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Te’anos Acasta is an English Vtuber on Twitch, who streams with a bespoke peregrine falcon persona. He is affiliated with the teams StoryTellers[1] and VHaven and primarily streams in 3D, but has a stockpile of 2D and 3D models for different cases. Te’ is an aspiring voice actor, who streams a variety of games and other content. Te’anos has a Theater setting with many scenes including the stage, concessions, and a dance floor.


Te’anos is a brown peregrine falcon, with lighter brown and tan markings. He has yellow eyes with an orange iris. The crest at the top of his head has white-tipped feathers, with two long light-brown eyebrows that also have white tips. Te’s beak is a dark gray teal color, and the cere of his beak is a light teal color that wraps around the corners of his mouth. His arms are feathery but end with talon hands. His hand and foot talons are the same colors as his beak, and end with sharp black claws. He’ll typically wear a bespoke tan lab coat with an orange tie, but also has a variety of other high-fashion accessories.

Te'anos Talksprite with Outfits

Te'anos' Talksprite form, featuring a few outfits

Second Dimension[]

Te’anos uses talksprites and a few 2D Vtuber rigs. GrifNMore[2] made his original vtuber rig with Adobe Character Animator, and his V2 rig “Anime Te’” was illustrated by Tessamack[3] and rigged by Marble Teki[4]. He also has a PNGtuber talksprite that was animated by Tessamack again.

Third Dimension[]

Te’anos has a 3D avatar made by Albazcythe[5]. The 3D version of his falcon is used with VRChat as well as the most often-used avatar from his stockpile. Te' uses iPhone face tracking with VSeeFace.


Occasionally streams as a full-size hand puppet made in September 2021 by Prarie Puppets[6] as their "most challenging and intensive build yet. 500 individual pieces, all made from scratch. Took seven months to complete." The puppet has removable outfits and gloves to cover the shiny claws at the end of each finger.


Te'anos theater scenes


Te’anos’ streams are set within his Raven Haven Theater, a “totally legitimately acquired theatre,” where he can show games onstage or stand in the concessions area and chat. The Raven Haven Theater was designed by Te’anos and illustrated by Tessamack. The theater has a front area for a ticket booth, a concessions stand, theater stage, and even a dance floor. It was designed in separate parts to work with OBS so Te’ can show any of his models inside the scenes. He debuted his theater setting in January 2020.


  1. Nov 7 2021 [Twitter] Te'anos announces he's partnered with Storytellers
  2. [GrifNMore BlogNShop website] 2D Te' made with Adobe CH
  3. [Tessamack] Artist for Anime Te', emote animator, set designer, various
  4. [Marble Teki] Live2D rigging for Anime Te'
  5. [Albazcythe] 3D model, rigging, and VR compatibility
  6. Sep 10 2021 [Prairie Puppets] Puppet Te'