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Utai Makea (歌衣メイカ) is a female and male Japanese Virtual YouTuber and a virtual cosplayer. Their female form is named "Makea"[9] while their male form is called "Meika".[10]

Introduction Video



Makea's introduction.



Meika's introduction.


Aiming to be the world's no. 1 manliest man amongst men.[11] - Meika (♂), on YouTube

Born to be the manliest man in the galaxy.[12] - Meika (♂), on Twitch

Makea (♀) is the illustrator "parent" (mother) of the virtual Utai family. She is now in a producer role (also known as MakeaP), with Meika (♂) having taken over as their public face and streaming form.[13]


The female Makea has a cooler, calmer, and more collected personality and tone of voice, in contrast with the male Meika who has a louder and more chaotic personality.


Makea has long, sandy white hair with yellow highlights. Her eyes have yellow irises. Her hair typically covers her right eye. Her long hair is tied off to the left by her shoulder with a red hair tie. For her original design, on her body she wears a long gray knitted turtleneck sweater and sheer stockings on her legs.

Meika has short, slightly spiky sandy grayish-white hair with yellow highlights. His eyes have yellow irises and his hair covers his left eye, the opposite of Makea's. He wears a black hairband in his hair and he has sharp teeth. For his original design, on his body he wears a grey jacket with yellow accents and dark pants.



Makea's Twitter account was created on February 2018. Meika's Twitter account was made on September 2019. Their main channel was created on 12 February 2018.


On 2 January, Makea announced that she was going to make Meika the main focus of the channel, and that she was going to become his producer.[13]


On 21 December, it was announced that Meika would receive a new model.[4] It was unveiled on 24 December.[14] The new model was illustrated by K-SUWABE[1] and modeled by Kanbutsu Himono.[3]




  • On 22 August, Meika participated in Apex Legends VTuber Most Cooperatitive Tournament Season 3 (VSaikyou 3) together with Yakumo Beni and Odanobu as team "Obekka" (おべっか). Their team placed 16th in the overall ranking and won a PC as Shibuya Hal's special prize for placing his favorite number.[16]
    • Their team also won first place in the "Epe (Apex) Musume Legend Derby" relay racing event held on the night before the VSaikyou 3 main tournament.[17]


  • On 24 August, Meika participated in the Apex Legends VTuber Most Cooperatitive Tournament Season 6 (VSaikyou 6) together with dtto. and Aki Rosenthal as team "Predator to Issho" (ぷれでたーといっしょ). Their team placed 13th in the overall rankings.[18]

Mascot & Fans

  • Makea's mascot & pet bird is named "Poumu" (ポウム).


  • "Utai-ke" (歌衣家, Utai Family) - Makea, Utai Itsumi and Utai Azumi.
    • A virtual family group consisting of Makea and the independent VTubers Utai Itsumi and Utai Azumi who they designed. They are considered Makea's "daughters."
  • "Mibare-zu" (身バレーズ) - Makea and Nejimaki Katari.
    • A duo between Makea and Katari, who was originally Makea's IRL friend, and who they invited to become a VTuber after they found out Makea's identity. Makea designed Katari's model.
  • "Kando 3000-bai" (漢度3000倍, Manliness 3000x) - Meika, Virtual Gorilla and Inui Shinichiro.
    • Formed for the VSaikyou Apex tournament.
  • "A.I.M." - Meika, Astel Leda and Kanade Izuru.
  • "Kansai Noises" (関西ノイジーズ) - Meika and Yukoku Roberu.
  • "Kansai Noises" (乾西ノイジーズ) - Meika, Yukoku Roberu and Inui Shinichiro.
    • The difference between this group name and the one with just Meika and Roberu and is that this one replaces the first character used in "Kansai" (関) with the character used in Inui's name (乾).
  • "Obekka" (おべっか) - Meika, Yakumo Beni and Odanobu.
    • Formed for the VSaikyou 3 Apex tournament.
  • "Predator to Issho" (ぷれでたーといっしょ, Together with Predators) - Meika, dtto. and Aki Rosenthal.
    • Formed for the VSaikyou 6 Apex tournament.
  • "Karasu" (鴉, RAVEN) - Meika, Kuzuha, Ex Albio, Ibrahim, Fuwa Minato, Kanae, Murakumo Kagetsu, Shibuya HAL, Limone-sensei and Pocky Sweets.
    • This group is a gang formed in December 2024 during the Vaultroom x Crazy Raccoon (VCR) GTA season 3 event.


