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Watagashi Unou (わたがし うのう) is a female Japanese Indie Virtual YouTuber. She is the VTuber persona (dubbed as "official mascot character") of YouTuber, voice actress and former idol Misumi Yuuka.

Introduction Video[]


【お披露目】はらわたから初めまして…!【わたがし うのう】

Unou's introduction.


Unou is very soft-spoken and speaks politely, yet has some odd personality quirks. Unou will turn to stare into the camera and will address the viewer directly at times of duress or failure. She very rarely gets angry at games and speaks in a soft, polite voice.



Her channel was created on 1 March 2021, her Twitter account was created on February 2018. She originally streamed with face cam. She debuted on YouTube as a Vtuber on 16 July 2022.[1]


  • Her favorite motto is【能ある鷹は爪を隠す】[2]
  • As demonstrated on her debut stream[1], she doesn't know the location of most of the organs on the human body.
  • Her character illustrator, Saine, has also designed Kamishiro Kurea, Sephira Su, Hoshikage Lapis and Suzuhara Lulu. All together known as Saine sisters.
  • According to her, her right brain (Unou, 右脳) is the most developed, while her left brain (Sanou, 左脳) isn't working most of the time, and so she's not good at mathematics and memorizing.
  • Her Surname Watagashi(わたがし) comes from the Cotton Candy(綿菓子) and also from Harawata (Innards) from Misumi no Harawata (Her channel's name).
  • She can do sit ups 35 times per minute, side jumps 63 times per minute and shuttle run 70 times per minute.
  • Her greeting is 'konwatagashi~' and farewell is 'otsuwatagashi~'.


  • Her surname Watagashi means "cotton candy" (綿菓子), and it also comes from wata from Harawata from her channel's name "みすみのはらわた" (Misumi's innards). Her given name Unou (右脳) means the right brain as she stated that is most active side of her brain.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Watagashi Unou [【お披露目】はらわたから初めまして…!【わたがし うのう】] (2022, July 16) 【お披露目】はらわたから初めまして…!【わたがし うのう】[Video File] Retrieved from
  2. "A smart hawk hides its talons"