Virtual YouTuber Wiki
Virtual YouTuber Wiki

This article is about the Japanese vtuber related to Kaso Shojo. For the independent artist English vtuber, see Sakurai Hana


Associated pages

Sakura Hana (サクラ ハナ) was a female Virtual YouTuber from Japan who debuted on May 2021 as the fourth member of Kaso Shojo. She was presented as a global VTuber who can speak up to 5 different languages, though she streamed mostly in Spanish.

Introduction Video[]



Hana's introduction.


【VTuber】Presentandome en 5 IDIOMAS?!【Sakura Hana】

Hana's Spanish introduction


【Apresentação em português】Me apresentando em 5 línguas!!【Vtuber】

Hana's Portuguese introduction



She has long dark hair with blunt bangs and a looped hair strand with pinkish eyes and a black/pink two toned jacket. She wears headphones and a couple of light blue-green beads and 3D cube shaped hair accesories.



Hana was introduced along eight other Kaso Shojo contestants in 7 November 2018.[3] Her Twitter account was created on that same month, and her first tweet was made on 9 November.[4] After not reaching enough points, she was disqualified and remained active on Twitter until April 2019.

Two years later, on 16 April 2021, she returned to Twitter announcing her debut on May, and later teased a new 2D model.[5][6]

Her YouTube channel was created on 21 May 2021, and her debut introduction video premiered on 29 May.[7]


On 23 August, she posted on Twitter that she reached 10,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.[8]

On 29 October, Kashojo announced the project would be dissolved at the end of the month and from November their talents would continue their career as indies. Following the announcement, Hana cited the tweet restating her plans to continue her VTuber activities as usual and asked fans to support all Kaso Shojo girls.[9]


On 1 November, Hana announced via Discord that she would leave all social media.

On 26 November, Neo Motion Entertainment announced via Hana's twitter account that she would cease her activities as an indie on 30 November due to health issues, and her final video, a cover, would be posted by the end of the month.[10] That day, Hana released a cover of Jujutsu Kaisen's first opening song "Kaikai Kitan".[11]


  • Her fanbase are called "Hana seito" 「ハナ生徒」.


  • She refers to her previous version as "Hana chiquita" or "Hanitas". Chat sometimes jokes about them being her children.

External links[]


Twitter hashtags[]



  1. Sakura, H. [@sakura_hana_ks]. (2021, May 26). デビュー日が決定〜!! 5/29 20:00~ デビュー動画が出るよ!Make sure to subscribe! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  2. Sakura, H. [@sakura_hana_ks]. (2021, May 24). <身長公開〜!> サクラハナ 身長 (Height) 168cm (5.5ft) 成長したでしょ?(´꒳`*)ドヤァァ 前は145cmだったの! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  3. Kaso Shojo [@idol_virtual]. (2018, November 7). 【No.2】サクラ ハナ ■ステータス 年齢:12歳 身長:145cm バスト:Aカップ 性格:??? 妹感満載の可愛らしい仮想少女。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  4. Sakura, H. [@sakura_hana_ks]. (2018, November 9). はいはいはいはいはーい!!!仮想少女!Entry Number 2! サクラハナ参上! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  5. Sakura, H. [@sakura_hana_ks]. (2021, April 16). ハロハナ!みんな久し振りだね!会いたかったよ!Remember me? ハナのこと覚えてるかな~? それはさておき!嬉しいお知らせがあるの!なんと!来月からVtuberデビューすることになりました! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  6. Sakura, H. [@sakura_hana_ks]. (2021, April 17). みんな!ただいま!こんなに暖かく迎えてくれて本当にありがとう 待ってくれてたみんな、初めって知ってくれたみんな、これからもよろしくね [Tweet]. Twitter.
  7. Sakura, H. [サクラハナ / Hana Sakura Ch.]. (2021, May 29). 【新人VTuber】5ヶ国語で自己紹介!?マルチリンガルVTuber!【サクラハナ】 [Video file]. YouTube.
  8. Sakura, H. [@sakura_hana_ks]. (2021, August 23). THANK YOU FOR THE 10K SUBS 登録者数1万人突破ありがとうございます Muchas gracias por los 10K suscriptores [Tweet]. Twitter.
  9. Sakura, H. [@sakura_hana_ks]. (2021, October 29). 仮想少女活動終了のお知らせです。11月から3人とも個人になります。ハナの活動内容は今まで通り変わらないので [Tweet]. Twitter.
  10. Neo Motion Entertainment [@sakura_hana_ks]. (2021, November 30). [Tweet]. Twitter.
  11. Sakura, H. [サクラハナ / Hana Sakura Ch.]. (2021, November 30). 【JUJUTSU KAISEN Opening Español y japonés】KAIKAI KITAN/Eve /Cover Español y japonés/【呪術廻戦OP】廻廻奇譚/Eve [Video file]. YouTube.
✍️Expansion needed!
This article needs expansion with information about Hana's activity, personality and trivia.

You can help by completing her trivia and filling the personality section. (3 September, 2021)