  • Makea is the original character designer for themselves, Utai Itsumi, Utai Azumi and Nejimaki Katari.
  • They know how to 3D model and has streamed the 3D modelling of Meika.[19]
  • In an old description of their channel, they say "5歳まで男でした 17歳まで女でした いろいろあって男と女で分離しました 18歳の今は、女が男をプロデュースすることになりました。", which translates to "I was a man until 5 years old, a woman until 17. Various things happened, and I divided into a man and a woman. Now, at 18 years of age, the woman has decided to manage the man." This has since been changed.
    • The tutorials, the art streams and most of the prerecorded videos feature Makea (♀), while the collaborations with other streamers and the singing streams/videos are made mostly by Meika (♂).
    • No matter the kind of content, they explicitly asked to respect the identity of the VTuber in the video/stream.[20]
    • Initially, Makea (♀) and Meika (♂) were active on two different channels, with Makea's being more active.
  • They frequently collaborate with their real mother, father and younger brother, named "Raito" (ライト) in both gameplay and singing videos, as can be seen in this playlist.
    • In this playlist there are also collaboration videos with the other members of the virtual Utai family (VTubers that Makea has illustrated), Utai Itsumi and Utai Azumi, along with Makea's real life friend Nejimaki Katari.
  • The given name Meika is the Japanese reading for the English phrase "Make a (...)".[21]
    • Makea and Meika are spelled differently, but pronounced the same as they share the same katakana characters (メイか).
  • During FPS streams (e.g. Apex Legends), Meika always places a very small translucent overlay (usually their mascot/pet bird Poumu) in the middle of the screen, just above where the in-game crosshair would be.

External Links


Twitter hashtags

Further readings


  1. 1.0 1.1 KSUWABE. (2021, December 24). 歌衣メイカさんの新ビジュアル等を担当させていただきました!よろしくお願いいたします! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  2. Kanbutsu, H. [himono_vtuber]. (2020, June 11). いままでにLive2Dを担当したVtuberさんもご紹介します [Tweet]. Twitter.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Kanbutsu, H. [himono_vtuber]. (2021, December 24). VTuber・歌衣メイカ君の新ビジュアルLive2Dを担当しました!!! [Tweet]. Twitter.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Utai, M. [meikahaotoko]. (2021, December 21). 👊👊!重大告知!👊👊 12月24日(金)19時から!20歳になった俺が、お前らに成長した姿を魅せる😤 [Tweet]. Twitter.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 『VTuber スタイル AllGuys BOOK』株式会社アプリスタイル [Magazine]. (n.d.). Appli Style.
  6. Utai, M. [メイカちゃんねる]. (2024, September 4). 【重大告知有】誕生日記念!!たんまりの告知となんと新衣装お披露目でぁ!!!!!!!【歌衣メイカ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  7. Q&A [Web Page]. (n.d.). Wixsite.
  8. 歌衣メイカ🏠ファンアートクソコラ反応用アカ! [Web Page]. (n.d.). Twitter.
  9. Utai MakeaP [Web Page]. (n.d.). Twitter.
  10. 歌衣メイカ👊 [Web Page]. (n.d.). Twitter.
  11. Utai, M. [メイカちゃんねる]. (n.d.). About [Web Page]. YouTube.
  12. Utai, I. [歌衣メイカ]. (n.d.). About [Web Page]. YouTube.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Utai, M. [メイカちゃんねる]. (2020, January 2). 【大事なご報告】歌衣メイカの今後の活動につきまして。 [Video]. YouTube.
  14. Utai, M. [メイカちゃんねる]. (2021, December 24). 【#歌衣メイカ新ビジュアル】漢気役満1回毎に情報公開!!視聴者参加型だから!力を貸してくれ!!!!【詳細は概要欄!】 [Video]. YouTube.
  15. Vtuber Most Cooperatitive Tournament [Web Page]. (n.d.). Liquipedia.
  16. Vtuber Most Cooperatitive Tournament #3 [Web Page]. (n.d.). Liquipedia.
  17. Ape Musume Legend Derby [Web Page]. (n.d.). Liquipedia.
  18. Vtuber Most Cooperatitive Tournament #6 [Web Page]. (n.d.). Liquipedia.
  19. Utai, M. [メイカちゃんねる]. (2020, May 5). そろそろ3Dモデル触りますか;;;;雑談作業配信4日目【#歌衣メイカ】 [Video]. YouTube.
  20. Utai, M. [メイカちゃんねる]. (2019, January 24). 視聴者が何気なくはなった言葉に歌衣メイカが激怒し、”ヤバすぎる対応”で大炎上?! (Official Translation: Utai Meika is being flamed for reacting too violently to a viewer's innocent question?!) [Video]. YouTube.
  21. Utai Makea's about page on their official website.