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Power Guy [パワーガイ] is an English VTuber and Baldtuber. He streams and makes videos on YouTube, and is known for playing Mega Man and other retro games. He has many records in slow running, but he also has the world record for going bald and has the world record for being the best and most wholesome Vtuber we could ask for.


Power Guy is a goofy nerd. He loves talking about games he is passionate about, and trying to make his viewers laugh. He has a bit of a dirty mouth and curses often, and has a tendency to make lewd jokes. Overall though, he is wholesome, and is kind to his friends and community.

He has a passion for Retro Games, and loves playing through series in chronological order. He also likes introducing other Vtubers and Streamers to retro games he thinks they might like.


Power Guy is a silver haired, when he has hair, Pixel-Vtuber

His main outfit is orange and silver, with some yellow accents. He wears a orange and grey Puffer Jacket with a large collar. A white tee-shirt and orange shorts, as well as orange and grey athletic sneakers. His body is covered with a skin-tight black bodysuit, with grey circuitry running along the limbs, and yellow bands at each of his wrists and ankles. a large emblem with the power symbol is attached to the center of his chest, and pokes through his shirt.


Power Guy's 2.0 Reference Sheet

Rather than human ears, he has large circular "earphones" attached to the sides of his head, which allow him to hear. These, along with many parts of his body, glow faintly with an orange light.

Whenever he plays badly enough at a game (or it's redeemed), Power Guy will turn into his iconic look, BALD.

Power Guy's design is inspired by Mega Man, specifically Battle Network.

Also, Power Guy is generally really hot. Like, WOW. I can hardly think straight while watching his streams because he's so attractive. Ough... He has such beautiful glowing orange eyes and his hair - when he has it - is so silky and shiny. I just wanna run my fingers through it.

Upload History[]


Power Guy's first upload, titled "I have to beat Mega Man!" was uploaded on August 1st.

On August 16th, Power Guy uploaded his second video "I Have to Beat Megaman 2!!"

On September 1st, Power Guy uploaded his third video “I have to beat Megaman 3!!!

On September 29th, Power Guy uploaded his fourth video "I Have to Beat Mega Man 4!!!!"

On November 2nd, Power Guy uploaded his fifth video "I Have to BEAT Mega Man 5!!!!!"

On December 3rd, Power Guy uploaded his sixth video "I Have to Beat Mega Man 6!!!!!!"

On December 15th, Power Guy uploaded the video "Power Guy VTuber Lore: Prologue"


On January 28th, Power Guy uploaded the video "I Have to Beat the Mega Man Gameboy Games! !! !!! (Part 1)"

On March 12th, Power Guy uploaded the video "I Have to Beat Mega Man IV!!!! (Gameboy Games Part 2)"

On March 17th, Power Guy uploaded the video "I Have to Beat Every Game! | Power Guy Channel Trailer"

On April 21st, Power Guy uploaded the video "I Have to Beat Mega Man V!!!!! (Gameboy Games Part 3)"

On June 16th, Power Guy uploaded the video "I Have to Beat Mega Man 7!!!!!!!"

On August 25th, Power Guy uploaded the video "I Have to Beat Mega Man 8!!!!!!!!"

On October 19th, Power Guy uploaded the video "I Have to Beat Kid Icarus!"


On February 2nd, Power Guy uploaded the video "I Have to Beat Mega Man & Bass!"

On March 30th, Power Guy uploaded the video "Playing Your BEST Mega Man Maker Levels!"

On April 28th, Power Guy uploaded the video "Power Guy Vtuber Model 2.0 Teaser"

On August 16th, Power Guy uploaded the video "I Have to Beat the Legend of Zelda!"

On October 9th, Power Guy uploaded the video "I Caught the KIRBY VIRUS"

On December 21st, Power Guy uploaded the video "Plans for the New Year"


POWER GUY DROPPED JANUARY 7TH!! ('Mega Man' Jay Eazy - Cover by Power Guy)

On February 1st, Power Guy uploaded the video "This Hack Makes Mega Man X HARD!"


  • His fanbase is officially called the Mega Chads
  • The Mega Chads are similar in design to the "Power Muscler" from Mega Man 5, but with different facial features and proportions, and a grey color palette in reference to the Giga Chad meme.
  • All of Power Guy's fans are REALLY HOT and awesome and cool just like him
  • In the Chadlocke streams, a Mega Chad is picked to represent a Pokemon Power Guy obtains via a raffle. They are also given proper memorials when they die (or get "lost") in those streams too. Certain examples include Monoartic, Beedell, Galaxyboi, Siltaria, and Bananeon.
  • Chat often appears as Customizable Chad Avatars during streams.
  • These Stream avatars have fought and defeated bosses during streams like Urtgok, Piegok, Gutsman, and the new years 2024 Ice Man.
  • PG's fans are also so great at video games that they aren't allowed to help power guy unless he says so.
  • Galaxy Boi has made YTPs of Power Guy's content, including crossovers with JimmyHere.

