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Nonomiya Nonono (野々宮ののの) was a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber and a member of Hanayori Girls' Dormitory. She was a second year student in the dorm who usually spoke in a light Kansai dialect, liked meat, and hated scary things. She liked cooking, but the food she made was said to be so bad it's inedible.

Introduction Video[]


【新人Vtuber】自己紹介の歌 -野々宮ののの-【MusicVideo】

  Nonono's introduction.


While introduced as a soft-spoken person, Nonono was quite a honest girl who can be direct and blunt at times. She usually engaged a lot with the viewers in her streams, and often read and responded to every Super Chat message in her stream. The latter fact later created her special chat culture dubbed "Super Chat Harassment" (or "Supahara") from the fact that she often ended up spending a large portion of her streams reading and responding to them, not being able to proceed to the activities she wanted to stream, or to end the stream until much later. Sometimes, she even had to create an additional stream to thank these Super Chat messages separately.[4]

Nonono was very bad at scary things such as horror games or bugs. In one of her Tetris streams, she had to abandon a game that was going well for her in panic, because a bug was crawling nearby.[5]

Nonono was also good at playing games, such as when she quickly figured out several stages in the Biped collab with Hanamaru Hareru which was the first play for both girls[6], or in her Ao Oni stream where she solved puzzles and escaped the Oni, even though she was scared throughout the gameplay due to it being a horror game.[7] She's also frequently in the top positions in her randomly matched Tetris games.[8][9][10]



Like others members of Hanayori Girls' Dorm, Nonono's debut was on 1 August 2019 with her self-introduction music video.[11]


Her first introduction stream was also scheduled on 3 August 2019 like other members[12], however, due to technical problems with her PC[13], it was postponed to 6 August 2019 instead.[14]



Nonono's new costume

On 9 February, to celebrate her birthday, she received a new idol-like costume.[15] This costume would often be used in her later karaoke streams.

On 6 June, in her 20,000 subscriber congratualtion stream, she revealed her new hair style.[16]

On 4 September, she announced her graduation from Hanayori due to health concerns, the videos on her channel were made private.[17]

On 5 September, she uploaded a cover of the song "奏" as her last cover.[18]

On 6 September, she uploaded her final video, where the other girls left her messages, saying good bye to them and to her audience.[19]


Nonomiya Nonono Tsukkomi

Nonono's "Tsukkomi" animation

  • During a gameplay, her voice was often lower[20] than her usual softer voice, eventually earning her a nickname "Nojisan" or "Nossan" from her fans. She later used this voice more often until it also became her normal talking voice, giving birth to a running joke in which her viewers would appear confused and ask her who she was every time she used her 'original' voice again[21] or whenever her earlier streams were referenced.
    • Later, her original, in-character voice would be nicknamed and referred to as "Nonoko" to differentiate from the lower pitched Nonono that had become her go-to voice.
    • She sometimes also jokingly used another, much lower voice than normal, dubbed "Nono-o".
  • In one of Nonono's official art, Nonono's hair ornament has 5 inner petals, instead of the usual 4.
    Nonono Portrait

    One of Nonono's official illustration with her hair ornament flower having 5 inner petals instead of the usual 4

  • She's the last member of Hanayori Girls' Dorm to play Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy[22], and the first member to clear the game and achieve the golden pot.[23]
  • While very rarely used, her model had a special 'Tsukkomi' animation.[24]
  • Her birthday, 9 February, is considered Meat Day in Japan[25], as the date is a pun on the word "meat", pronounced ni(2)-ku(9) in Japanese.
  • Her signature ending song in her singing streams was Ikanaide. The other Hanayori member with a signature ending song was Hareru with her Te-yut-te.
  • In her Biped collab with Hareru, she revealed that she wears a black bikini as her swimsuit, much to everyone's shock.[26]
Hanayori Last Live Illustration

Hanayori Last Live's Illustration, with Kano wearing Nonono's hair ornament

  • In the illustration for Hanayori's last live by their illustrator Hechima, Kano wore Nonono's hair ornament[27]

External Links[]


