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Umitsuki Shell (海月シェル) is a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber. She is a Mermaid Songstress (人魚歌姫 / Ningyo Utahime ), and began streaming on 28 October 2020.

Introduction Video[]


【初投稿】海月シェル -Vtuber自己紹介ラップ【新人Vtuber-オリジナル曲】

Shell's introduction.



Umitsuki Shell Short Q&A


On her original model, she comes up with pink, long braided hair style, decorated with tiny pearls, starfish and fin accessories. Her costume design gives her a Mermaid-Diva persona with Frills all over her upper body and skirt. Her Clamshell like skirt design and Goldfish's tail like Hagoromo / Robe with huge ribbon on backside of her skirt.

She's accompanied with Clutch (クラッチ), an AI Jellyfish.

On her deep sea version, it's a dark colored of original version, gives her a menacing, mysterious and darker aura. Most of her outfit, hair and eye color got recolored. Clutch also got recolored to dark purple.


Shell is a mermaid that was born in a virtual aquarium. She was raised there, and also taught to perform. She lives there to this day, and she also streams from this location.

She is a cheerful mermaid who loves to talk and sing. She tends to laugh and giggle after every other sentence, giving off a very bubbly and jolly presence. She has a tendency to get overexcited by cute things, whether it be her designer's artwork, a cute marshmallow message, or even her own model. Despite her excitement and constant giggling, she very rarely raises her voice, keeping an almost-sleepy tone throughout her streams.

She has a dream of doing collaboration with real world Aquarium.

Streaming Activities[]

Her streaming theme is called Virtual Aquarium. She mainly doing Singing and Gaming Stream. Sometimes chit-chat, ASMR situation voice or ASMR lullaby singing. Stream begins with こんシェル / Konshell as greeting and ends with おつシェル / Otsushell as farewell greeting. Her fanbase is called シェルリウム / Shellrium.

She has various catchphrases, for example, whenever a viewer sends her a Superchat, she responds with Naisupafupafu / ナイスぱふぱふ a wordplay of Nice Supa (superchat) and pafupafu / puff-puff and proceeds to thank the sender with 'thank you' with every language she knows based on sender's currency. When a viewer joins her membership channel, she (and the channel members) will respond with ないす入館 (Nice Entry !). Sometimes she will randomly say her unique catchphrases such as Sateto Poteto / さてとポテト or Shu! / シュツ and fans responded with special membership stamps.



On her debut, she released her original song called "VTuber 自己紹介ラップ / VTuber Jikoshoukai Rap" (VTuber Self Introduction Rap song) which also serves as her introduction.


On March 2021, during AZKi's Don't Stop the Music 3 / 音楽を止めるな3 VTuber event, her original song, VTuber Self Introduction Rap Song got featured at 551st queue.[1]

On April 17th, she released VTuber一問一答自己 / VTuber Short Q&A. She allows Rookie VTubers to download and use this video template to introduce themselves and post them to twitter #VTuber一問一答自己紹介 On June 2021, this template went viral in twitter and become sort of trend among Japanese and Overseas VTubers[2]

On 3 June, she released 2nd original song, 恋するバーチャルアクアリウム / Koi Suru Virtual Aquarium and reached 7000 subscribers on the same day. After reaching 7000 subscribers, she announced a new outfit and at 12 June, she did a live stream with her new outfit.[3]

On 30 June birthday countdown stream when the clock hits 00:00 midnight, she revealed a new outfit, this time with Fish tail on lower body instead of human legs, just like a true mermaid. On the same day, she released her 3rd original song, Luce ( Italian language for 'Light'). She also got a new custom made mic illustration.

On 14 July, She reached 10,000 subscribers.

On 10 August, Due to the popularity of her VTuber Q&A Introduction video worldwide, she decided to release an English version, which also available to download and use for English speaking vtubers.

On 24 October, she released her 1st Album, named Shellrium.[4]

On 26 October, she celebrated her 1st year anniversary and she revealed another new outfit, Ryuuguu outfit, which takes inspiration from Otohime, a character from Japanese Fairy Tale, Urashima Tarou along with new exclusive mic design.[5]


On 7 May, she revealed her new 3D model and held a 3D live show with an aquarium themed stage . Kanduki Ama also appeared as guest cameo (not as 3D) and both of them had a singing collab. [6]


  • Her name 海月 can also be read as Kurage or Jellyfish. Her AI Jellyfish companion name, Clutch (クラッチ/ Kuracchi), is a also wordplay from Kurage (Jellyfish).
  • She belongs to an unofficial group called まさる家 or Masaru Family, which its members share the same character designer, Masaru. The members frequently did a collab stream with each other.
  • Shell's birthday is on 30 June, which is Mermaid Day in Japan (人魚の日).
  • She tends to refer to YouTube in a comparably cute fashion, often calling it Youtube-tan.
  • According to intro video, other than singing, she's also good at cooking and piano. She demonstrated her skill with piano during 10k commemoration stream
  • Her favourite game series is Dragon Quest.
  • Her favorite color is Pink.
  • She loves ice cream and sea water.
  • She is bad with horror games.
  • She hates bugs and insects.
  • She admires her designer mama (Masaruママ) and Sakana-kun (real life Japanese ichthyologist).
  • She loves to sing anime songs, Vocaloid and English (Disney and Western) songs.

External Links[]


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