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Tostify was an English speaking independent whale VTuber, who streamed on Twitch.



This is why I cant stream scary games 😭

Tostify’s introduction

History of Controversies[]

Claiming to be a part of Cloud 9[]

In 2021, Tostify's Twitter bio claimed that he was a member of eSports agency Cloud9.[1] He was called out for it by Vienna, an actual member of Cloud9.[2] In a Twitlonger published on October 16, 2022, Tostifyy explained himself by stating "When I was in the fortnite community it was normal for us to have them in our bio saying "grinding for @example" or having them in the name. so a c9 content creator decided to poke fun of how I have a space between C and the 9 because it was a cursed thing in the team but people misunderstood and took it as I was impersonating. the content creator did come out and say people were misunderstanding and dmed me privately reassuring me it was not a big deal. I'm sorry if it seemed like I tried to impersonate".[3]

In a Twitch stream, Tostify called C9 "trash".[4][5]


Tostify bought a verified account and also viewbotted and followbotted it.[6]

Tracing and imitation[]

Tostify also traced over other VTuber's emotes to create his own. While he had copied some of Shxtou, Bao and Shylily, most of the traced emotes were of Vienna.[7][8] This wasn't his only instance of art plagiarism as he also traced over Sonnet's character design.[9][10] Some have also accused his character design of plagiarizing bao's.[11]

Faking being a partner[]

In the same aforementioned Twitlonger Tostify also admitted to faking being a Twitch partner, stating "When I first completed my path to partner I was live streaming on twitch and it was a big accomplishment. I was chatting and we memed that I should have the partner badge on my forehead to manifest it when I applied. I didn't know that was a problem in the vtuber community and once I was rejected I took it off. This was a problem because from others point of view they thought I was faking being a partner for better status and I would like to say I'm sorry for that.Again sorry for what happened today I know a lot of bridges have been burned and it was never my intention. All I wanted was to address this situation with my audience without making it seem like a big issue since I don't want to add my troubles to their life. I'm also sorry for how I acted it was really stupid and my fever didn't really help with my judgment call. I will be taking a little hiatus to clear my mind and start fresh."

AI art[]

On October 14, 2022, Tostify tweeted "ai art is cool but cringe if you try to play it off as actual art".[12] However, days later, on October 16, 2022, he tweeted "somewhere in an alternative universe where tostify is a female #vtuber" with a genderbent image of himself. When asked for the artist, Tostify claimed they did not have a Twitter as he had commissioned it on skeb.[13] Many Twitter users were quick to notice the art itself was AI generated due to the eyes being inconsistently shaped and textured and the fingers being deformed.[14] On the same day, he published a Twitlonger where he stated "I got curious about the Ai art and decided to make some for myself just for fun and one of them came out really cute and I decided to upload it. Once I was called out I panicked and decided to lie about it which was the biggest mistake. Since I publicly lied I felt pressured by myself to continue with the lies but that's very stupid. sorry to everyone I disappointed in the community I promise to be better in the future".[15]

On October 18, 2022, Senz held a stream where he discussed all these controversies with Tostify.[16] Senz pointed out inconsistencies in Tostify's explanations of why he behaved the way he did.[17]


Tostify had scheduled a graduation stream on October 25. But on October 17 2022 after the Senze stream, Tostify put out a tweet stating “I’m going to skip out on the graduation stream and just call it a date here” and deleted his Twitter.[18]

He would later return.


  • He has two cats.[19]
  • He is a law school student.[20]
  • He is terrified of spiders. One day, during a stream where he was reacting to Dhar Mann's videos, he saw one and began screaming immmediately.[21]

External Links[]

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