VCast is a production group originally created by VTuber community members Shosan Rose and OneTrueMitch, in which crew members come together to collaborate in various types of content creation. The group produces different types of content largely revolving around comedic commentary.
VCast Podcast[]
The VCast Podcast is an official weekly podcast largely focusing on comedic commentary on popular culture of the week including video games, recent news, twitch features, sport and upcoming projects. The podcast does not focus on any one topic, but instead bounces around from news to video games to stories from the life of the VCast members, with appearances by other crew members and special guests. The podcast is hosted and produced by Shosan Rose.
Unlike many podcasts, VCast doesn’t have a predetermined time limit. The standard run time for each episode is between 60 and 180 minutes. Although the format of the podcast is strictly two-dimensional, the podcast has a set made up of many different interchangeable components.
On July 27, 2020, Shosan Rose announced the pilot episode for a new podcast would be aired on Twitch publicly, similar to the ‘Off Topic’ podcast format, but with members of the VTuber community.
On August 6, 2020, the first pilot episode was released to members of the VTuber Community. After it received overwhelming support, the first official episode was released to the public on August 8, 2020 which included Rose, OneTrueMitch, JackTW, and 3d_SoReal “Low”. Rose served as the main host of the show and makes the most frequent appearances alongside other VCast crew members and special guests. OneTrueMitch served as the secondary host by making the second most frequent number of appearances on the podcast next to Rose.
On December 20, 2020, Shosan was interviewed by JohnLovesAnime, where he teased the idea of VCast expanding it’s activities and scope in 2021 with the inclusion of ‘VCast Plays’, a separate segment under the VCast name, where crew members come together and play games.
On January 30, 2021, the podcast was renamed to the “VCast Podcast”, to make room for “VCast Plays”. Since then, VCast has served as an umbrella term to encompass all segments and activities.
On May 9, 2021, the podcast went on an extended hiatus as quarantines came to a close and schedules started to ramp up, with activities halting as of September 5, 2021.
On July 11, 2023, it was announced that VCast would resume activities later in the year, starting with the VCast Podcast. On October 18th applications reopened for GEN I: REBOOT. It was also teased that there will be more special guests and a stronger community presence was planned.
Gen 1: REBOOT[]
Previous Talents and Guests[]
OneTrueMitch | JackTW | 3d_SoReal “Low” | Miyu |
AmayaaBlank | BlaiddVT | Sweaty | Maeowi |
Lavendarlingxo | Pudlinq | EmberSpyre | YummiMaiChi |