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Tsukinoki Tirol (月野木ちろる) is a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber. Initially an independent, she is currently associated with 774 inc. as part of the company's branch group AniMare (あにまーれ) as of January 2021 before the group was disbanded and merged into the agency. She debuted alongside Oura Rukako and Konan Mia.

Introduction Video[]


【新人Vtuber自己紹介?】ジャッカロープ はじまりの物語【創作絵本】

Tirol's human form introduction


A self-proclaimed "seiso-ish party people" jackalope girl who used to be the principal of Tsukinoki Twilight School.



She has long, light blonde hair with antlers and blue-green eyes. She has a brown and white dress with blue accents and a blue simple jackalope headshot badge with her name written on it in hiragana.



Tirol started her activites as a "VLiver" on the site 17LIVE. Tirol made her first tweet on 3 April 2019.[3] Her YouTube debut was on 29 April 2019.[4]


On 5 April, Tirol announced on her Twitter account that her model would be updated to the 2.0 version.[5] She debuted her 2.0 model later the same day.[6]


On 17 January, she held her final stream as an independent, as well as conclusion of her activities on 17LIVE.[7]

On 26 January, AniMare's official Twitter account announced that along with the introductions of new members Oura Rukako and Konan Mia, Tirol would be inducted into AniMare.[8] Afterwards, Tirol announced a slight name change from "月野木チロル" to "月野木ちろる" to coincide with her induction to AniMare, and she would go on a hiatus in order to prepare herself.[9]

On 7 February, she held a re-debut stream as a member of AniMare. [10] The following day, she held an introduction stream.[11]

On 21 February, she entered another hiatus due to health issues, and on 23 April she revealed that she is getting treatment for her eyes. She resumed her activities on 8 May.

On 12 November, Tirol announced that she would return to her activities after being on hiatus for various months.[12]

On 13 November, Tirlo returned to her activities.[13]

Around late December, 774 inc. revealed Tirol's key visual along with her debut-mates.


On 11 February, Tirol debuted her second 2D costume (as an AniMare member). In this costume Tirol has a new hairstyle using a side curled ponytail that fall from her left side to the front the ponytail is decorated by white five petal hairpins. Tirol wears a shoulder-less white blouse with a black ribbon around the neck, ruffled cleavage and sleeves, the sleeves have a second layer in black. The blouse has a secondary semi see through dark brown layer with a rose pattern. She uses a black skirt with a thin white belt with a circular golden buckle with a semi see through section near the bottom with the same pattern and color as the blouse. Tirol wear low light pink shoes with short white socks.[14]

On 15 February, Tirol had to go into hospital due to health problems and went into a long hiatus.


On 21 March, the VTuber groups "AniMare," "Honey Strap," "Sugar Lyric," "Hiyoku no Crosspiece" and solo talents were merged into one group, including management, aiming to make it easier for the talents to thrive under just one brand.[15]


On 5 April, Tirol returned to her activities after two years of innactivity. Her new lore seems to point to her real lack of sight as the reason for her disappearance. With her debut she also debuted her third 2D costume (as part of 774 inc.) as her new main costume. Unlike other members that received redesigns by new illustrators Tirol's costume marks the return of her original designer Kagari Yotsugi, making her new model resembling her model from her independent era.[16]


  • On 25 June 2020, she made an appearance in 17LIVE's collaboration with Dawn of the Breakers as one of the characters alongside Sakurazuki Kanon and Katagiri Mami. The game also featured other AniMare members, but at the time Tirol wasn't a member of the group. Tirol, Kanon and Mami were the last VTubers to be featured in the game before the termination of the game's service in October 2020.[17]
  • On 15 July 2021, 774inc C99's Twitter account announced that its talents would appear in the event Nanashiinku bake~shon! in which every member would appear in limited time merchandise including original artwork by studio A-1 Pictures depicting them in swimsuits. The merchandise included, posters, hand fans, cushions, keychains, pins, beach balls and special commemorative drinks associated with each group. The event was held in the EJ Anime Theater in Shinjuku City from 22 July to 1 August.[18]


