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Myusagii, also known as Myu, is a English VTuber who debuted on the 10th August 2020. She primarily streams art on Twitch.

Introduction Video[]


Myu is a VTuber now!

Myusagii's introduction.


Myusagii is chaotic person. Most of the times she's confused and doesn't know what's going on.

She loves to do her "Ara ara" and acts tsundere sometimes. She doesn't like if people touch her ears/ahoge (except if it's Arseen)

Myusagii hates horror games and tends to cry when she's too overwhelmed.


Myusagii is a catgirl. She has long brown hair with a rarely seen orange section in the back. She has heterochromatic eyes, with one eye being purple and the other orange. Her hair has a large heart-shaped ahoge and her cat ears have ear floofs. Below her ears she wears two large bells, with red bows tied beneath each bell. Her hair is decorated with flowers, beads and a bejeweled hair clip. The hair clip is shaped like a bear head, which symbolizes her bond with Arseen (the mango king)

Myusagii loves her round glasses and hates to take them off, even if they fog up easily. On her left ear she wears a mango earring.

She wears a white and orange modified shrinemaiden's robes, with elongated sleeves, cutouts above her hips, and a short, frilly orange skirt. She has a large red bow tied around her waist. She also wears black, red-laced thigh-highs on a garter belt, with modified tall "geta"-style sandals for shoes. Legends say she wears white cat panties.


Official debut was on the 10th August 2020.

Her first Youtube video was uploaded on the 25th September 2020 on her official channel.


From the heavens she looked upon the earth giving her blessings to all newly planted mangoes, but one day, Myu got interrupted. She put all her work aside and listened to the angelic voices that came from the world. She searched for where those voices were coming from.

"H-Hololive? Japan?..."

She didn't understand the girls' language but enjoyed it nonetheless. She was enlightened by the creation of "VTubers". Before she even knew it, her silent prayers turned out to be singing and dancing sessions. This went on for a month. From all the happiness the mangoes gotten even better.

One day Myu's hair clip shone bright.

"Why are you so happy my goddess?" a pleasant, manly voice asked. "Arseen!" she screamed.

Myu explained her newfound passion. Arseen was overwhelmed with the news, but also relieved.

"Hmm... I see... Do you want to become a VTuber as well?" he asked. "I'm a goddess... I can't neglect my duties." Myu replied.

After some time and thinking, he responded "You can live with me and I can help you with your duties, that's why we have our contract in the first place."

Myu's cat ears got all wiggly. "I- I can see you again and can become a real VTuber?"

"Just... please wear something more appropriate, not like the last time..." he worriedly said.

Her contract partner is Arseen. Myusagii never spoke about what the purpose of the contract is, but both of them have a strong bond to each other. He primarily helps her out with things Myu can't do. He teaches her all about the humans and their believes and doings.

He has high attraction and charisma stat. That's why a lot of people fall for his charms and immensely boost the horny stats up by ~5 times when he's around.

Her mods (Sorayildi, Arseen, Panick_II, Regx, Saku, Wiz, Soto and Atheon) are Myu's boy group called N.A.S.T.Y


  • Is a 'Mango Goddess'
  • Had a religion called Mangoism but got converted into a Cult after "The Cult" invaded her
  • She can speak Swiss-German/German, English and a little bit of French
  • Loves her Senpais (Haruka, Shinomiya, Oni... etc.)
  • Famous for her "getting stepped" on reward
  • Can create crystalized mangoes and use them as projectiles

External links[]

