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Ryuuki Tatsuya was an Indonesian male Virtual YouTuber affiliated with Yume Reality along with Nemutaka Yuta, Nekoyama Sena, Cerys Lobelia, and Tsuyu Hortenshia. He debuted on 3 April 2021 and retired on 28 February 2022.

Introduction Video[]


🐒 Pekenalan & Live Pertama Ryuuki Tatsuya, Naga (Pelepas) Stress~!【Yume Reality】

Tatsuya's introduction.


I Am Dragon!!

-the end-

Duh about us kyak gimana sih, bntar nyontek dulu... (Em about us how should it be, let's cheat first... )

Iam Dragon VTuber from Yume Reality

also im a NEET...

Animu keren banget gilaaaaak (Anime is very very cool, insane)


Bahasa Indonesia, English, Japan is so so.[1]


Ryuuki Tatsuya has a kind and humorous personality. Smiling and happy to make loose jokes, to entertain himself, the audience, and his fellow Vtubers. Because of his dry sense of humor, he often annoys others. Although, they often laugh after hearing his jokes.

Tatsuya was also very considerate of his viewers. Write "Make you happy," and "You," in the goals and likes column, upon debut.[2] It is these two characteristics that make him popular among his audience.


He has shoulder length red hair with asymmetrical horns and pointed ears with piercings and light green eyes and appears to have black scales on his cheek and part of his neck.




On 28 February, Yume Reality Twitter account suddenly announced the termination of their contract with Tatsuya, effective immediately, all activities of Ryuuki as a member of Yume Reality would be terminated.[3] Tatsuya didn't make his graduation stream, instead, he uploaded a "Thank you!" video on his channel as a farewell to everyone.


  • On 22 September 2021, LOKET's Twitter account announced that Tatsuya along with other Indonesian VTubers would appear in "Virtual J-Fest."[4]
  • On 26 November 2021, Duniaku's Twitter account announced that Tatsuya along with Nekomata Sena would appear in "Community Gathering Warga Duniaku."[5]

Fans and Mascots[]

  • His fan name is "Tatchuunis". A combination of Tatsuya and Chuunibyou.[2]
  • The mascot is a monkey named Ukiki which was drawn by Nekoyama Sena.[2]


  • Tatsuya doesn't like horror.
  • 31 October is actually not Tatsuya's real birth date. In fact, it was the date on which it landed on Earth.

External Links[]


Twitter hashtags[]

YumeLive (V T E)
Chapter 1 Nekoyama Sena (🐇)Nemutaka Yuta (🐈)
Retired Cerys Lobelia (🐹)Ryuuki Tatsuya (🐒)Tsuyu Hortenshia (🦩)
Chapter 2
(Jolly Jungle)
Retired Keroro Suika (🐸)Aika Meru (🐏)Koguma Keiya (🐶)
Solo Kawaki Nana (🍌)Mishika AyaNishiki MariMikaasuma (🥛)

