Stella Kosmistr is a female Virtual Streamer and YouTuber who is currently on hiatus.
Stella is bubbly, kind, and is quite the go-getter! She is known for her stubborn nature and cracking crude jokes to get a rise out of her friends!
Hailing from the Eastern Trá region of Owos, Stella Kosmistr was born to a carpenter and bookkeeper. The people of Trá Town, Stella included, lived relatively peacefully, untouched by Lord Dulagar's advances and tyranny for a very long time.
During this time that Stella, and the couple friends she held close that would later become her founding guildmates, were training in a nearby field. As they practiced their basic swordsmanship and magic, they were set upon by one of Dulagar's scouts. It was a scary fight, but with Stella's cosmic magic and her friends' light magic working together, they defeated and freed the scout, who they discovered was under the control of Lord Dulagar himself.
Freed from Dulagar's control the scout awoke with a panic and told Stella everything!! Dulagar and his army were on their way to their town if they weren't there already!
When Stella and her friends approached Trá Town, she found a horrific sight, the scout was right. Dulagar's soldiers had already set upon the town and it seemed the town's guards and knights were fighting a losing battle. As much as she wanted to help, it seemed to her that with her fledgling abilities, there was no hope to turn the tide. The hue of the town grew darker and darker with conflict and negative energy....then the sky went dark with the arrival of Lord Dulagar himself.
An oppressive energy fell upon the town that seemed to quell any insurrection by the defending force and everyone there in...except for young Stella. Standing in the town square, she drew her sword to guard her injured friends. Determined to protect all she held dear, she was angry that Dulagar would dare threaten their peaceful lives. Then, like a star in the night sky, she sparkled amongst the creeping darkness.
In that moment, she became just bright enough to be a nuisance to Dulagar. At that sight, he turned his attention to the future seraph with disgust. He would deal with her himself. But as he reached forward to snuff out her light, there came a bright flash as she cried out. Shining bright, she yelled that no matter what, she would stand against him, to protect the dreams and smiles of everyone! That she would defeat him!
Among that light, it could be seen that Stella had, albeit temporarily, tapped into her Seraphic Light. Her burst of power gleamed in the darkness, burning, bright enough to push Dulagar back, causing a full retreat of his forces. However, such an abrupt burst of power had indeed knocked the young knight unconscious...and when she awoke in a couple day's time, she found that life was returning to normal and that she was being hailed a hero. "A gift from the stars," her own townspeople called her.
While she didn't much care for being marveled at like a demi-god, she did begin to understand the importance of what she did and so she swore to fight against Lord Dulagar with all she had thenceforth.
Whenever Stella isn't fighting against Dulagar, she streams and makes content for YouTube!
When asked how this is possible she will say "Ah, well, magic and technology is amazing, isn't it?"
In August 2020, Stella took a hiatus.
Community & Fans[]
- Stella refers to her community as "The Starry Knights Guild," and her viewers as "The Starry Knights."
- The Free Company that Stella runs in Final Fantasy XIV is also called "The Starry Knights Guild."
- Stella loves singing, but gets incredibly shy doing so in front of others! She wants to become more confident so she can do it more often.
- She has a fox familiar named, Ama-chan.
- Stella likes to call her voicer "my reflection," as a reference to her favorite game, Final Fantasy XIV.
- Like her "reflection," Stella is also Transgender and is quite the activist. She strives to participate in charity events and raise money as often as she can, citing that she wants to see real change and equality - "so everyone can shine brightly together!" As some examples of charities she's proud to have raised funding for, here's a few of her favorites:
- TransLifeline: $35,374.69
- The Bail Project: $777.00
- Black Lives Matter - Los Angeles Chapter: $1770.00
- Stella wants to collaborate with her fellow VTubers, as well as other kinds of content creators!