  • Tirol's Twitter account is a palindrome.
  • Since she was an indie, Tirol has gained some attention from English speakers; compounded with raising popularity of AniMare within English-speaking VTuber community, she has become quite popular as some older members such as Inaba Haneru and Hinokuma Ran. She often puts English explanations in her stream descriptions.
  • She lost the sight in her right eye in an accident while working as an independent VTuber.[19]
  • Tirol is good at designing PowerPoint and OBS. Many visual effects can be seen while streaming.
  • Color: #75C5B5[20]

External Links[]


Twitter hashtags[]

Further readings[]

774 Inc. Logo (V T E)
AniMare Logo 2020June Inaba Haneru (🐰💛)Hinokuma Ran (🐻🍄)Kazami Kuku (🐔🍗)Yunohara Izumi (♨️🐾)Seshima Rui (📮🦴)Hira Hikari (⭐️)Tsukinoki Tirol (🌙🌲)Konan Mia (🍌🧡)
Retired Inari Kuromu (⛩️)Umori Hinako (🦇🎀)Haibara Akane (✝️🖤)Hashiba Natsumi (🐕🍵)Momono YurariShiromiya Mimi (⛄️🐾❄️)Oura Rukako (🦉)
HoneyStrap Logo Shimamura Charlotte (♣️❄️)Saionji Mary (🍼🔮)Sekishiro Mico (🔱🍏)
Former Suou Patra (🦀❤️)
Retired Sougetsu Eli (🥀💎)
VApArt Logo And Uge (🕊)Kanade Kanon (🍦)Kisaki Anko (🌸🐿)
Former Camomi Camomi (🎨🦆)Komori Met (🪐)
Retired Huma Wat (🧠)
Sugar Lyric Ryugasaki Rene (🦒)Oinomori May (😈🐺)Hebiyoi Tier (👑💍)
Retired Kojo Anna (🐯💜)Shishio Chris (🎄🐙)
Hiyoku no Crosspiece logo Suzumi Nemo (🌚)Akane Canna (⚔🧣)Touri Sei (🪗)Ieiri Popo (🏹)Kohaku Yuri (🦙)
Retired Shisui Kiki (🧸☪️)
SouyaIchikaLOGO Souya Ichika (🐶🎈) formerly of AniMare
Solo Talents Amaui (🩵)Hinata Mashu (🦁🔅)
Retired Ina Uruu