  1. KotomataVT (2019, August 29)★モデル制作のご報告】 モデル : 鹿乃 様(@kano_hanayori) 野々宮ののの 様(@nonomiyanonono) 花丸はれる 様(@hanamaruhareru) 小東ひとな 様(@kohigashihitona)ママ  :へちま 様(@hechima10040) 花寄女子寮皆様のLive2Dモデリングを担当しました🌼🍡✨[Tweet] Retrieved from
  2. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2019, August 6) 【新人Vtuber】野々宮のののの初配信!お部屋も初お披露目!【花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  3. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2019, August 6) 【新人Vtuber】野々宮のののの初配信!お部屋も初お披露目!【花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  4. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, Jul 27) 【雑談】スパチャありがとう配信!【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  5. 🌼🎄☀🐟🍖🍡 kste5000. (2020, May 14). そしてむしの悲鳴も切り抜いた なんで僕は自分の時間をこんなことにかけたの... 🤔 (もし不愉快になったら申し訳ございません、すぐに消します)
    1. のほほんののの [Tweet] Retrieved from
  6. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya], & Hanamaru, H. [花丸はれる / Hareru Hanamaru] (2020, Jun 21) 【Biped】先輩&後輩!協力プレイできるのか!?【花丸はれる/野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  7. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, Jul 21) 【青鬼】はじめてのホラーゲーム…【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  8. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, Apr 5) 【テトリス99】ちょっと…ちょっとだけだから…!!!【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  9. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, May 13) 【テトリス99】1か月ぶり!?リハビリするぞー!!!【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  10. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, Jul 15) 【テトリス99】見て!!下手になった!!!!【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  11. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, Aug 1) [New Vtuber] The Self-Introduction Song -Nonomiya Nonono- [Music Video][Video File] Retrieved from
  12. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / 花寄女子寮]. (2019, August 2). のののからのお願い✩.*˚ 明日の初配信でマシュマロに来た質問とかを答えたりするので ののの宛てでも花寄女子寮全員宛てでもいいので、ぽーん!と質問とか投げてくれると嬉しい!♡ みんなにたくさんのののの事知って欲しいから沢山投げてな! #野々宮ののの #新人Vtuber [Tweet] Retrieved from
  13. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / 花寄女子寮]. (2019, August 3). ののののパソコン…ぶるーすくりーんになって…動かない…みんなで準備してる時は大丈夫だったのに…なんで…( ˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ ) 待っててくれた方ほんとにごめんなさい…( ˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )なんでなの…ぜんぜんなおらない…( ˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )えーーーん( ˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ ) [Tweet] Retrieved from
  14. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / 花寄女子寮]. (2019, August 6). 今夜22時半からバーチャルグループ『花寄女子寮』野々宮ののの初配信!リベンジやで! YouTubeで配信するから、みんな遊びに来てくれたら嬉しいな(。☌ᴗ☌。)♡ のののいっぱい頑張っちゃうから応援よろしくな! [Tweet] Retrieved from
  15. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, Feb 9) 【誕生日配信】初めての 新衣装お披露目【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  16. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, Jun 6) 【2万人記念】新髪型お披露目配信!みんなありがとう!【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  17. nonomiyanonono (2020, September 4) 野々宮のののから、みんなに大切なお知らせがあります。[Tweet] Retrieved from
  18. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, September 5) 奏 / スキマスイッチ Covered by 野々宮ののの【花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from (Accessed 6 September 2020)
  19. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, September 6) 【卒業】ありがとう、ばいばい。【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from (Accessed 6 September 2020)
  20. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, January 30) 【テトリス99】ジョイコンの真ん中のやつ買った【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  21. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, May 6) 【雀魂】花寄女子寮大集合!!勝利は誰の手に…!!【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  22. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, Jun 28) 【壺おじ】完全初見で頑張ります!!!【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  23. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, Jul 1) 【壺おじ】初めてのクリアなるか…!?【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  24. Nonomiya, N. [野々宮ののの / Nonono Nonomiya] (2020, Feb 22) 【1万人記念配信】初めてのリクエストセリフ枠!!【野々宮ののの/花寄女子寮】[Video File] Retrieved from
  25. Gurashii. (2016, February 15). Happy meat day (Niku no Hi): Reaction from Japan. Retrieved from
  26. Keni [Keni] (2020, Jul 7) Hareru and Nonono are Beautifully Out of Sync [Eng Sub] [Video File] Retrieved from
  27. hechima10040 (2021, February 15) 一年半本当にお疲れ様でした!!ああやっぱり花寄が好きだなあと思わせてくれる素敵な卒業ライブをありがとう。個人の活動も変わらず応援していきます #花寄女子寮 [Tweet] Retrieved from
Hanayori Girls' Dormitory (V T E) (disbanded)
Hanamaru Hareru (🌼☀)

Mahoro Kano (🌼🎄) Kohigashi Hitona (🌼🐟)

Nonomiya Nonono (🌼🍖)