 to 30 September.
- Her fanbase is officially called "Hiyoko-gumi" (ひよこぐみ). "*-gumi" follows the naming of classes in Japanese kindergartens.
- The name "Hiyoko" means "chick". The reason why she named herself as so is that she is a beginner YouTuber, she is small, she is cute, and she is dressed in yellow.
- She is an avid fan of Disney and loves Minnie. She went to Disneyland in Florida in the summer of 2019.
- She is very adept at 3D modeling, and she likes to design cute young girls.
- In addition to her standard early-teen girl model, she has a very attractive "onee-chan" (big sister) model, where her age appears to be in the twenties, that is used for cabaret-like videos. In a Twitter poll that she asked fans which swimsuit 3D model photos they liked, 70% of the respondents chose the young girl’s one.
- She established her own VTuber group called MochiPro.
External Links
- もちひよこ - Youtube channel
- もちひよこのアトリエ - Secondary Youtube channel
- @mochi8hiyoko - Official Twitter account
- @mochi8hiyoko8no - Secondary Twitter account
- Hiyoko's profile on the fficial MochiPro website
Twitter hashtags
Further readings
- ↑ mochi8hiyoko (2018, January 22) 身長はたしか140センチくらいだった気がする!体重は767キロバイトくらいだよ~~ [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/mochi8hiyoko/status/955099258067206145
- ↑ mochi8hiyoko (2018, February 6) か、かわいいいい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!かわいすぎて胸が締め付けられる思いだよ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!! [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/mochi8hiyoko/status/960842722725605376
- ↑ Mochi, H. [もちひよこ] (2018, January 5) バーチャルYouTuberデビューしました!もちひよこです!(・8・)[Video File] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXiR3Zhnnd4
- ↑ Mochi, H. [もちひよこ] (2018, January 5) バーチャルYouTuberデビューしました!もちひよこです!(・8・)[Video File] Retrieved from https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32541365
- ↑ Mochi, H. [もちひよこ] (2018, April 1) もちひよこ、ロリやめるってよ [Video File] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePOV2-acMxQ
- ↑ Ponpoko [ぽんぽこちゃんねる] (2018, November 8) ハッピーハロウィン!#ハロウィン後夜祭女子会 [Video File] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR8QzyoIkG0
- ↑ ponpokoka (2018, November 10) #ハロウィン後夜祭女子会 あらため #てぇてぇトレイン になりした☆☆☆ [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/ponpokoka/status/1061123796466249728
- ↑ mochi8hiyoko (2018, November 17) 情報解禁とのことで・・・ヤッターマン2号ことカミナリアイちゃんと、ボヤッキーのモデリングを担当しました~! MVめっちゃかわいいので毎秒見て!!! https://youtu.be/wR6biSMvqis ついに人生2周目幼女ママになってしまった・・・[Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/mochi8hiyoko/status/1063740413058535424
- ↑ Mochi H. [もちひよこ] (2019, January 5) もちひよこ1周年ありがとう!記念生放送スペシャル!! [Video File] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZTKNzf0LNc
- ↑ Mochi H. [もちひよこ] (2018, January 5) 【オリジナルMV】愛言葉Ⅲ/もちひよこ【歌ってみた】 [Video File] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WezmreVcfZM
- ↑ mochi8hiyoko (2019, May 9) NHKドラマ「 #デジタル・タトゥー 」に登場するVTuber「ともちん」の3Dモデリングを担当しました!10分PR動画に登場してるよ! https://nhk.or.jp/drama/dodra/tatoo/… 放送もぜひチェックしてね~!! NHK総合 5/18(土) 夜9時スタート! [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/mochi8hiyoko/status/1126355641730134016
- ↑ Mochi H. [もちひよこ] (2019, July 26) 【緊急記者会見】新プロジェクトについて [Video File] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM7jhxeKflU
- ↑ Chihiro. Y [勇気ちひろ] (2019, August 27) 【3Dおひろめ】おまたせ!いつもありがとう!【勇気ちひろ】 [Video File] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgQQ4QAzO60
- ↑ Mochi H. [もちひよこ] (2019, August 28) ちーちゃん3Dかわいすぎ&もちぷろ1か月のエモ [Video File] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZukTrvEEKg
- ↑ entum_info (2019, December 16) 【いつも応援してくださっている皆様へ大切なお知らせ】このたび、バーチャルYouTuber事務所「ENTUM」は2019年12月31日(火)をもちまして活動を終了とさせていただく運びとなりました。 詳しくは以下をご確認ください。 [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/entum_info/status/1206439037671591936
- ↑ mochi8puro (2020, February 21) 【お知らせ】もちぷろに新メンバーが加入しました! 新メンバー 九重このの @coconoeconono 雨町わたげ @ame_watage 2月22日(土)20時より初配信を行います お楽しみに! #もちぷろ [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/mochi8puro/status/1230794441536851968
- ↑ usagipro777 (2020, July 6) VTuberオリジナル楽曲アルバム第3弾「VirtuaREAL.02」が8月15日に発売!ピンキーポップヘップバーン 名取さな ロボ子さん KMNZ もちぽこ あおぎり高校 ミディ with 瀬戸美夜子 ナギナミ キミノミヤ&大蔦エル 水瀬しあ&菜花なな VTuber&クリエイター計37名が参加! https://virtuareal.net/02 #VR02 [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/usagipro777/status/1279972853006217221
- ↑ The LASTTRAK [The LASTTRAK - トピック] (2020, July 30) 雨に唄えば (feat. もちぽこ) [Video File] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JubHHqdSFR4
- ↑ mochi8hiyoko (2020, July 27) 【お知らせ】Favorite @Favorite_Onepi とのコラボが決定しました! もちひよこがデザインした 男性でも着られるフリーサイズのルームウェアです!! 一定数のご予約で生産決定となります・・・! ご予約お待ちしております!![Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/mochi8hiyoko/status/1287735598321528832
- ↑ mochi8hiyoko (2020, August 31) 【お知らせ】もちひよこのと~ってもかわいいミニフィギュアが 9/1(火)20時から販売開始します!!! 9/30までの期間限定なのでお見逃しなく~!! 販売ページ お迎えしたら #もちひよフィギュア で写真アップしてね♪ [Tweet] Retrieved from https://twitter.com/mochi8hiyoko/status/1300267063747862528