Quotes (sources needed)[]



In the year 2022, a scientist (Doc) discovered a crusty old Macintosh computer which just so happened to have a video game installed on it with a super advanced AI inside, Power Guy. As a Video Game come to life, Power Guy wishes to escape his Macintosh, which has been glitching out (decorations moving on their own, strange figures appearing at night, videos editing themselves into dank memes). As PG wishes to obtain a real body for his escape, Doc gets funding whenever PG beats a video game, so if he beats enough games and earns Doc enough money, eventually he can figure out a way to transfer PG's mind into a real body.


  • There is a glitch in Power Guy's game which takes the appearance of Power Guy with a distinct lack of face or jacket, not much is known of this entity other than it's name, PG-AI. A small amount of proof for this name can be found as their theme from the youtuber known as Dark's Tunes, who has also made a Theme for Power Guy simply known as The Power Guy which is frequently used during his streams!
  • Power Guy has a pet dog known as Merf.
  • Power Guy is known to say some pretty sus stuff, he may deny it but it's true. Even his mods (especially MetalSlime and Aeo) do this as well!
  • Originally made as a joke, Power Guy has a look-a-like that goes by the name of URTGOK, a demon of unimaginable power and unspeakable force. One most not dare to summon him by the chanting of its name three times. Misfortune falls on anyone that dares to approach it, causing chaos, mayhem, destruction and pain. After the end of times, it will be the only one to remain. One can't stop what has been unleashed, and for us it's too late. (Non-canon)
    • URTGOK'S look is that of Power guy but without the jacket or shorts and with a watermelon in its mouth. Its also often depicted by having a shadow over its eyes, making only two white glowing pupils visible, and also having fangs that are holding the watermelon
    • There have also been other demons and gods brought up, such as ABLANDERJK, Miguel, and JIZZKAW, with the latter being “killed” and eventually becoming a banned word in chat after Giygas' defeat in the Earthbound Finale stream.
    • The first mention of URTGOK comes from a Prog in Mega Man Battle Network 2 that goes by the name of Program A. Making them technically the First disciple of URTGOK
    • There was one time during halloween where URTGOK took over, changing the name to URTGOK's Official Server. This was changed a day after but the effects still linger with URTGOK coming online to pester us from time to time
  • Power Guy's height when you convert the pixels to inches is 5'7" or 13 NES Cartridges stacked each other. This makes him canonically a Manlet. (Canon)
  • He really loves the last section of the Appearance section. Especially when you copy paste as much as you can into chat.
  • Power Guy has been shipped with pie multiple times. This trend originated from a super chat in the MMX5 Stream asking if he would marry a pie.
  • He knocked over and Spilled Water on an old keyboard during a stream of MMBN. He took 10 minutes to clean up the mess (half of which being accompanied by a punch sound effect followed by an uncomfortable amount of silence).
  • There is a rare chance that Power Guy may be every single white haired character in every media. That's right. Every time you play Persona 4, Gunvolt, Devil May Cry, and even the occasional Isekai show, Power Guy will always be there casted as the White Haired Character. (SUPER CANON. LIKE VERY CANON)
  • He likes Mega Man 8, a game that has mixed (although typically positive) opinions.
  • Power Guy claims he lost GalaxyBoi, but as seen in the stream, PG outright is shown releasing GalaxyBoi, killing him. Which is it PGuy? Better keep your stories straight.
  • Out of all the characters that PG has added to their stream, the DMV guy is the only one without a physical look
  • Power Guy occasionally collabs with a streamer named Stamp Guy.
  • He hates being called "Pookie Guy." This was confirmed when Arcadia (me, the one adding this) asked if we could call him that. The next day, a moderator then proceeded to change the title of his Discord server to Pookie Guy Official Discord just to mess with him. (this has now been reversed)
  • PG temporarily rebranded to Chill Guy Who Lowkey Don't GAF, and then changed back a day or so afterwards. (He's still a chill guy)


Power Guy's YouTube streams usually have Streamlabs, which enables redeems. Those are memes you can use through the loyalty store. Doing so requires points, which you earn by watching Power Guy's livestreams. The currency is called P-Chips, which is a reference to Mega Man IV and V on the Game Boy. Redeem examples include:

  • Gutsman's Ass - The Gutsman's Ass Meme from the Mega Man Ruby Spears Series.)
  • What Am I Fighting For? - An infamous line from a Mega Man X4 cutscene.
  • Bass Shut Up - A line from Mega Man 8 in which Bass tells Mega Man to shut up.
  • Good - From the Zelda CDI Games.


  • Elecdreavus - Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening. Host of the Power Guy Minecraft server (not up as of now)
  • MetalSlime - Metal Goo Moderator and host of the discord's Tokusatsu Theatre
  • Aeolus - Professional Bee Milker and host of Once a Wednesday (no longer on the discord)
  • Starwielder - I ‘ M A M E G A M A N N O W !
  • Gungnir/Sojitzl - God artist and creator of some of our Youtube Emotes!
  • Kay - Hardworking Queen Moderator
  • Bananazu - Founding Father of GREG

External Links[]

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