  1. Tsukinoki, T. [tirol0_0lorit]. (2020, June 4). 🍀私のことをこんなにきれいな顔で生んでくれて、沢山の上質なお洋服まで仕立てて下さったお母様 @myc0t0xin pixiv 🍀元々表情に乏しかった私に、感情を与えてくれて、 いっぱい笑ったり泣いたりできるようにしてくれたお父様 @KototamaVT [Tweet]. Twitter.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Tsukinoki, T. [tirol0_0lorit]. (2019, May 6). 種族:ジャッカロープ 性別: 年齢:不明。約200年前から存在は確認されている。肉体年齢は人間の10歳程度 体長:148㎝(角を除く) 危険度:皆無 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  3. Tsukinoki, T. [tirol0_0lorit]. (2019, April 3). 【本日の朝礼】おはようございます。 やはり日中は人間さんの世界と時間の流れが異なるため、ご挨拶が遅くなってしまいました…。日本では不吉とされる「4」の数字も考え方ひとつで素敵な一日に🌙 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  4. Tsukinoki, T. [Tirol Channel /月野木ちろる 【あにまーれ】]. (2019, April 29). つきのきトワイライトスク―ル開校告知 [Video]. YouTube.
  5. Tsukinoki, T. [tirol0_0lorit]. (2020, April 5). 🌙月野木チロル2.0 お披露目会🌲 ずっと応援し続けてくれた生徒の皆様のおかげで、今日まで活動を続けることができただけでなく、新しい体で自由にめいっぱい動けるようになりました🌸 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  6. Tsukinoki, T. [Tirol Channel /月野木ちろる 【あにまーれ】]. (2020, April 5). 【これがLive2D!?】表情豊かに✨新モデルお披露目会【〇〇もできるよ!】 [Video]. YouTube.
  7. Tsukinoki, T. [Tirol Channel /月野木ちろる 【あにまーれ】]. (2021, January 17). 【歌枠/Singing Stream】イチナナLive卒業歌枠🌸一人合いの手!ギラギラライブ画面!でめいっぱいアイドルしちゃうぞ!【#月野木チロル/Japanese [Video]. YouTube.
  8. Kuroneko, N. [@AniMare_cafe]. (2021, January 26). あにまーれに3名の新メンバーが加入いたします!! あにまーれが もっとにぎやかで楽しいグループになります! 続報をお待ちください!!#あにまーれにあつまーれ #あにまーれ新メンバー [Tweet]. Twitter.
  9. Tsukinoki, T. [@tirol0_0lorit]. (2021, January 26). 皆様の暖かな応援のおかげで 月野木チロルは あにまーれに加入させていただくことになりました…! 心機一転改名し 今後は『月野木ちろる』として活動します。ずっと応援してくださった皆様に恥じぬよう これからますます配信への工夫を凝らして これからも突き進みます! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  10. Tsukinoki, T. [Tirol Channel /月野木ちろる 【あにまーれ】]. (2021, February 7). 【初配信】 第1話 私があにまーれに入っても? -30分であなたを虜に👀✨月野木ちろるデビューディナーショー💃✨- 【#月野木ちろる / #あにまーれ [Video]. YouTube.
  11. Tsukinoki, T. [Tirol Channel /月野木ちろる 【あにまーれ】]. (2021, February 8). 【自己紹介/Self-introduction】 第2話 新人がいっぱい!【#月野木ちろる -Tirol Tsukinoki-/ #あにまーれ -Animare-】 [Video]. YouTube.
  12. Tsukinoki, T. [@tirol0_0lorit]. (2021, November 12). ただいま戻りました!  13日(土)19時 活動再開帰還配信を 予定しております [Tweet]. Twitter.
  13. Tsukinoki, T. [Tirol Channel /月野木ちろる 【あにまーれ】]. (2021, November 13). ただいまみんな!!!!! 【#おかえり月野木 / #月野木ちろる -Tirol Tsukinoki- / #あにまーれ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  14. Tsukinoki, T. [Tirol Channel /月野木ちろる 【あにまーれ】]. (2022, February 11). 【#月野木ちろる新衣装】ちろるルート攻略! EXエピソード開放! -あにまーれ勤務後、私服に着替えて向かう先は…?‐【#月野木ちろる / #あにまーれ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  15. 774 inc. [@774inc_official]. (2023, March 19). 【大切なお知らせ】774inc.は2023年3月21日より全グループ・全所属タレントを統合し『ななしいんく』として1つになります! ▽詳細はこちら 引き続きご支援・ご声援のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  16. Tsukinoki,T. [Tirol Channel /月野木ちろる 【ななしいんく】]. (2024, April 5). 2年ぶりの再会‐Jackalope is here‐【月野木ちろる‐Tirol Tsukinoki‐/ななしいんく】 [Video]. YouTube.
  17. BreakersEN. (2020, June 25). [Announcement] The 17Live V-Livers Stream into Battle Crossover Event will begin on (UTC) Thursday, June 25th after maintenance! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  18. 774inc. [@774inc_c99]. (n.d.). 774inc.夏グッズ&ポップアップストア『ななしいんく ばけ〜しょん!』開催決定! A-1 Picturesによる 特別描き下ろしイラストです🏝 そして 7/22〜8/1 までポップアップストアも開催! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  19. Tsukinoki, T. [Tirol Channel /月野木ちろる 【あにまーれ】]. (2021, May 8). 【活動再開!】 今後も元気に活動するにあたってのお話  【#月野木ちろる -Tirol Tsukinoki- / #あにまーれ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  20. Tirol Tsukinoki 月野木ちろる [Website]. (n.d.).